One final play yet to see at the Stratford Festival before heading home tomorrow. Brad Fraser‘s adaptation has a gay Richard II and is set in New York in the disco clubs of the late 70s and early 80s. Can‘t wait!
One final play yet to see at the Stratford Festival before heading home tomorrow. Brad Fraser‘s adaptation has a gay Richard II and is set in New York in the disco clubs of the late 70s and early 80s. Can‘t wait!
Oddly, for not being my favorite of Shakespeare‘s plays ('Hamlet') or one of the #Bard5 ('Hamlet' · 'Romeo and Juliet' · 'Macbeth' · 'Julius Caesar' · 'Much Ado About Nothing'), this History play has gotten quite the workout in the past few years!
I‘ve actually just re-read the play for the third or fourth time now and am wrapping the month up with some literary criticism, podcasts and stuff ?
#20Series20Days Day 5: The History Tetralogies
The eight plays from Richard II through Richard III are a continuous story about the Wars of the Roses and a sustained meditation on power and legitimacy. Plus: action, comedy (f**n Falstaff, y'all), and some of the most brilliant sentences ever written. They also span a master's career from awkward early works to the peak of his craft. Watch the BBC series The Hollow Crown. Then read em.
From Act III Scene 2. I‘ve read almost all of Shakespeare‘s plays, but only recently picked up Richard II. The language is stunning (no shock) and the interwoven imagery is a master class in thematic language. Also, I feel sympathy for Richard in spite of everything. My usual position is ‘eat the rich‘ but I can shed a tear for this disastrously flawed royal.
Next up in my project of reading all the traditionally canon Shakespeare plays while I work at the globe. This is one of the biggies I‘ve never seen or read, it‘s one of my friends faves tho so excited to read it.
“let us sit upon the ground
And tell sad stories of the death of kings; How some have been deposed; some slain in war,
Some #haunted by the ghosts they have deposed;
Some poison'd by their wives: some sleeping kill'd;
All murder'd: for within the hollow crown
That rounds the mortal temples of a king Keeps Death his court”
#quotsyoct18 @TK-421
Just seen this is on at the Sam Wanamaker next spring! Really want to go, I‘ve never seen this one
I know everyone finished this already, but I figured we could all have one place for final thoughts. Today is the day for Act V on the schedule and all. If nothing else...WHOSE READY FOR MACBETH?! I do love that play (too)!!! lol
#shakespearereadalong #shakespeare #richardII
I didn't expect to really enjoy this play. I hadn't ever read any of Shakespeare's Histories of England before and expected it to be pretty dry. But it was so fascinating! The pictures and semantic explanations in the Folgers copy drew me in, and I had a great time comparing the true history (as far as I already knew or learned while reading the play) to Shakespeare's representation for dramatic and characteristic effect.
Bolingbroke somehow looks more ridiculous than threatening in this woodcut from my Folger edition. #shakespearereadalong
I was afraid of Shakespeare's historical plays but ol' Will proved me wrong again. Of course in rendering a King as a character worthy of empathy, he would give us Richard ll as a kind of poet-king, a ruminative Hamlet wearing a crown. And Richard gets some gorgeous lines. I also loved the garden imagery, with the idea of England as "this other Eden, demi-paradise" falling to ruin because of an inept "gardener" (the King). #ShakespeareReadAlong
I don't know if any of you use this service, but my library just subscribed to Kanopy, and it's so fun! It's all movies/videos but not bestsellers. More indies, classics, and lectures. But anyway, I found a few videos related to Richard II--both Shakespeare's play and historical fact--so I took a break from reading the play to watch a few today!
@Jess_Read_This @GingerAntics
I'm catching up but still behind on this one, especially since most of you have finished early. I'm following the discussion, though, since there can't really be spoilers...
@GingerAntics Here's the picture of the pelican from my copy--believed to feed its babies its own blood, as suggested in Act 2, Scene 1.
And we will be reading Macbeth next everyone, hosted by me! Get your hands on a copy, and I will post a schedule soon!
More photos from Act IV. This photoset is pretty much the entire act...but of course it is far more complex than that. I read an article in Newsweek about the second run of this production and loved how the interviewer described this scene... HEEEEEEEEEEEEERE COUSIN!!! 😂
#Shakespeare #shakespearereadalong #RichardII #DavidTennant #nigellindsay #rsc #theatre
Act IV
Just once scene in this act. Nice and simple and quick. A few people (at least) actually finished it off. This week. It‘s all down hill from here. A lot went on in this one little act. What did you guys think?
#Shakespeare #shakespearereadalong #richardII
I actually really liked this play. Yes, Richard is a twat, but he‘s been told his entire life he‘s God‘s chosen one. He‘s been king since he was ten and he‘s always been told it was God‘s will that his butt be on that throne. Henry isn‘t any better than Richard, honestly. I don‘t like him (more so than Richard) because he totally rejects the social constructs of his time and throws everyone into chaos (and starts at least a few wars to boot).
Richard isn‘t the only one who thinks God gave him his throne and authority. Carlisle in Act IV and York in Act V refer to Richard in these terms as well. This was the culture of the day. It is not our own, but it is theirs. Henry is totally rejecting social constructs, throwing English society into chaos and starting (at least) a few wars in the process.
#shakespeare #shakespearereadalong #RichardII #actIV #actV
Richard, about the Queen.
Richard isn‘t a very likeable character, but I still really like the relationship between him and his wife. I think it‘s that relationship that makes Richard human in this play.
#shakespeare #shakespearereadalong #richardII #KingRichard
The Queen, about Richard.
Richard isn‘t a very likeable character, but I still really like the relationship between him and his wife. I think it‘s that relationship that makes Richard human in this play.
#shakespeare #shakespearereadalong #richardII #thequeen
This one was ok. Just a glimpse of how Richard was dethroned and how Henry IV came to power.
Here's a great short history lesson of the English monarchy which helped. It's funny too.
@GingerAntics #shakespearereadalong
Not my favorite, but good for a historical play... basically I read ahead and finished it just so it would be done. I must just be in the wrong mood this month 🤷♀️ #ShakespeareReadAlong
“O let no noble eye profane a tear
For me, if I be gored with Mowbray‘s spear:
As confident as is the falcon‘s flight
Against a bird, do I with Mowbray fight.”
Trying desperately to catch up with the #ShakespeareReadalong
Can I just take a year off from work and just read? :)
Things aren‘t looking good for Richard in Act III. #shakespeare #shakespearereadalong #richardII #kingrichard #aumerle
Thoughts? Opinions? Questions? Comments? Snide remarks?
I know, I know--where the heck have I been? Working, planning, and sleeping. That's the short version. I wish I could be reading and posting here more. 😕But I'm halfway through Act II of Richard II, so hopefully I can get through Act III and jump in on discussions this weekend! Meanwhile, I will leave you with this image of The Fates from my copy.
@Jess_Read_This @GingerAntics
I'm trying to catch up! Here's the family tree from my library's Folger copy, although @Lcsmcat just posted a more extensive one on her page. Consulting this and the character list quite a bit, but I'm enjoying this play more than I expected. I'm also really liking the little nonfiction historical tidbits in this version for comparison to Shakespeare's retelling of events.
@Jess_Read_This @GingerAntics
Here‘s my contribution to the Plantagenet family tree. Hard to read on my phone, but in the iPad it‘s quite legible and is keeping the characters straight for me as well as helping me Google points of history. #shakespearereadalong
Alright, Act 2, here we go. How is it going? What are your thoughts so far? Anyone having success keeping everyone straight?
#shakespearereadalong #shakespeare #richardII
Does this help at all @GingerAntics
Watching the Derek Jacobi version of Richard II tonight. 😀 #shakespearereadalong @readinginthedark @GingerAntics
I don‘t know who made this, but I like it!!! I can‘t help thinking “this Dibley” at the end, though. At least Dibley is in England. lol #Shakespeare #RichardII #Shakespearereadalong #act2 #scene1
“Thou art a traitor and a miscreant,
Too good to be so, and too bad to live,”
💥Those be fighting words...Act 1 starts with a bang in Richard II. So many names and players, it seems a bit chaotic initially. Thankfully, the #ShakespeareReadAlong group has helped keeping it all sorted out!
#Shakespeare #TheBard #PelicanBook #CurrentlyReading
I hope everyone is enjoying Richard II so far. Act I has some very important events, because they shape the next four plays (and three kings in English history). I certainly can‘t imagine why. lol
#shakespearereadalong #shakespeare #RichardII
This time I‘m using a Folger‘s edition, instead of my eBook version. I think I might want footnotes for a history. #richardii #shakespearereadalong @GingerAntics
“Edward‘s seven sons...were as seven vials of his sacred blood, or seven fair branches springing from one root.”
Act I, Scene 2
#shakespeare #shakespearereadalong #richardII #familytree
This is probably really hard to see without the ability to zoom. Here is a link to the post on my tumblr account where you can zoom in and see all seven sons properly. lol
LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!! We‘re discussing Act I of Richard II this coming Saturday, so hopefully everyone has a copy now. If you haven‘t started reading, here is an excited, gleeful reminder. #RichardII #Shakespeare #Shakespearereadalong
I saw on FB this morning that the used bookstore in the next town over was closing and having a “bag sale” to clear out inventory. Husband: So I know where you‘re going today. Me: But I‘ve got so many to read already. Husband: It‘s not like they go bad. 😀 He‘s the best! And found a Folgers edition oh Richard II for the #ShakespeareReadalong. #bookhaul #husbandsoflitsy
Okay, so we‘re taking a bit of time to let people order this one since it‘s not as popular as some of the other plays. I also left a week open for Labor Day weekend.
Act I - 29 July - 4 Aug
Act II - 5 Aug - 11 Aug
Act III - 12 Aug - 18 Aug
Act IV - 19 Aug - 25 Aug
Labor Day Weekend
Act V - 26 Aug - 8 Sept
#shakespeare #RichardII #shakespearereadalong
Just as a quick poll before we schedule. Would anyone like a week “summer vacation” after TotS or would you prefer to jump right in to Richard II?
#shakespearereadalong #shakespeare #richardii
Pick your King Richard...pick your poison...
(from left to right) Ben Whishaw, Samuel West, Richard Pasco, and David Tennant, all as King Richard II.
And the next play we're reading is: Richard II. Who's finally ready to read a Shakespeare history? I am! This is the category of plays with which I am least familiar, so it will be very interesting. And your host for this one is @GingerAntics so make sure you keep an eye on her page for a schedule and tag her in your posts! #ShakespeareReadalong
A King trying to spread his power abroad, loses his kingdom at home. I have never enjoyed English history, but Shakespeare may change my mind.
Last day of #seductiveshakespeare. Thanks for hosting @jenniferw88. It's been fun finding something to post about each play or sonnet.
Thanks to @Lcsmcat @GinEyre22 @Blueberry @JacintaMCarter for great posts too! Doing this challenge has made me want to re-read some of his plays. So if anyone is interested in a Shakespeare buddy read, let me know!
This is our next play for my Shakespeare class. Every day is a good day to read Shakespeare #collegelife #englishmajor #shakespeare
I've never been able to do read-a-thons as real life keeps getting in the way! Last #24in48 tho, I was determined that planning would save the day. I had stacks of books, a ticket to see Richard II, and an all-clear from DH... and yet I ended up going to see a bunch of old guys play in a cover band instead ;-) Sorry to say, tho I won't be seeing The Hollywood Vampires this week-end, there's too much IRL stuff going on; but I wish you all the best!
This earth shall have a feeling, and these stones/Prove armed soldiers, ere her native king/Shall falter under foul rebellion's arms.
Day 9 - book made into a movie - I am having difficulty typing because I am doing a happy dance! My wonderful husband got me the Hollow Crown DVD set for my birthday it arrived yesterday!!! I cannot wait to see this! #septphotochallenge #somethingforsept