#readingresolutions #feministfriday The two books on the bottom were in my storage stash, the others, shelves.Tagged book still on TBR.
#readingresolutions #feministfriday The two books on the bottom were in my storage stash, the others, shelves.Tagged book still on TBR.
For those of you who were wondering what my Progressive Postal Book Club is reading...this is my book this month!
First up for #NonFictionNovember is The Feminist Bookstore Movement by Kristen Hogan. It's fantastic so far, focusing on the book women and their queer anti-racist organizing. Hogan is a white lesbian but so far is awesome about her own privileged position and puts women of color front and center.
#nonfictionnovember2016 #nonfiction #academic #feminism #intersectionality #antiracism #socialjustice women of color #queerstudies
I took today off so I could have a nice long weekend... and since I have nothing better to do I decided to do a little #bookstoretourism in my fair city. I want to visit as many independent bookstores I can this weekend. First up was Resistencia Bookstore in the SE side of town. This bookstore focuses on indigenous cultures and political activism. It's small and welcoming and I'm definitely going to go back for readings in the future.