Oh, how I wish this were a series of histories, so they could get deeper on post-TOS series. As is, this is a little repetative. Bryan Fuller is the interview MVP and I'm sad all over again that he had to step away from running Discovery.
Oh, how I wish this were a series of histories, so they could get deeper on post-TOS series. As is, this is a little repetative. Bryan Fuller is the interview MVP and I'm sad all over again that he had to step away from running Discovery.
Good thing I waited until my long drive to listen to the post-Enterprise part of this book, so I can scream my frustration with no fear of reprisal.
Turns out they reaaaaaalllly needed a pronunciation guide for all the various readers (for both Trek names and real life ones).
Gettin' real emotional hearing about the end of DS9.
Turns out that the beginning of this book isn't something to listen to sans headphones unless you want to run the risk of coworkers hearing about waves of cum. #thanksGene
The second volume of this oral history of Star Trek lacks the focus of part one (which covered the Kirk & Spock era from the Original Series through Star Trek VI) but makes up for it in diversity of content (it looks at all three 24th century-set spin-offs, Generations through Nemesis, the prequel Enterprise, and both JJ Abrams films). A tribute to the lasting power and malleability of Trek, this is a great read for all Trekkies. 🖖🏼🖖🏼🖖🏼🖖🏼
A great long book that took over four months to read...but totally worth it in the end. Great for any fan of Star Trek who wants to get the comprehensive behind the scenes look at what really went down during the writing process. 5 out of 5 in my book.
#bookstagram #bookreview #instabooks #startrek #thenextgeneration #ds9 # voyager #enterprise
Putting this book on hold for a while after finishing the chapter on Deep Space Nine (which was super interesting, and a lot more upbeat than the lengthy section on TNG). I'm just not ready to delve into Voyager and Enterprise right now... 🖖🏼
So far the biggest takeaway from volume two of this oral history of Star Trek is that Patrick Stewart was sort of a dick.
As a lifelong Star Trek fan, I loved this book (and its companion about the first 25 years). I was afraid it might ruin the magic of the show for me, but I found that it only enhanced my love for the franchise. Highly, highly recommended (and yes, that is a Geordi LaForge mug I had autographed by LeVar Burton).
Coffee and a book on a Saturday morning #booksandcoffee #bookstagram #startrek #startrek50
Thanks to @Kenny for letting us know about Brazos Bookstore getting robbed today. Hope my small order will help them.
Stephen Hawking on the set of Star Trek: The Next Generation -- "Would you lift me out of my chair and put me into the captain's seat?"
I am actually crying.