Finally finished. This one‘s been on the go for well over a year. Lots of beginner level info and a pretty good read.
Finally finished. This one‘s been on the go for well over a year. Lots of beginner level info and a pretty good read.
Not the best picture but there were baby ducks on my walk this morning. Now home and utterly exhausted but it was worth it. Time for a cold drink some reading and some rest.
I started reading this quite a while back and stopped. But coming back to it now.
My reading companion for this morning. She very rarely sits with people. She has always been a nervous girl since we adopted her
My #BasicWitchSwap aesthetic! Autumn 🍂 is when I feel most alive & magical! Nature is my version of church. Witchcraft (Practice & Fiction) are books I read a lot of. The Moon, Nature, The Elements, Wheel of the Year, candles and Books are all sacred to me. I‘m studying Tarot & Runes as well. Salem, MA is one of my favorite places to visit & is very important to me because it helped inspire my practice.
Just signed up for #SeptemberSwap this morning with @BennettBookworm & I cannot WAIT for #BasicWitchSwap sign-ups! Something to look forward to this Fall! 🖤📚🖤
🌻Visit their pages for more info!
The natural world is just as natural as it ever was, except there‘s less of it than there was twenty-five years ago—and most of us don‘t make a point of enjoying it often enough.
It has BEEN a few days, Littens. Lots of toxic people, spreading their toxicity & the worst part is that these are family members 🥺 But!!! This picture caught my attention & speaks to my soul. No one is going to tell me what to do with my magic! And tomorrow is another day to try again. Hope this brightens anyone‘s day who needs it. #littenswhoswear #cantstealmymagic
This is mainly to get my head in the right place for a writing project, but witchcraft and herbs and the effects of moon phases are always so interesting to me.