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Creation Lake: A Novel | Rachel Kushner
13 posts | 7 read | 3 reading | 13 to read
"Creation Lake is a novel about a freelance agent, a 34-year-old American woman of ruthless tactics and bold opinions and clean beauty, who is sent to do dirty work in France. "Sadie Smith" is how the narrator introduces herself to her lover, to the rural commune of French subversives on whom she is keeping tabs, and to the reader. We never learn her real name. Sadie has met her lover, Lucien, a young and well-born Parisian, by "cold bump"- making him believe the encounter was accidental. And like everyone she chooses to interact with, Lucien is useful to her, used by her. Sadie operates on strategy and dissimulation, based on what her "contacts," shadowy figures in business and government, instruct. First, these contacts want her to incite provocation. Then they want more. In this region of centuries-old farms and ancient caves, Sadie becomes entranced by a mysterious figure named Bruno Lacombe, a mentor to the young activists, who lives in a vast network of underground caves on his daughter's land and communicates only by email. Bruno believes that the path to emancipation from what ails modern life is not revolt, but a return to the ancient past before civilization. Just as Sadie is certain she's the seductress and puppet master of those whom she surveils, Bruno Lacombe is seducing her with his ingenious counter-histories, his artful laments, his own tragic story. Written in short, vaulting sections, Rachel Kushner's rendition of "noir" is taut, propulsive, and dazzling. Creation Lake is Kushner's finest achievement yet as a novelist, a work of high art, high comedy, keen insights, and unforgettable pleasure. From Rachel Kushner on the title: My character Bruno refers to "a deep cistern of voices, the lake of our creation" - meaning all of human history, the whole struggle in which chains of civilizations try to figure out how to live. He believes he can hear these voices underground. To me, "Creation Lake" suggests intrigue. Creation of what? In Sadie's case, a persona, a feint, a manipulation. But also in her case, the creation possibly of her own soul"--
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Creation Lake: A Novel | Rachel Kushner
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#BookerShortList has been announced. The good news is I have read 4.25 of the 6 and have Stone Yard Devotional on its way. The bad news is I have to finish Creation Lake and My Friends did not make the list. Glad to see James and The Safekeep on the list.

BarbaraBB I am sorry too that My Friends didn‘t make it. 4d
jlhammar Happy about James and Safekeep. Still need to read the other 4! 4d
squirrelbrain I‘m surprised that My Friends didn‘t make it either. 😞 4d
Ruthiella I just listened to Eric Karl Anderson‘s reaction video on YouTube and he was also sad that My Friends didn‘t make it. I will make it the one book I do read for sure. 4d
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Creation Lake: A Novel | Rachel Kushner
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This hasn‘t often happened: I read 5 out of the 6 shortlisted #Booker books! And I am quite happy with it. So many strong contenders that I think I can skip the tagged book, which is the one I haven‘t read and that doesn‘t appeal to me!

Deblovestoread You did fantastic! 4d
TheKidUpstairs I don't know why this slipped my attention before, but seeing them listed like this it is nice to see 5 of 6 are by female authors! 4d
Cathythoughts Well done 👍🏻 4d
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Leniverse They shortlisted the five books I have read! 😂 My next one up wasn't shortlisted though, so I guess I can't claim predictive powers. 4d
BarbaraBB @TheKidUpstairs That‘s cool! I didn‘t notice that either! 4d
BarbaraBB @Leniverse 😂😂 I didn‘t read many more either. I guess we just chose the right ones this time! 4d
jlhammar Curious to see what I make of Creation Lake. It will be my first Kushner. I was hoping we‘d get a US pub date for Stone Yard, but nothing yet. Guess I need to get a Blackwell‘s order placed! 4d
Jas16 I have read 4 of the 6 so I am pleased. Only The Safekeep which I have had on hold at the library since the long list came out and Stone Yard Devotional which I think is not yet out in the US. 4d
quietlycuriouskate I read James over the weekend: very happy to see him short-listed. Still looking forward to my library holds for The Safekeep and Stone Yard Devotional. I liked Held and Orbital well enough but wouldn't rate them as outstanding. Curious about Creation Lake. Still planning on reading those that didn't make the shortlist but I'm not in any hurry. 🙂 4d
kspenmoll @jlhammar I did go through Blackwell‘s for Stone Yard- do not have it yet. 4d
squirrelbrain Great that 5 are females authors! Barbara, you could always try the start of Creation Lake when we‘re at Gladstone‘s- see what you think. @Leniverse - my offer of borrowing my Kindle to read CL at Gladstone‘s still stands - I‘ll be bringing the Kindle but likely not reading from it myself. 4d
LeeRHarry Naturally very happy that Stone Yard Devotional made the list 😁 I have only read the shortlist once when Shuggie Bain won and don‘t really intend to do so again but will most likely read the winner. 😊 (edited) 4d
AnneCecilie I had only read 4 of the Longlisted books, so happy about 2 making the shortlist, but surprised that My Friends didn‘t make it. Since the announcement of the Longlist, my library has gotten all the shortlisted books, so then I‘ll give everyone a chance, it‘s som much easier to bail on library books 4d
BarbaraBB @Jas16 You‘ll have two good ones waiting for you eventually! 4d
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain I might take you up on that offer, thanks ! 4d
sarahbarnes Amazing work!! 4d
BarbaraBB @LeeRHarry Yes, I can see why 🇦🇺! The winner often isn‘t my favorite and I didn‘t like Shuggie Bain 🤷🏻‍♀️. I loved Stone Yard and the Safekeep! So I‘d read that one of if I were you 😀 4d
Leniverse @squirrelbrain Thanks, yes I doubt my library hold will come in anytime soon. Probably lucky if I get it this year! So I'll probably take you up on that offer! 4d
Graywacke You chose wisely, B. I hope Kushner doesn‘t win. ☺️ I‘m reading James. Will get to Orbital and Held. 4d
BarbaraBB @Graywacke Kushner could very well win, it remains the Booker Prize after all 😉, but I‘d be happy for all others to win the prize, even though I didn‘t like James or Held as much as earlier work by their authors. 4d
BookishTrish Tied! 4d
JenP I liked creation lake. Thought the shortlist was pretty strong so I‘m happy with it. Orbital was my least favorite on the list but I get why it made the list and I‘m not unhappy it‘s on there 4d
Suet624 @Jas16 somehow my Stone Yard Devotional is ready and waiting for me in my small Vermont library. I wonder how they have it if it‘s not available in the US. 3d
Jas16 @Suet624 That is fantastic and unexpected. I ended up ordering a copy from the UK in a moment of weakness. 3d
BarbaraBB @Jas16 You‘ll probably think it worth the money! And lucky you @Suet624 ! 3d
Suet624 @Jas16 I live very close to Canada. It‘s about an hour and a half away. I have this image of our librarians driving up there to buy the book and bringing it back here. 😊 3d
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Creation Lake: A Novel | Rachel Kushner
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The book that isn't a thriller. But what is it? A spy for big agriculture in France infiltrates a radical commune, and breaks into the emails account of a radical who lives in a cave and tries imagine Neanderthal life instead the destructive contemporary world. The spy narrates, has some nice wine and decent sex. But i thought it just didn‘t really go anywhere or do anything. So, so-so.

#booker #booker2024 #longlist

Suet624 Yeah, I think I‘m skipping this one. 5d
Deblovestoread I paused it. Might pick it back up if it‘s shortlisted. 5d
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BarbaraBB I am now doubting I‘ll pick it up even if it makes the shortlist! (edited) 5d
Graywacke @Suet624 there are better books 🙂 5d
Graywacke @Deblovestoread I struggled through the middle. Nothing doing. It picks back up eventually. 5d
Graywacke @BarbaraBB it could even win. 🙂 😳 5d
BarbaraBB Chances are high I suppose 🤦🏻‍♀️ 5d
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Creation Lake: A Novel | Rachel Kushner
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My 6th book from the TOB long list and my first by Kushner. There is no denying that she is very smart; I just couldn‘t bring myself to care about anything in this book. Not for me but getting rave reviews elsewhere.

BarbaraBB I haven‘t heard anyone really loving this book 6d
Jas16 @BarbaraBB I have read some professional reviews that seemed to really like it but maybe I read too many Goodreads reviews too. 6d
AmyG Oh wow. I thought this would have been good. Question for you- Have you read The God of the Woods - Liz Moore??? (edited) 6d
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Jas16 @AmyG I haven‘t. I tend not to read thrillers. They make me nervous. Do you think I should make an exception? 6d
AmyG It‘s not really a thriller….more of a mystery plus a dysfunctional, affluent family. If you are interested….I‘d love to send you a copy! 6d
Jas16 @AmyG That is so kind of you. I always trust your opinion and have seen all of the Litsy love so I would definitely be interested in reading it. 5d
AmyG Wonderful! I will send it out to you Tuesday. I have been passing this around to all my friends who have really enjoyed it. So hope you do, too! 😘 5d
AmyG And updating. Stuck home today, stomach virus…then away tomorrow. So I will mail next week. 3d
Jas16 @AmyG oh no!! I hope you feel better soon. Please even think about it. There is no rush at all. 3d
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Creation Lake: A Novel | Rachel Kushner
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I finished this #nbalonglist choice today, and it‘s definitely a “wtf did I just read, but I like it” book. A woman is sent to infiltrate a group of eco-extremists in Southern France. Honestly, that main plot was just okay, but when the MC gets into emails by the anthropologist who inspires the group — that was fascinating! Stuff about Neanderthals, the Cugot Rebellion, and Polynesian seafaring. Enthralling, but really out there!

Hooked_on_books I had decided not to read this before the longlist came out. 😂 Now I‘m going to give it a whirl and your review has me intrigued! At least I know it won‘t be boring! 1w
BarbaraBB I keep postponing this one. I am not much of a Kushner fan. The emails sound right up your scientific background alley ❤️ but I am not sure they‘re for me. Maybe if the book makes the Booker shortlist 🤷🏻‍♀️ 7d
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books I‘m really curious what you‘ll think of the addition of all this info. Made it a lot more interesting to me! 7d
Megabooks @BarbaraBB I‘m not sure you‘ll like it either 💜😘, but it was fascinating for me! 7d
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Creation Lake: A Novel | Rachel Kushner
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This one is a mix of environmentalism, spy thriller, and satire, but it also delves into anthropology and philosophy, which I found extremely interesting. The political intrigue also kept the plot moving nicely. This is a creative novel, and I can see why it landed on many award lists.

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Creation Lake: A Novel | Rachel Kushner
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Arrived yesterday, started today. This will be my sixth on the #booker #booker2024 #longlist

Ruthiella Have you read Kushner before? 2w
Graywacke @Ruthiella No. This is my first 2w
BarbaraBB I haven‘t heard much about this one yet. Very curious what you‘ll think! 2w
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TheKidUpstairs I'm reading this one as well. Not entirely sure how I feel about it yet, but I've only just started. 2w
Graywacke @BarbaraBB @TheKidUpstairs It reminds me of music where they intentionally overwhelm the amplifiers - although it might otherwise be a standard styles. I‘m only on page 35 🤷🏻‍♂️ (edited) 2w
BarbaraBB I needed a lot of concentration to read the two books I read by her and in hindsight I wonder if that was worth it. So I am a bit worried about this and will follow your thoughts closely. It will probably make the shortlist 😉 @TheKidUpstairs (edited) 2w
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Creation Lake: A Novel | Rachel Kushner
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While I‘d like to get to them all I definitely will get the tagged read first and go from there.


Creation Lake: A Novel | Rachel Kushner
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As someone who dislikes terrine, this makes me laugh. #booker2024 10/13

I‘m not very far in but I do love her writing style and humor

Creation Lake: A Novel | Rachel Kushner
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#booker #longlist 12/13

An odd book, but I rather liked it. ‘Sadie Smith‘ is a spy sent in to infiltrate a group of French provocateurs. Their shady leader, Bruno, sends emails to the group which Sadie becomes fascinated by. These emails are rather an excuse for the author to expound on topics such as pre-history, anthropology and philosophy but weirdly I didn‘t feel talked down to, unlike The Alternatives. It kept me hooked all the way ⬇️

squirrelbrain …through, until the rather disappointing ending. (What is it with book endings at the moment?!) Hence why it‘s not higher up in my shortlist, which will follow soon. (edited) 1mo
BarbaraBB Great review. I am no fan of Kushner so not sure if I‘ll read this one. 1mo
squirrelbrain It‘s the first of hers that I‘ve read @BarbaraBB and I probably would try more, based on this. 1mo
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rmaclean4 Looking forward to your short list. 1mo
BarbaraBB That is encouraging! If you want to read more, everybody except me loves 1mo
Graywacke Very encouraging. I haven‘t read Kushner before 1mo
Leniverse This sounds interesting, but I am so done with ambiguous endings (if that's what you're hinting at). Since I can't get it at the library I might wait and see if it makes the shortlist. 1mo
squirrelbrain Yes, rather ambiguous (again!) 🙄 @Leniverse If it makes the shortlist I‘ll bring my Kindle to Gladstone‘s and you can read it then! (edited) 1mo
Leniverse Ooh, that would be fab! ❤️ 1mo
TheKidUpstairs Do the emails ever merge into the narrative in a cohesive way? I'm enjoying Sadie's sections, but I'm finding the emails very off-putting, and I can't help but skim through them. Debating whether this one might be a bail for me. 2w
squirrelbrain No, they don‘t, not really @TheKidUpstairs 😬. It‘s more of the same throughout the book than a non-ending (again!) so if you‘re not liking it now, it doesn‘t really change. 2w
TheKidUpstairs @squirrelbrain good to know, thanks! 2w
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Creation Lake: A Novel | Rachel Kushner
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Hooray! The penultimate book that I needed from the Booker Longlist. 🎉

Only the Richard Powers to get now, but I requested that from NG back in May so I doubt I‘ll get it st this late stage. 🤷‍♀️

#booker #longlist #bookerlonglist

jlhammar Wow, that‘s awesome! 2mo
BarbaraBB Lucky you! 2mo
Chelsea.Poole 👏 2mo
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Creation Lake: A Novel | Rachel Kushner
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Perfect Monday book mail Creation Lake by Rachel Kushner one of my favorite authors.Thanks @ScribnerBooks for my copy.📚📚📚

Creation Lake: A Novel | Rachel Kushner
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Thank you, Goodreads, for this ARC. The best part about this book is that I learned a lot about the stars, the sea and early prehistoric life. I found the story very hard to follow. I‘m not sure who the American “spy” was out to get. I‘m also not sure why she was perusing them. Things just got very complicated at times, for me anyhow.