A very enjoyable short story and a really easy read, it‘s not the best written thing but I think it would beat a reading slump!
The narrator is also very similar to Percy Jackson and will make you smile.
A very enjoyable short story and a really easy read, it‘s not the best written thing but I think it would beat a reading slump!
The narrator is also very similar to Percy Jackson and will make you smile.
Fun novella I read recently with a #onewordtitle . #riotgrams #queerbooks #novella
A short story to fall in love with, with a m/m superhero/super villain romance that I found absolutely adorable. Jamie was a strong character with a sarcastic attitude but deeply caring underneath. Tad someone so serious after going through tragedy he made the perfect cold to Jamie's hot. I love short stories and this was actually a twitter rec than I'm so glad I picked up. I love anything superhero related anyways.
What's that you say? I have an $8 B&N credit? Not anymore! This is Book Haul: Novella Edition! I've found that libraries rarely carry the novellas I want to read, so they end up on my wishlist forever - so glad I remembered to buy some with this credit! Looking forward to all of these! #readnovellas #bookhaul
Oh my goodness, everyone, run don't walk to grab this novella!
1. It's lovely and happy, a bubblegum story about supersidesicks!
2. It's a sweet, teen romance between two young men.
3. The main characters are an intern for a superhero and an inter for a supervillain.
4. It's a novella! A bite-sized with all the story arc, but less effort.
10/10 Spice Girls
This novella is perfect. There are superheroes and supervillains all over the place, but what does it mean to be "good" or "evil?" Plus, how hard is it to be the normal person around the supes? You get kidnapped, maybe fall in love with the supervillain's cute apprentice....
Highly readable, highly adorable.