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Enlightenment: A Novel | Sarah Perry
23 posts | 22 read | 14 to read
A dazzling new work of literary fiction from the author of The Essex Serpent, a story of love and astronomy told over the course of twenty years through the lives of two improbable best friends. Thomas Hart and Grace Macaulay have lived all their lives in the small Essex town of Aldleigh. Though separated in age by three decades, the pair are kindred spiritstorn between their commitment to religion and their desire to explore the world beyond their small Baptist community. It is two romantic relationships that will rend their friendship, and in the wake of this rupture, Thomas develops an obsession with a vanished nineteenth-century astronomer said to haunt a nearby manor, and Grace flees Aldleigh entirely for London. Over the course of twenty years, by coincidence and design, Thomas and Grace will find their lives brought back into orbit as the mystery of the vanished astronomer unfolds into a devastating tale of love and scientific pursuit. Thomas and Grace will ask themselves what it means to love and be loved, what is fixed and what is mutable, how much of our fate is predestined and written in the stars, and whether they can find their way back to each other. A thrillingly ambitious novel of friendship, faith, and unrequited love, rich in symmetry and symbolism, Enlightenment is a shimmering wonder of a book and Sarah Perrys finest work to date.
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Hate to bail on this as I really liked The Essex Serpent and Melmoth but I‘m just over 100 pages and I don‘t feel invested at all and I‘ve sort of been just putting off reading it.

squirrelbrain The right decision, I think. It didn‘t change much - just drifted along, feeling rather long! 🤪 18h
BarbaraBB I haven‘t even tried and probably won‘t now! 17h
quietlycuriouskate Oh dear, this is my next up, after I've finished Richard Powers. 😐 16h
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Have to say I'm relieved to have finished this book. The synopsis was just what appealed but I found much of the story quite dreary and struggled to keep motivated. I liked some of the characters driven sections but overall it didn't entice.

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I seem to be in the middle of a bunch of titles that I would describe as "meditations." This one is relatively interesting, spanning the course of 20 years and dealing with events that happened well earlier, but it's also rather slow and kind of frustrating in the way that life is often frustrating...a whole lot of tedium punctuated by getting sort of what you want but not quite. So, a qualified pick for me.


Not as good as Essex Serpent (but the cross overs were enjoyable). But she writes beautifully, and lovingly about her characters flaws. One reviewer was annoyed about the closeted main character, but I found it believable in a strictly religious small town in the 90s


Hhhhmm, I found this quite irritating on a few levels. I didn't connect with any character, didn't feel the enlightenment. It was a disappointment as I adored her other 2 books.
However, the writing is good. I think this is a bit of a hit and miss with a lot of people.
#Booker #Longlist2024

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A book mostly about unrequited love, but also about how choices effect your life, faith, being different, astronomy and friendship.

Thomas is an older journalist and writer who gets interested in astronomy and a female astronomer that supposedly hunting a house. Grace is several decades his junior falling in love for the first time.

Another #Booker book read

AnneCecilie My relatively low rating of this book is because of my previous experiences with Perry. After all the buzz and hype for The Essex Serpent I was a little disappointed, but my expectations might have been too high. I liked Melmoth well enough when I read it and even enjoyed it. But when it comes to both of these books I‘ve mainly forgotten what they‘re about, and I‘m used to remember books I like, and there‘s nothing about Enlightenment that makes (edited) 1mo
AnneCecilie me think it will be any different. (edited) 1mo
squirrelbrain Great review - I didn‘t love this one either. 1mo
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Leniverse I am still waiting for this one from the library, but if it doesn't make the shortlist I might just cancel my hold. 1mo
charl08 It's tricky when you have expectations of an author. I feel like that about Matar. 1mo
AnneCecilie @Leniverse There‘s a lot of people that love Perry and if you haven‘t read her before this is probably a good place to start 1mo
AnneCecilie @squirrelbrain Thank you 😊 1mo
AnneCecilie @charl08 I know, only now my expectations were extremely low and that usually means that I fall in love with there book, but that didn‘t happen here. I loved the Marar, but don‘t what to add extra expectations to it 1mo
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I feel this is a Marmite book, people will either love it or hate it.

I‘m definitely in the “love” category.

After reading in fits and starts around work and other commitments during the week, I devoured the last 200 pages this afternoon. The writing style won‘t be too everyone‘s taste, but I loved the slightly old-fashioned vibe to it. I loved the characters, I felt their pain, their loss, their happiness.

My top read of ‘24 so far.

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“It was the restless period between summer and autumn, when it was never possible to guess the weather, or dress correctly for it.”

Describing Britain right now!!

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#booker #booker2024 #longlist

Just finished my 4th. I‘m of different minds. One is to take it as a tale on its own terms, slightly removed from reality. The other is to be annoyed at how it simplifies relevant concerns of reality. Another is just to acknowledge it was ok and be done with it. And another is to embrace Thomas and Grace, give them a pass, and a hug. I am not enlightened, not wowed. Not carried away. Maybe slightly provoked.

JenP Im hating this so much 😬. This author and I simply don‘t get along 2mo
Graywacke @JenP you‘re in it now? Well, don‘t expect it to change tone much. I think it‘s all laid out in 1997, and the rest is epilogue. 🙂 If it helps, give it leeway in reality and allow it its own simplified version. Or…just abandon the darn thing! 2mo
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JenP @Graywacke about 60 pages in. I have never abandoned a Booker nominee bc we review them for my blog but I have come closest to it this year. First with Strange eventful history and now with this one. I am struggling with the writing style. So much description 2mo
Graywacke @JenP Oh, i see. I didn‘t mind the prose. I wish you well. Maybe your reading brain will adapt to it. ?? 2mo
BarbaraBB I‘ll only read this one if it makes the shortlist. 2mo
AnneCecilie This is next up for me. I don‘t have the best experience with Perry so curious to find out how I find this. 2mo
squirrelbrain Great review! @JenP -I listened to this and I wonder if that might make it easier? It‘s the sort of book you can let drift past your ears - I think I‘d have really disliked it too had I read it in print. 2mo
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The Booker judges are trying their best to kill me

Avanders Hi!! 👋🏽 2mo
JenP @Avanders hey there! 2mo
Avanders I just wanted to say hi ☺️ It feels like it‘s been forever! Hope things are good with you! ♥️ 2mo
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JenP @Avanders I know, sooo long. All is good with me. I hope all is well with you too! 2mo
BarbaraBB I probably won‘t read this one. Just read @Graywacke ‘s review too. Unless it makes the shortlist. Then maybe. 2mo
squirrelbrain 😬 2mo
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Local newspaper columnist Thomas Hart is given a map of the stars + starts an obsession with a local woman who disappeared 100yrs before after recording an unknown comet. Sarah Perry weaves a story of unrequited love + loss of friendship, over 20 yrs from 97 to 2017, centered around the Bethesda Church Community of an Essex Town. I enjoyed this multi layered tale as T negotiates relationships including his yng friend Grace, + the long dead Maria.

Centique I really enjoyed this too. Im finding it sticks with me 😍 2mo
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My next book. At 24 pages in I can confidently say that whoever compared this with Byatt‘s Possession is nuts. ☹️🙂 It‘s told as a tale, complexities white-washed out. I‘m adapting, shouldn‘t be hard.

#booker #booker2024 #longlist

squirrelbrain Yeah, that‘s just nuts! 🙄 2mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
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I am in love with Thomas Heart. Strongest novel of Sarah Perry's that I have read. I hated Melmoth and thought The Essex Serpent was interesting. This book took my heart. The exploration of different love and the nature of time. This is one I want to reread. The way she would blur timelines as if "all life happened at once." 4.5 ? This would be on my #booker shortlist. @squirrelbrain @JenP @AnneCecilie @charl08 @JamieArc @BarbaraBB @Graywacke

Graywacke Congrats on finishing another. I‘m encouraged to see a positive review, and so positive. I haven‘t read Perry yet. 2mo
squirrelbrain Glad you loved it so much! 2mo
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Deblovestoread Great review! Gives me hope as I‘m starting it today. 2mo
jlhammar Really hoping I love this one - sounds very good and I enjoyed The Essex Serpent. 2mo
BarbaraBB Wonderful review. This will be my first Perry and I am starting to look forward to it! 2mo
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Mixed feelings about this #Booker24 longlisted novel. I've not read Perry before as the book blurbs didn't sound like my kind of book. After the early chapters, the archival/astronomical mystery pulled me into the story.

I assume she's reaching for deeper things about love and reciprocity given how much that came up, but this felt a bit forced and a stretch for me as a reader.
So not one I'd shortlist (but the panel may well! @squirrelbrain )

charl08 Image by Cornea Lucian via Unsplash 2mo
JenP Great review. I‘ve been delaying this one 2mo
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Graywacke Interesting! I‘m scared of the ghosts. I mean, of course, as literary tools. Outside Shakespeare, they don‘t lend themselves to deeper thinking. I should start this one next, and shortly. 2mo
BarbaraBB You have me intrigued while I was not looking forward to this one before. 2mo
squirrelbrain Great review! I‘d only read The Essex Serpent, which I didn‘t really like. I didn‘t mind this, but wished I‘d read it earlier @JenP to get it out of the way as it was a bit of a let down towards the end of my reading the list. 2mo
charl08 @JenP I think my low expectations helped with this one! 2mo
charl08 @greywacke I don't mind them in fiction, for some reason. Ghosthunting "reality" shows on the other hand are just painful....? 2mo
charl08 @BarbaraBB I liked it more than I expected to. Altho I'd have asked her to cut 100 pages if I was editing it. 2mo
charl08 @squirrelbrain it's not really my genre of fiction. Although I'm not really sure what genre that might be. Neo-victorian gothic? 2mo
Deblovestoread @squirrelbrain I didn‘t like The Essex Serpent either so do not have high hopes for this one. It‘s next up as my library hold just came in. 2mo
squirrelbrain No, I don‘t know what genre it‘s supposed to be either. The modern stuff (Nathan‘s green shoelaces etc) threw me at first as it felt so Victorian. 2mo
squirrelbrain I think I liked it better in audio than I would have done in print @Deblovestoread - although at least with print you can skim-read! 2mo
JenP @squirrelbrain I am leaving the powers to the end (because I typically love his books) and this one to the second to last 2mo
rmaclean4 I agree that it could have been 100 pages shorter, but I still loved it. 2mo
charl08 @squirrelbrain yes, I had to go back and check it was the 90s. 2mo
charl08 @rmaclean4 I do think it's a bit of a marmite book. There are a few friends I will be recommending this to as I think it will be their thing. 2mo
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If I were her I should go home and take my papers with me.

What is Essex, when there is Bucharest?

(Wikipedia image)

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'Not much of a party, either' - Lorna sighed and let out gusts of her powdery scent - 'does she have no friends at all? Still, where two or three are gathered together, there is Christ, in the midst.'

Nathan glanced quickly at the door, as if the Redeemer might have arrived in a taxi, delayed by the traffic, and ready to insist on good behaviour.

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I was so torn as to whether to give this a pick or a so-so. I went into it expecting not to like it, as I didn‘t enjoy The Essex Serpent at all, which many say is the author‘s best.

There was nothing that I loved about it, but I didn‘t hate it either. I‘m glad I listened on audio as it just burbled away in the background whilst I was commuting, but then I could have skim-read more in print.

My biggest issue was that it still felt very ⬇️

squirrelbrain Victorian, even though it was sent in the 1990s and after. I also don‘t like ghosts, and it was all quite depressing. After all that I still can‘t bring myself to give it a so-so. 🤷‍♀️ It must be a very soft pick instead, then! 🤪 2mo
squirrelbrain Oops forgot to put #booker #longlist 11/13 2mo
jlhammar Ha, your review has me thinking this might be right up my street - I hope so! And, as always, wow to the speed at which you conquer the longlist! 2mo
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JenP You are flying through these. I‘m not looking forward to this one. Maybe I will like it more than expected 2mo
BarbaraBB I think I‘ll slip this one (unless it makes the shortlist of course 😉) but I do love your review 2mo
rmaclean4 Thanks for the review. I will listen to this one. 2mo
Ruthiella I hated The Essex Serpent and haven‘t braved any further titles from her as a result… 2mo
squirrelbrain I hope so too! 😁 @jlhammar 2mo
squirrelbrain I wished I‘d listened to it earlier than I did @JenP - I didn‘t intentionally save it until the end but I should have listened to it before Wild Houses. 2mo
squirrelbrain @Ruthiella - I wouldn‘t choose to read this author but….list completist! 👋 2mo
squirrelbrain Yeah, it doesn‘t feel like your kind of book @BarbaraBB ☺️ 2mo
squirrelbrain I hope you like it! @rmaclean4 2mo
Leniverse @jlhammar Haha, same. I like books with a Victorian feel, and I am not opposed to ghosts. Starting to look forward to this one now. 😂 2mo
Graywacke I‘m not doing any longlist books on audio this year. Crazy, no? This book gets a mixed response. A lot in love, and lot of readers bored to tears. I‘m really hoping i like it because it appeals. But… the ghost bit… i‘ll try to keep an open mind. 2mo
Hooked_on_books I‘ve never been inspired to read her and you‘re not helping me change that. 😂 2mo
squirrelbrain @Graywacke - I kept a lot of Audible credits on standby just in case but only used 2 in the end! 2mo
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With Booker-nominated Enlightenment Perry returns us to Essex and her winding language that almost feels nostalgic in itself, managing to encapsulate hope and sadness for unrealized dreams throughout. Our desires to “do some great thing before I die” illustrated by our looking to the heavens and contrasted against our worldly worries.

Expanded thoughts in my YouTube review:

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How many photos do I have of random Enlightenment quotes because it‘s a library book (not counting anything jotted in the reading journal)? No comment.

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Started a new book last night; it was long listed for the Booker this morning

LiteraryinPA Great timing! 3mo
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This book is quite different to Essex Serpent. If you loved Essex Serpent‘s raw vitality & personalities conflicting - think of this as melancholy, solitary souls looking for life‘s purpose amongst small tragedies. Its nowhere near as epic and there‘s a ton of philosophising. And i loved it, but in an entirely different way. Perry‘s writing and characters just appeal to me, even when the storyline isnt always smooth. ⬇️

Centique There were a couple of plot points and jumps where i wished for something different - but then there were two or three scenes that grabbed me by the heart and ill remember for a long time. So if you know my preferences believe me when i say this is slow and melancholy and right in my wheelhouse - may not be everybodys! 3mo
AmyG Sounds good. I loved The Essex Serpent. 3mo
LiteraryinPA Good to know! Thanks for the great review! 3mo
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Suet624 Why yes. Slow and melancholy are just my speed. 3mo
BarbaraBB Such a gorgeous photo 🥰 3mo
Centique @AmyG me too! 3mo
Centique @Suet624 snap! 😍 3mo
Centique @BarbaraBB thanks Barbara, its another shot from Waiheke island. Just a 40 minute ferry ride from Auckland city. 💕 3mo
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I haven‘t read as much this year, but this is the best novel I‘ve read so far. The story mostly follows Thomas Hart, who inadvertently, becomes enmeshed in astronomy with the passing of Hale-Bopp and the history of a mysterious woman from the past. Like Essex Serpent that this has ties to, it combines science & religion to talk about life‘s greatest mysteries and relationships with each other. Beautiful novel.

Palimpsest I couldn‘t get my photo to post so sorry if it looks boring, but I promise the book is not! 3mo
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I just love Sarah Perry's writing... It probably doesn't matter what she writes, it's just the way she writes... I loved this and I loved the connection with 'The Essex Serpent'. She writes so sensitively about religion and faith- her characters are so human and real. I heartily recommend everything she has ever written 🐍🐍💚💫✨🌘🌌🌠

batsy Nice review! I've got this on my list 👍🏾 I loved Essex Serpent and have Melmoth on the shelves. 5mo
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