I couldn‘t stop this audio book! So good! I wish the series would go on. I need to know what happens to everyone!
I couldn‘t stop this audio book! So good! I wish the series would go on. I need to know what happens to everyone!
I liked this one, but not as much as others in the Wedding Belles series. The hero‘s years of pining for the oblivious heroine, and the heroine‘s conflict with her sister, were wrapped up pretty quickly and tidily. I love a happy ending though,so it‘s fine.
☕️☕️☕️.5/5: This was a good and sweet ending to a fantastic series! I will miss these characters with all my heart. The chemistry was once again hot and the friendships are still perfect and I still love them ❤️
Review: https://lattenightsreviews.com/review-giveaway-to-love-and-to-cherish-lauren-lay...
Like normal, Layne has created a wonderful cast of characters for this series. In the case of Alexis and Logan, we've seen them from other character's point of view for and now finally, we get an inside look at them. And I loved them even more. This book was such an easy and fun read. With all of her novels, I just want to sit down and read from start to finish in one full, reading swoop.
Lauren Layne does it again! Not my favorite in the series, but still a lovely story, worth the read.
"Funny how some dreams came to be and some stayed just that. Dreams."
#laurenlayne #toloveandtocherish #theweddingbelles #imagefromtheweb
I loved revisiting this group of friends and checking in with Jessie, Seth, Brooke, Josh and Heather. I‘m sad that this is the last book in the series, I was hoping for a fourth book about Jessie. While book two was definitely my favorite, I can still recommend this one as well. In fact, I can wholeheartedly stand behind this entire series as they have everything I look for in a good chick lit series; warmth, humor, fun, sex, and wit.
Lauren Layne is my go-to for contemporary romance and this Wedding Belles series didn't disappoint! I was really looking forward to To Love and to Cherish, the last one, and it wrapped everything up so well. An adorable, bespectacled British hero doesn't hurt anything either 😉#romantsy