⭐️⭐️⭐️ Such an interesting way to tell a story, but the material was, at times, just as sleazy as the motels being reviewed. That being said, I was laughing out loud so many times and touched by some of the more poignant stories/“reviews”.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Such an interesting way to tell a story, but the material was, at times, just as sleazy as the motels being reviewed. That being said, I was laughing out loud so many times and touched by some of the more poignant stories/“reviews”.
So it‘s still the #MonthofRereads, and I was looking for something different/weird. I remember finding this book strange the first time I read it, and it still is. It‘s sardonic without being funny, at least to me. 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️
But I‘m compelled to keep reading...
And quirky and different it was! This is a book of hotel reviews but it is really the story of this man's life who wrote them. A character called Reginald E Morse. It is an odd collection of which makes you feel like you are meandering through his thoughts on life. It is quite a sad collection. I like the fact that the reviews aren't chronological. It is very well written but still didn't really grab me.
This sounds like a quirky book...looking forward to something a bit 'different'
My hotel room has built in bookshelves. I'm only here four days, but I feel obligated to fill them. It feels like such a waste for them to sit empty!
I have two non fiction books going right now, but I think I have to switch to fiction for #litsypartyofone . Don't want to fall asleep before the party gets going! 📚
Each chapter is a review of a hotel in a narrative format, and they are all beautifully crafted but unevenly interesting. This book has a lack of narrative drive-- there was no question I needed to know and honestly, I thought about putting it down several times. Self-consciously clever. I can appreciate that it is finely crafted without recommending it.
New books! Which should I dig into first? Littens: input please!
Moody knows how to make a story interesting and unique.
I just started this book and I'm finding humor in the main character/narrator for his so far, one to two star hotel ratings! 😂
An opportunity to escape into a philosophical brooding character through the writing he shares in online reviews... I have not stopped thinking about ideas from this book since I read it this fall.