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The Perils of Lady Catherine de Bourgh
The Perils of Lady Catherine de Bourgh: A Novel | Claudia Gray
54 posts | 24 read | 7 to read
The delicious follow-up to The Murder of Mr. Wickham and The Late Mrs. Willoughby finds Jonathan Darcy and Juliet Tilney facing their most daunting detecting challenge yet: preventing the murder of Lady Catherine de Bourgh.Someone is trying to kill Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Esteemed aunt of Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, generous patroness of Mr. William Collins, a woman of rank who rules over Rosings Park with an unimpeachable and very firm sense of proprietywho would dare? Lady Catherine summons her grand-nephew, Mr. Jonathan Darcy, and his investigative companion, Miss Juliet Tilney, to find out.After a year apart, Jonathan and Juliet are thrilled to be reunited, even if the circumstancesfinding whoever has thus far sabotaged Lady Catherine's carriage, shot at her, and nearly pushed her down the stairsare less than ideal. Also less than ideal: their respective fathers, Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy and Mr. Henry Tilney, have accompanied the young detectives to Rosings, and the two men do not interact with the same felicity enjoyed by their children. Nor do either of them seem inclined to favour future connections between the young pair.With attempts against Lady Catherine escalating, and none of prime suspects seemingly capable of committing all of the attacks, the pressure on Jonathan and Juliet mounts, even as more gentle feelings between the two of them begin to bloom. The race is on to provoke a confession from the would-be murderer before it is too lateand also, perhaps, one of love....
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Someone is trying to murder Lady Catherine and if you're a fan of Pride and Prejudice, you won't be surprised to learn *everyone* has a motive. 😂 Amusing, but dragged on a bit and the omniscient narrator was overdone. Also, the excruciatingly slow burn of the romance is getting to me!

#HauntedShelf #FrightClub #HalloweenAtoZReadathon #Spookoween

#WordSearch: “the upcoming harvest“, “such dark work“, “I entirely forgot to pack the book.“ 🙀

willaful Sorry about the multiple tags, I kept having to fix things. :-( 2d
PuddleJumper Tags are so hard! 2d
TheSpineView Fantastic! 2d
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willaful @PuddleJumper You can tell how much we love Litsy by what we put up with. 😂 2d
dabbe 🖤🧡🖤 2d
Catsandbooks 😂👏🏼🐦‍⬛🧡 1d
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The perfect book for the “Scooby-Doo“ square... because they would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling kids! 😂

PuddleJumper 🤣🤣 2d
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I continue reading this series for Juliet Tilney and Jonathan Darcy. I want to see them together. I adore them. However, I like each book in the series less than the one before. There‘s too much angst in this one, the result of misunderstandings that could easily be cleared by open conversation, and too much repetition of suspicions. It‘s almost as over the top as old school Nancy Drew novels. So, I don‘t know if I‘ll continue the series.

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Charming, sweet and with a great mystery, this 3rd in the series is my favorite so far. Lovely to be in the Austen universe again and watch these two characters grow individually and together :) And Lady Catherine de Bourgogne is still the perfect villain. With she meet a well deserved end? #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Scochrane26 This was my favorite of the series, too. 1mo
BarkingMadRead I loved this one, I can‘t wait for the next one!! 1mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
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It was nice that this mystery wasn‘t a murder. But I felt Gray really dwelled on the potential relationship between Jonathan and Juliet to the detriment of the mystery. It just squeaked into a pick for me.

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So much fun! This has become a pre-order series for me, and I think this is my favorite installment so far. Jonathan Darcy and Juliet Tilney are summoned by Lady Catherine de Bourgh to investigate attempts made on her life. In addition to a fascinating mystery, I loved reading about the developing relationship between the two sleuths. The prose is so Austen-like. Mr. Collins is still a sniveling toady. And my brain heard Judy Dench whenever👇

Lynnsoprano Lady Catherine speaks 😄. I recommend this for any Jane Austen fan, or anyone else, for that matter. 2mo
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Kicked off my annual celebration of #AustenianAugust with the latest addition to Claudia Gray‘s Mr. Darcy & Miss Tilney mystery series. I loved that this one featured several side characters from Pride & Prejudice.

A would-be-murder mystery, Jonathan Darcy and Juliet Tilney are summoned to discover who is attempting to take Lady Catherine‘s life (because such things will not be borne).

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I‘ve adored the first two books in this series, really looking forward to this.

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I love this series & am in for the next book. This was my least favorite of the series, but I think that‘s because it felt repetitive. Murder attempt, investigate, repeat. Not bad, it just dragged & Lady Catherine is, as intended, exhausting & selfish. Regardless I still loved reading it and look forward to what happens to the sweet pair next. I did love seeing Mr. Darcy and Henry Tilney interact and the Collins children were a great introduction.

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I started this last month, when @peanutnine was leading the read along, but only managed to really sink into it this weekend. Still, terrifically delightful company on an intermittently raimy Sunday. Can't wait for the next one!

LadyCait84 Reading this one now and enjoying it immensely! 2mo
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#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024

Read a chapter a day with the #Pemberlittens hosted by @peanutnine I found book 3 in the Mr. Darcy & Miss Tilney series another delightful romp. When Lady Catherine de Bourgh has attempts made on her life, she summons Jonathan & Juliet to Rosings Park to solve the crime. Lots of fun scenes (Elizabeth & Lady C have a hilarious one). I do want these crazy kids to be able to spend more time together so the slow burn ⬇️

DebinHawaii … not a courtship yet is driving me a bit crazy. Make haste & get thee to Pemberley, Juliet & bring your mom because I think she & Elizabeth will be fun together! Can‘t wait for the next book. 🤗💚 2mo
peanutnine Oh I didn't even think of that, but yes, Elizabeth and Catherine together will be amazing! 2mo
TheSpineView 👍🤩📖 2mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2mo
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Reading along with @peanutnine and the #Pemberlittens group was a lot of fun. This was a great mystery and I liked the twist that the victim hadn‘t yet been killed. I love our two leads and can‘t wait to read more about them.

mcctrish She almost died so many tragic deaths 2mo
peanutnine Yes I liked the comment that it was their most successful case because no one was killed 😅 2mo
Bookwormjillk @mcctrish 😂 😂 😂 2mo
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Ch 25: And they all go home! Jonathan and Juliet wish to visit at Pemberley soon even though their fathers disapprove. Courting practices in this era are so frustrating!
I thought the mystery in this one was not as intriguing but overall I enjoyed the characters. I hope the next in the series is set at Pemberley so we can revisit with the Bingleys. Who do you think will be the next victim?

BarkingMadRead I hope it‘s someone new, although the first two were characters we‘ve Met before 2mo
Librarybelle I hope we go to Pemberley too in the next one! 2mo
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kspenmoll Please add me to your upcoming list. 2mo
Bookwormjillk I hope Wickham faked his death last time then dies again 🤣 2mo
CatLass007 I enjoyed this one just as much as the first two, although the mystery in this one just seemed to get solved by accident. @Bookwormjillk I think that‘s a fantastic idea! 2mo
StayCurious Thanks for hosting this great read! Looking forward to the next! 2mo
Deblovestoread Yes to Pemberley! And 1000 deaths for Wickham 😂. Thanks for hosting💜 2mo
peanutnine @BarkingMadRead a new character would be good, we're running out of baddies from the original books lol @Bookwormjillk 🤣🤣 Wickham deserves all the deaths! 2mo
mcctrish Pemberley for the next one yes please!!!! Who can we kill? 2mo
rubyslippersreads I‘m glad the author left things open for another book. Will we see Lady C at Pemberley? (I‘d actually prefer not to; I‘ve had quite enough of her for awhile.) 2mo
peanutnine @rubyslippersreads I hope not, I've had enough of her for quite a while 😅 2mo
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While I did not enjoy this one as much as the prior books, it was still a fun read. Charlotte‘s portrayal was harsh, but Lady Catherine‘s was very accurate, I also loved the interactions with Tilney!

Thanks for leading us through this book, @peanutnine ! And, thanks to #NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

peanutnine Tilney and Elizabeth together were great! I agree about Charlotte, she seemed to have grown very cold which is a shame 2mo
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I loved this book! Thanks for the fun buddy read @peanutnine I can‘t wait for the next in the series

peanutnine Yay! Yes looking forward to the next installment! 2mo
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Ch 24: Mrs Jenkinson! 😱 The will was a big clue after all. Lady C lets her go without a reference or recent wages - do you think that's a fair punishment?
Deb's falling sickness is revealed and Lady Catherine shows a surprising amount of compassion.
@BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk @mcctrish @CatLass007 @kspenmoll @Librarybelle @StayCurious @rubyslippersreads @Deblovestoread @RosePressedPages @quietjenn @Crinoline_Laphroaig @DebinHawaii

Librarybelle I was surprised by the compassion, but the reasoning behind it makes sense. As for Mrs. Jenkinson, a life without references or home is definitely a punishment. It‘s not jail, but she will have to atone for her attempts on Lady Catherine‘s life. 2mo
CatLass007 I have to say that that Lady C‘s compassion and even affection for Deb and his sister, was a huge surprise. But as @Librarybelle said, the reasoning behind it makes sense. 2mo
BarkingMadRead I almost feel bad for Mrs J. Putting up with LCD can‘t be easy! 2mo
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Bookwormjillk Was not excepting to like Lady C after this chapter! 2mo
Deblovestoread Lady C did surprise me a bit and Mrs J traded a not easy life for one of total hardship. 2mo
StayCurious I didn‘t guess the culprit until very close to the reveal. This was a great mystery! 2mo
rubyslippersreads The punishment could have been worse (wasn‘t hanging mentioned?), so I guess Lady C was merciful. But Mrs. J also suffered years of punishment via her employment. 😏 2mo
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Ch 23: this fire was set on purpose and difficult to escape. Elizabeth carries Lady Catherine out in a piggyback! What a sight 🤣 Luckily Juliet remembers that it is laundry day and they use the water and wet sheets to put out the fire. Before Lady C imposes herself on the Collins' home, Jonathan and Juliet reveal the culprit of the attacks! But what was the motive? 🤔

BarkingMadRead Crazy! I would have left LCD in there 🤣 2mo
Deblovestoread The picture in my head of Lizzie carrying Lady C is priceless! Lizzie now owns her a**. 😂 2mo
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mcctrish @BarkingMadRead her ankles were exposed, she will have to kill herself 😆 Elizabeth is a super hero 👏🏻👏🏻and @Deblovestoread E absolutely owns LCdB‘s ass now 2mo
Librarybelle Lizzie is awesome! 2mo
StayCurious Did you see her hem though? It must have been six inches deep in mud! 😜 2mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig Lizzie and the piggyback ride was my absolute favorite! 2mo
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Ch 22:Jonathan & Juliet ask about Lady C's will again but find no new information. Anne informs her mom of their plans to move to Bath. Lady C is upset but Anne stands up for herself! Elizabeth & Tilney discuss the desirability of a match between Jonathan & Juliet, while the two finally put the Bamber nonsense to rest. They interview everyone again & Fitz's comment about Daisy's husband seems to give them a breakthrough in the case, but then fire!

BarkingMadRead Go Anne go! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 2mo
Librarybelle We ended on a big cliffhanger! 2mo
StayCurious I can‘t wait to see how it ends! 2mo
mcctrish The will questions lead nowhere, again. Is LCDB just being targeted cuz she‘s a cranky old lady? No real reasons yet or suspect(s) 2mo
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Ch 21: Jonathan unsuccessfully chases the assailant. Lady Catherine has finally had enough and decides she must leave for Pemberley, but Juliet talks her out of it since the culprit would probably be able to reach her there as well. The two decide to question the servants again to see if anyone was forced to conspire. The Fitzwilliams ask Daisy to come to Bath with them as their new housekeeper

mcctrish I‘m still so confused to who it is BUT Jonathon is the first person to see/hear someone ( I thought that lead up to his chase was weird - like it‘s amazing they can walk briskly cuz they are groomed to be idle ) 3mo
peanutnine @mcctrish yeah that whole explanation about exercise felt so random 2mo
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Ch 20: the wrath of Lady Catherine! Charlotte stands up to her but to no avail. Johnathan feels guilty that he might be the cause for the Collins to lose their home and seeks Mr Tilney's advice. Lizzie and Charlotte have a tough conversation about the security of their marriages. As Johnathan comes across Lady C on the stairs, he saves her from a porcelain vase falling from above!

Librarybelle I was not happy with Charlotte and her convo with Lizzie. It fits Charlotte‘s character, but I also feel the need to defend Lizzie! 😂 3mo
BarkingMadRead Charlotte is a train wreck, nothing has changed there 🤣 3mo
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Deblovestoread I always understood Charlotte‘s choices based on the times in P & P but I do not like this Charlotte at all. She is so closed off. 3mo
peanutnine @Librarybelle @BarkingMadRead @Deblovestoread I really don't care for this version of Charlotte. Her marriage has definitely made her more cynical and uncaring 3mo
mcctrish @Librarybelle me either, she is thoughtless in her comments to Elizabeth who is left with 2 choices; hold her tongue or respond in kind to Charlotte and be rude. Poor Jonathon feels the weight of telling LCDB about Collins. 3mo
StayCurious I said early on I disliked Charlotte and oof she has justified my feelings! (edited) 3mo
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Ch 19: Johnathan reveals his 'curtain' to Juliet, who assures him that she likes him how he is. With the mystery of Deb revealed, he seems a less likely suspect. They decide on two possible explanations: two suspects working together or someone getting help from a servant. Lady Catherine is growing more nervous and suspicious of Mr. Collins' many absences. To relieve her of worry Johnathan reveals the truth. Uh oh, this can't be good...

BarkingMadRead Yikes this can‘t end well. I‘m so glad the curtain is down! (edited) 3mo
Librarybelle Yeah, I‘m not sure how well this will end…I don‘t envy Johnathon telling Lady Catherine 3mo
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Deblovestoread Yes! Now that the curtain is down real communication can start for J & J 🤞🏼 3mo
mcctrish @BarkingMadRead like I can‘t even see a good ending 😬 just hell hath no fury scenarios 3mo
BarkingMadRead @mcctrish so accurate 🤣 3mo
StayCurious Poor Johnathan- I don‘t think he fully understands just what he unleashed by telling Lady C 3mo
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Ch 18: Elizabeth has arrived!! She and Tilney exchange some witty banter. Lizzy and Charlotte are reunited but their friendship is no longer as strong as it once was. Juliet learns that Deb has the 'falling sickness' or seizures as we know them. She shares this development with Johnathan, who reveals that Mr. Collins has been filling in as vicar in Faxton

Deblovestoread So glad to see Elizabeth! 3mo
CatLass007 See? Nothing creepy about Deb at all. When he was staring off into space he most likely was having petit mal seizures. The grand mal seizures are much more familiar to us. 3mo
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BarkingMadRead Poor Deb! 3mo
Librarybelle I feel so bad for Deb! It goes to show that what we may consider odd behavior may in fact have a medical reason—always dangerous to jump to conclusions (and I am guilty of that in this case. From what we learned from observation, I thought he was doing something shifty). I am so glad Lizzie is here! 3mo
Bookwormjillk I felt really bad for Deb after reading this chapter. 3mo
mcctrish I thought it might be something health wise for Deb but hell hath no fury like Lady Catherine if she finds out Collins is two timing her vicarage @Deblovestoread me too! Elizabeth makes me laugh 3mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig Lizzie! 😍 3mo
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Ch 17: Fitz and Anne finally get the chance to talk and they realize they both have grown to love each other and want to go to Bath as a family 💞 Deb is acting strange again, his family wary of him. Johnathan decides to take a trip to Faxton to see what all the fuss is about.

Librarybelle I so want to know what is happening with Deb! Such strange behavior! 3mo
Deblovestoread I‘m assuming Deb has some disorder. Back then you tried to hide those things so you wouldn‘t be sent to the mad house. 3mo
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StayCurious So happy Fitz and Anne were able to talk things out. I love them together. 3mo
RosePressedPages Anne and Fitz reconciling and realizing their feelings for each other has been my favorite part so far! 3mo
mcctrish @RosePressedPages me too 💞 and @Deblovestoread poor Deb 3mo
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Ch 16: the latest attempt has the two teens speculating hard about their suspects. Anne was outside gardening & the Collins arrived afterwards rather quickly... Fitzwilliam at least showed great concern for his wife's safety. Meanwhile the elder Darcy and Tilney are both watching over the relationship between their children with judgement 😒

Librarybelle I‘m still not sure of the culprit—too many suspects! 3mo
mcctrish @Librarybelle I have no idea who it could be, I am also intrigued about what side gig Charlotte has her husband working at 3mo
StayCurious This book is certainly keeping me guessing! 3mo
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Juliet Tilney and Jonathan Darcy have been summoned by Lady Catherine after three attempts on her life are made. They must solve the mystery before the murderer is successful.

I thought the addition of Lady Catherine as the potential victim who has many opinions on the subject of her own murder was a very fun twist. I was frustrated by Juliet and Jonathan's lack of communication about their feelings for one another.

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Ch 15: such an action packed chapter! Anne and Fitz talk, kinda. She's still upset for not looping her into his plans. The dinner party - ugh the Fishers sound terrible. Poor Johnathan, Juliet doesn't see your struggles as a failing. The Collins were late again and are lying to Lady C! Elizabeth gives Darcy the reprimand he needed, and she's on her way. Before they can warn Lady C, there's another attempt on her life! 🏹

mcctrish As soon as I stopped reading I said “ that was action packed!” and as I read Elizabeth‘s letter I said “thank god Elizabeth comes on the scene!” I chuckled at Jonathon‘s “my god is he going to interrupt us henceforth” 🤣🤣 how they managed to not laugh at the sight of Lady Catherine‘s wig and bonnet pinned to the wall by an arrow escapes me 3mo
BarkingMadRead @mcctrish took the words right out of my mouth 🤣 3mo
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peanutnine @mcctrish the image of her wig is too funny! After the shock wore off I would be cracking up 🤣 3mo
mcctrish @BarkingMadRead @peanutnine it was a joyous time indeed 😆 3mo
DebinHawaii I loved the vision of Lady C sans her cap & wig!!! 😂😂😂 3mo
DebinHawaii @mcctrish And yay for Elizabeth! 🎉 3mo
mcctrish @DebinHawaii she can talk sense into all the menfolk 3mo
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Ch 14: welp, Anne told Lady Catherine about the letter so now EVERYONE knows. It seems we were right in that he wasn't planning on leaving Anne behind, but she won't give him a chance to explain. Poor Fitz. Now Lady C is in an uproar and decides to throw a large dinner party. Juliet discovers that the keys to the house are sometimes left unguarded and the only two who know of this are Anne and Charlotte Collins

BarkingMadRead That dinner party 🙄 so bizarre 3mo
mcctrish @BarkingMadRead when your world goes to shit invite the neighbours over for dinner 🤦🏻‍♀️if only Fitz knew where the keys were kept he could get in and talk to Anne 🤔 3mo
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peanutnine @mcctrish 😂😅💯 3mo
StayCurious Poor Anne. And then to have to pretend everything is fine so they can impress at dinner! Lady C is so ridiculous sometimes. 3mo
Deblovestoread I really like Anne in this story. Physically still frail but has a little more going on otherwise. She‘s broken hearted at what she thinks is happening but needs to be brave and listen to what Fitz has to say. 3mo
rubyslippersreads The Fishers sound awful. 3mo
CatLass007 @Deblovestoread I agree! She has more spirit in this story than in any other rendition I‘ve read or seen. 3mo
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Ch 13: Juliet informs Johnathan of her time with the Collins' and the strange behavior of Deb. Johnathan gets advice from his father and they have a little sweet moment. Mr. Collins is clearly hiding something from Lady Catherine. Where was he riding around for so long the previous day and why didn't he want her to ask about it? Poor Anne discovers Fitzwilliam's plans for a new house and thinks he's leaving her 🙁

BarkingMadRead Mr Collins is so bizarre 3mo
Librarybelle The whole Collins clan is all things shady! 3mo
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rubyslippersreads I think Colonel FitzWilliam is hiding his plans from Lady C, not his wife, and plans to move his family (including Peter) from Rosings. 3mo
rubyslippersreads Mr. Collins has always been bizarre. I don‘t know what‘s going on with Deb, though. 😏 3mo
mcctrish @Librarybelle they are shady AF! Also poor Anne 3mo
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Ch 12: the two investigators spend the afternoon separated. Juliet fails at filigree with Katy, but manages to chat with Charlotte & learns the history of Mr Collins' loveless proposals to her & Elizabeth. Johnathan tries to get Fitzwilliam alone but a letter from poor Peter derails his plans. He decides to read instead & while searching for a quizzing glass, stumbles upon a personal letter. Fitz is setting up a house of his own! Is Anne invited?

BarkingMadRead Ughhhhhhh I wouldn‘t want to live with LCD either, but I hate that I think he‘s going to cut and run 3mo
Librarybelle At least we now have an inkling as to Fitzwilliam‘s activities outside of Rosings Park. I hope for Anne‘s sake it is a surprise for her! 3mo
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Deblovestoread @Librarybelle Yes! I am hoping his finding a home for the 3 of them and leaving Anne in the dark so Lady C doesn‘t find out 3mo
StayCurious I think he‘s a good man. I don‘t think he‘d abandon Anne and his son. 3mo
peanutnine @Librarybelle @Deblovestoread @StayCurious agreed, I hope that he intends to bring the whole family and just doesn't want Lady C to know yet 3mo
mcctrish I think Fitz is setting up house so they can bring Peter home ❤️❤️ it might not be swoony love but it‘s full caring and consideration. Also Jonathon is in LOVE!!!!! 3mo
peanutnine @mcctrish he's a smitten kitten!! 😻 I love seeing his thought process on his feelings for Juliet 3mo
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This chapter a day #buddyread makes me smile every morning

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Ch 11: The house is in a tizzy after the newest attempt on Lady Catherine's life. Do we think a servant could be involved? Or is Mrs. Collins looking more suspicious? 🤨
We see a contrast between the marriages of Darcy and Fitzwilliam as Darcy writes to keep his wife informed of the events along with his thoughts, while Fitzwilliam and Anne lack the intimacy to confide in each other

BarkingMadRead Anne and Fitz make me sad! I hope they figure out their stuff! 3mo
Deblovestoread I did think it was interesting that Lady C was not fond of Mr. Collins naming of Deb. Is it because the Collins‘ are too lowly to carry the name or is there a step too far in the pandering at last? And I am stumped over who is trying to do her in. 3mo
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mcctrish @BarkingMadRead I feel the same with Fitz and Anne ☹️ also Darcy‘s letter to Elizabeth “Theirs is not a family to which we wish to be attached” that‘s quite enough snobbery from you stupid pompous ass 3mo
peanutnine @Deblovestoread I think maybe because it's her last name, the one that carries so much weight and power, that's the step too far. @mcctrish yes, I feel like Elizabeth will have something to say about that remark! Hopefully she'll put him in his place 3mo
RosePressedPages I‘m hoping Elizabeth will set Darcy straight after his letter lol 3mo
StayCurious Oh Elizabeth will bring her sass that can be certain! Her husband is being so snobby! 3mo
rubyslippersreads @Deblovestoread I think Lady C feels it‘s beyond the pale to have a Collins carry the illustrious de Bourgh name. 3mo
rubyslippersreads I agree about Mr. Darcy‘s snobbery. Has he learned nothing from being married to Elizabeth? 3mo
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Ch 10: time for a fun day of archery! Poor Johnathan continues making a terrible impression on Mr. Tilney. But then he notices something off with Lady Catherine's laudanum - someone tried to poison her! 💀
@BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk @mcctrish @CatLass007 @kspenmoll @Librarybelle @StayCurious @rubyslippersreads @Deblovestoread @RosePressedPages @quietjenn @Crinoline_Laphroaig @DebinHawaii

BarkingMadRead Bold! 3mo
Bookwormjillk Johnny on the spot! 3mo
mcctrish Poor Jonathon, can‘t win for losing with all these people. Interesting about Lady Catherine‘s belief in Deb being responsible 3mo
peanutnine @mcctrish yes! It makes more sense now why she would summon two teens to solve the issue instead of getting someone more official involved 3mo
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BarkingMadRead Lace 🙄🙄 3mo
CatLass007 The girl in this photo strongly resembles my Mom as a girl. Except for the cap. But the eyes, nose, and mouth? Mom. 3mo
mcctrish I think the Collins senior think their kids are responsible 3mo
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Deblovestoread I think Deb got into some hijinks with the gun and the family is trying to protect him, nothing to do with attempts on Lady C. 3mo
peanutnine @Deblovestoread ooh I like this theory! 3mo
StayCurious I strongly dislike Charlotte in this version. 3mo
rubyslippersreads I would love seeing Mr. Collins shopping for lace. But wouldn‘t he have to run it by Lady C before buying? 🤣 3mo
rubyslippersreads @StayCurious So do I. Although I suppose marriage to Mr. Collins could have something to do with it. 😏 3mo
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Ch 8: Bamber has been executed for his crimes in the last novel. Johnathan and Juliet react hard to the news, for their role in bringing it about. Anne confides some of her marriage woes to Juliet. Johnathan still thinks that Juliet is mourning her courtship with Bamber. I wish they could clear up that misunderstanding already!

BarkingMadRead Those two need to talk to each other! I guess it wasn‘t really done back then, but damn! 3mo
CatLass007 So many problems would never occur if people just talked to each other instead of assuming they know what the other person thinks. It happens in so many books. I guess we‘d have a lot of really short stories if authors can‘t come up with other ideas to move the story forward. 3mo
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peanutnine @CatLass007 ugh yes the miscommunication trope is my all time least favorite! Although I can allow it here somewhat because of the time period. As @BarkingMadRead said, open communication wasn't done then for propriety's sake 🙄 3mo
mcctrish Still not happy with Darcy, Juliet is so thoughtful 3mo
Bookwormjillk I‘m not a fan of miscommunication either. But I did appreciate the author bringing up the last mystery and the reactions to it. That was surprisingly deep for what I consider a cozy mystery. 3mo
StayCurious Yes, I liked the continuity aspect of hearing what happened to Bamber. We must remember there are consequences- for his actions and for theirs. And remember Darcy and Juliet are so young to learn a difficult lesson. Also, I like Anne and am glad she‘s opening up to Juliet. 3mo
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#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024 I‘ve never been good at reading a chapter a day because I sometimes participate in multiple buddy reads. I started this on 07/05/2024 and finished it on 07/07/2024. I enjoyed this latest effort in the Mr. Darcy & Miss Tilney Mystery series. It did seem a bit wordy at times, maybe because there were so many characters, suspects, and red herrings. I was surprised to learn the identity of the culprit. I don‘t (cont)⬇️

CatLass007 know if the author plans another book in this series, but I will read it if and when there is one. 3mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 3mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 3mo
peanutnine I'm glad you enjoyed it! One chapter each day is difficult, I always want to keep reading! 3mo
CatLass007 @peanutnine Thanks for hosting this. I enjoy your daily posts and will continue to read them and comment and will make every effort not to spoil anything. 3mo
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I didn‘t love this one as much as the first in the series, but it was still fun. Sorry @peanutnine I couldn‘t stick to a chapter a day. No willpower when it comes to books 🤣

peanutnine 😂😂 it's so hard not to keep reading!! Glad you enjoyed it though 3mo
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Ch 7: is the plum cake a distraction?
Deb is SO CREEPY. What was he up to during hide and seek?? 🐓🐓
Fitzwilliam is on some sort of mission. I don't think it is related to the murder attempts but maybe it has to do with his son?
@BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk @mcctrish @CatLass007 @kspenmoll @Librarybelle @StayCurious @rubyslippersreads @Deblovestoread @RosePressedPages @quietjenn @Crinoline_Laphroaig @DebinHawaii

Bookwormjillk Everyone has secrets! 3mo
BarkingMadRead Ohhhh I really hope it has to do with his son. My cynical brain has so many options and none are good. And Deb creeps me out. wtf was up with those chickens ?!? 3mo
CatLass007 Y‘all are being really judge-y about Deb. 3mo
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mcctrish Just one big load of distractions in this chapter ( I really thought the plum cake was poisoned ) and the Collins‘ are living beyond their means for sure. @BarkingMadRead the chickens made me wonder “why are we supposed to think Deb is a psychopath?” I think Fitz nailed it last chapter that the attempts are half hearted 3mo
peanutnine @CatLass007 😂 all the focus on him is probably a red herring, like @mcctrish I think the author wants us to think Deb is unstable 3mo
StayCurious All of the Collins are up to something! 3mo
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ebook: The Perils of Lady Catherine de Bourgh by Claudia Gray
audiobook: Service Model by Adrian Tchaikovsky

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

Yenya1954 I just finished City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert and am about halfway through The Snow Graves by Roger Stelljes . 3mo
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Ch 6: Everyone seems to be hiding some secret. Where is Fitzwilliam going all the time and what's his private business? What did Deb do?? And why is the whole family trying to hide it?
@BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk @mcctrish @CatLass007 @kspenmoll @Librarybelle @StayCurious @rubyslippersreads @Deblovestoread @RosePressedPages @quietjenn @Crinoline_Laphroaig @DebinHawaii

Bookwormjillk Deb seems a bit creepy 3mo
BarkingMadRead Deb 💯 gives me creeper vibes! And I‘m really sad about Fitz. What‘s he doing?!? Poor Anne, I hope he‘s not cheating! 3mo
Librarybelle Yes…Deb is so creepy!! There are so many secrets. I‘m anxious to see how things will progress. 3mo
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Deblovestoread The Collins are all acting weird. Mr. Collins leaving Lady Catherine‘s early is a big clue all is not right. 3mo
RosePressedPages I find Deb so eerie and suspicious. I can‘t figure out what could possibly be the motives/what is going on with Fitz and Deb. So many theories lol. I really feel for Anne as well. The whole Collins family is giving me weird vibes. It‘s so strange to see Charlotte in this way. 3mo
mcctrish @BarkingMadRead initially I thought Fitz was going to see Peter b/c Anne was so upset about his being sent to school but not well enough to visit but his travels are too frequent for that, I hadn‘t realized how much a marriage of convenience they had 🙁 or continued to have. So many red herrings to shift through after this chapter 3mo
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Ch 5: the third attempt on the stairs. Lady Catherine doesn't trust Deb but Anne seems to be close with Katy. What noise did Mrs. Collins hear and is it related to the case? We learn that Mr Guinness is arriving in a fortnight to update Lady Catherine's will. Ding ding we have a motive! 🚨
That last line of the chapter piling on the suspense!

BarkingMadRead Ugh now I suspect every damn one of them 🤣 3mo
peanutnine @BarkingMadRead right?! They're all hiding something... 3mo
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mcctrish This puts the upper classes in more of a suspicious light #will4thtimebethecharm #ifatfirstyoudontsuceed #dingdongwillthewitchbedead 3mo
StayCurious I can‘t decide who is the culprit! Every time I hazard a guess, another idea springs to mind. There are a lot of secrets among that group. 3mo
DebinHawaii So many secrets! 🤫😱 3mo
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Sorry for the late posting, it's been a busy day!
Ch 4: investigating the second attempt and inspecting the gun room. The mini Collins were suspiciously present at the time... Johnathan and Juliet agree that the whole family and both Fitzwilliams are suspects. The two seem to be falling back into more comfortable relations

Librarybelle The final sentence in this chapter was a good way to end the chapter…I wanted to keep reading! 3mo
Bookwormjillk I was behind then I caught up and couldn‘t stop 🤣 I love that the kids are solving mysteries for Lady Catherine. 3mo
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BarkingMadRead Those kids are sketchy 🤣 3mo
StayCurious I love that we‘ve easily fallen right back into this world. Gray does such a good job keeping us interested! 3mo
peanutnine @Librarybelle @StayCurious yes! The author knows how to keep the suspense 3mo
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After a morning hike I settled in on my reading porch and it finally started raining! I wish it had lasted a little longer, but we really needed this!

BookmarkTavern Oh that sounds perfect! 3mo
Yuki_Onna You lucky one! Here it rained nearly nonstop over the last week. 3mo
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Ch 3: Johnathan and Juliet start their investigation of the first crime, the sabotaged carriage. Fitzwilliam has been up to something secret. The only other people with access to the stables are the Collins, who then appear and invite them to lunch. The couple have two children, Catherine (aka Katy) and De Bourgh (aka Deb) 😅

BarkingMadRead Those poor kids 🤣🤣🤣 3mo
Deblovestoread Thank goodness they have good nicknames 3mo
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mcctrish Deb and Katy seem normal. I must say Juliet‘s observation about the 11 months that have passed without an invitation from Pemberley smarts. Darcy really should have insisted Elizabeth come along - he also should have grown out of himself by now - that‘s one problem with JA inspired stories, we have to stay too close to the originals without character growth 3mo
StayCurious I laughed at the kids‘ names - poor things. I wonder how they deal with their dad‘s obsession. 3mo
Librarybelle Those nicknames! I had to laugh at the stilted conversation and interaction between Tilney and Darcy. 3mo
peanutnine @Librarybelle their temperaments are so polar opposite! 😅 3mo
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Ch 2: Introductions with Lady Catherine go about as well as you can imagine. Three attempts have been made on her life: a sabotaged carriage, a gunshot through the window, and a push on the stairs. Impertinent questions are going to be necessary to get to the bottom of things...
Also what do we think of Anne and Fitzwilliam's relationship?

BarkingMadRead I‘m not sure how I feel about Anne and Fitz, it seems like such an odd match. whoever is trying to kill LCD is obviously not trying hard enough 🙄 #amateurhour 3mo
Deblovestoread @BarkingMadRead 💯🤣🤣🤣 3mo
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mcctrish Fitz has to be a saint with LCD as a MIL and poor Jonathon who already feels like he‘s put his foot in it in chapter 2 ☹️ also I‘m not thrilled with Elizabeth and Darcy and their 👎🏻👎🏻 on Juliet (edited) 3mo
peanutnine @mcctrish for real, they should more than anyone understand not to look down on an "unsuitable" match 3mo
mcctrish @peanutnine exactly 3mo
StayCurious I keep on picturing Dame Judi Dench as LCD - she‘s brilliant. 3mo
StayCurious Also what on earth was Fitz thinking marrying Anne? It‘s obviously not a happy marriage and he seems too likeable to be stuck with LCD and company the rest of his life. 3mo
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Ch 1: It's been 11 months since Darcy and Tilney have seen each other. Juliet has been honing her investigative skills - stabbing meats in the kitchens! That poor confused cook. Johnathan has been practicing his social skills - and reading Juliet's favorite book series - swoon! But now they've both been summoned by Lady Catherine de Bourgh, who thinks she's in danger of being murdered!
We're off to a smashing start...

Deblovestoread Lady Catherine as demanding and snooty as ever 😂 3mo
BarkingMadRead Omg LCD is such a nightmare, how sad is it that I hope she‘s a murder victim 🤣 3mo
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peanutnine @Deblovestoread right?? @BarkingMadRead 🤣🤣 same! 3mo
mcctrish @BarkingMadRead 🤣🤣🤣 just like that I‘m back in this world and smiling bigger and bigger as I read ❤️❤️❤️ ( Juliet stabbing the meat is priceless ) 3mo
DebinHawaii @mcctrish I love her stabbing the meat with the cook watching! Perfect! 😂 3mo
mcctrish @DebinHawaii it took me a hot minute to understand too 🤣🤣🤣 3mo
StayCurious This is a great start - I love these two main characters so much! I‘m shipping them so hard! 3mo
peanutnine @StayCurious yes! We need a ship name for them! 🚢 3mo
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
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It was pretty good, and I always like how the characters come together in these stories, but I didn‘t like this as much as the others. The first book was the best, the second was good, and this was a little lower than that. I‘m definitely going to continue the series, though, because I must know what happens next!

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Okay folks, just a few days away from starting this one. Thanks for joining me! I'm excited to continue this series and look forward to reading with y'all. If anyone else wants to join in, just let me know, all are welcome! 🤗
@BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk @mcctrish @CatLass007 @kspenmoll @Librarybelle @StayCurious @rubyslippersreads @Deblovestoread @RosePressedPages @quietjenn @Crinoline_Laphroaig

BarkingMadRead Woohoo!! 3mo
Librarybelle Hooray!! 3mo
DebinHawaii I‘d love to join in! 🤗 3mo
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CatLass007 Thanks for hosting! The first two books in the series were excellent and I‘m in great hopes that this one will be also. Glad we‘re doing this as part of a group. 3mo
mcctrish I‘m ready 3mo
peanutnine @DebinHawaii added you! ☺️ 3mo
peanutnine @CatLass007 I really enjoy reading these with the group and hearing everyone's guesses for the murderer as we go 3mo
DebinHawaii @peanutnine Yay! Thank you! 🤗 3mo
StayCurious This will be fun! I‘ve got my copy! 3mo
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repost for @peanutnine

The latest installment in the Mr Darcy & Miss Tilney Mystery series was released today! Would any #pemberlittens be interested in a chapter-a-day read along like we did for the first two? I don't mind leading the charge. We could start July 1st - there are 25 chapters so we'd finish within the month. Let me know!

original post:


peanutnine Thanks for sharing! ☺️ 4mo
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Dropped today, this is 3rd in the fun historical mystery series centered around beloved Jane Austen characters. This time Jonathan Darcy and Juliet Tilney are teaming up to thwart a murder before it happens. 4.25/5⭐️

Love this series! If you‘d like to read my long-winded review (of course you do 😂😂), here‘s my GR link:
