Just finished this one for #JoysofJune and the #BigJuneReadathon , and I absolutely adored it. It broke my heart a little bit, but in the best way. ❤️
Just finished this one for #JoysofJune and the #BigJuneReadathon , and I absolutely adored it. It broke my heart a little bit, but in the best way. ❤️
#Movember Day 21: It was interesting to hear a father‘s often-self-deprecating, funny-but-tragic account of what it‘s like to raise a young child with autism – especially as he was “chucked out” of the house (yes, it‘s a very British novel) by his wife who feels that he is often “absent” even when he is around. #PapaDontPreach. My review of this memoir here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-eRR
#foundations #lilithjuly
This one was in my head all day and has taken me that long to find. Foundations/(building) blocks. Still not read.
Such a sweet story leading up to the opening of this book! Day 5 😘🎄A Boy Made of Blocks.
#bookishadventcalendar #twelvedaysofbookclubmas
Book-Club-Mas Day 5
The gift today was A Boy Made Of Blocks. Ive never heard of this book but im excited to read it!
Funny, touching, thoughtful.
Alex‘s son Sam has been diagnosed with #Autism , and Alex finds it difficult to find a connection. Inspired by the author‘s real life experience with his son, A Boy Made of Blocks is about family, connections, and Minecraft! It did get a bit bogged down in the middle, but it was a great story that rang true.
And look at those lovely #Endpapers !
I‘ve received kindness from so many of you as I‘ve shared that I‘ve had a rough time over the last year.
I have been unable to say why until just this moment.
I just received news that my son has a diagnosis of #ASD , or #AutisticSpectrumDisorder . Previously it was called #Aspergers , but in the UK it is now referred to only as ASD.
Are there other Littens whose children have special needs? If so, I‘m sending out all the love I can muster.
About halfway through this and I‘m enjoying it.
It‘s an easy read and quite nice to dip in and out of!
If you like stories exploring difficult family relationships then this is perfect!
*H A P P Y W E D N E S D A Y*
Loved this book. A father finding his way back to happiness-and the route is understanding his son. Poignant story with tears and chuckles. Subjects featured: Autism and Minecraft. (And yes, I still have a corded phone, I'm old school)
Bunny slipper socks (Old Navy New Hyde Park purchase-holla to any Queens/LI peeps) as promised. Enjoying this book whilst drinking my peppermint green tea with agave👍🏽 Le chat Dean Martin in da house😀
☕️In The morning, coffee...must be perked with cinnamon and prepared with coconut milk and turbinado sugar. All other times of the day, tea.
💜 Slipper socks, no doubt- you'll eventually see my new bunny ones in a post...lol
🌲Balsam Fir
🍭Goldenberg's Peanut Chews in dark chocolate
📚Books and CDs...unintentionally, they just one day overtook me😉Too bad I wasn't overtaken by stocks and bonds🤓
Life is short! Drink #coffee & stay awake for it.
Almost finished with my #currentread #thehatinggame & I'm pulling my next read from these three books. I SHOULD go back to #thesummerthatmeltedeverything but I'm not in the right frame of mind for it.
#qotd Do you preorder books? If so from where? #Amazon or from #publisher I'm quite curious if preorders come with any perks if bought straight from publishers.
#booknerd #bookworm
I really liked this tale of a Dad coming to terms with his son's autism (and dealing with the pressures of life and relationships) and the bond they formed via Minecraft. 👨👦
63 ~ A Boy Made of Blocks by Keith Stuart (Kindle edition📱) ~ Started: 18.06.17 ~ Finished: 18.06.17
Rating: 4/5📚
I found 'A Boy Made of Blocks' heartfelt. I loved the character of Sam, the book showed how first impressions can be wrong, people see Sam's quirks, his changes in mood, etc but they do not see the core of Sam.
Highly recommended.
Just... wow.... moving, funny, well written, heart-breakingly honest about the needs of this very special, high functioning, autistic boy, and how his father learns to communicate with him.
One of the best books I've read in ages. If you like 'The Rosie Project' and 'The curious incident of the dog in the night time', or just love a good tale, choose this one.
Hard to explain why you are wiping tears away on your lunchbreak! It was that good.
Recent purchase ~ A Boy made of Blocks by Keith Stuart (Kindle edition?~ Q8.99 on amazon uk). I have been seeing this book for awhile & finally downloaded it. ??
I've never heard of this title or the author but it has some good reviews. For 99p in the Kindle store why not add it to my tbr?! Done 😁
Book mail! The Christmas gift that just keeps giving... who else has read "A boy made of blocks"? Any good?
Evening read. Loving the self-deprecating, often-tragic humour. There is a seeming ease to the writing that translates to an ease in reading. A father's account of what it's like to raise a son diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
This book got a tiny bit better toward the end, but overall I found it very predictable. After reading some stellar books in January, I was a little discouraged by this choice.
I'm slogging through this one. I think I'm put off by all the Minecraft play. My son is a Minecraft junkie and I read to escape...
Is there a football game on or something? I'm so much more interested in a reading bowl than a Super Bowl!
I mistakenly got two books that are only 7-day checkouts from my library. Hoping I can cruise through this in the next couple of days!
What an inspiring book. A computer game can bring about such a connection between father and son and enables communication. We are so quick to make judgements about people picking out the differences but it's what connects us which is important. Very thought provoking and informative I was totally hooked
New year... new book 📚
Oh my god, this book! It's the genuinely funny, moving story of a well-intentioned but far-from-perfect dad and his autistic son. Heartfelt and sweet but never naff or sentimental; just beautifully done 💛