À propos of nothing, I always thought Bernard Hill would've been excellent casting for a biopic of William Morris. I wish that'd happened.
À propos of nothing, I always thought Bernard Hill would've been excellent casting for a biopic of William Morris. I wish that'd happened.
I had a really hard time keeping my attention on this book. It basically described a socialist dream utopia, but nothing really happened other than a trip up the Thames and a lot of discussion that did nothing to convince me this would ever work.
#1001books #Reading1001 #audiobook
My favourite Liverpool bookshop, News From Nowhere, posted on Facebook on Sunday in support of Transgender Day Of Visibility and some people did NOT like it. Please show them some love if you can, give their Facebook page a like, and maybe if you're in their neck of the woods pop in, buy some badges, some magazines, maybe even some books https://www.facebook.com/newsfromnowherebookshop/
If you‘re ever visiting Liverpool this is a must visit!
A man in 1890 falls asleep to wake up in an idyllic, communist world of sometime in the 21st century. What follows is mostly a Q&A between the man and the all so friendly and happy inhabitants of this future utopian world. It is interesting to read how Morris expected or wanted the world to turn out. The communists explain how they can live in a world without fear, without money, without war and without government. 👇👇
Today's news!
1️⃣ My father: he had an hours long coronography yesterday. They put in a stilt in each of 2 of his bypasses and in another artery, the one whose bypass had never taken. With all this, the cardiologist told him to go home, go back to his regular activities and allowed him to travel in June. His heart diagram shown. 🤷
2️⃣ Me news: I would say I'm at 75% and stalled. The headache is constant. Gah.
3️⃣ Writing news: Deadline tomorrow.
#IndieBookstore #AprilBookShowers
One of the many, many things I miss about Liverpool.
Talk about treasures! I went down to the Big River Steampunk Festival and came across an independent press that focuses on reviving Victorian fiction. Picked up an anthology of Victorian utopian and dystopian fiction. The editor was there, and signed it for me (cue internal fangirling). I love this festival for this very reason-I never know what I'm going to find :)