Moody knows how to make a story interesting and unique.
Moody knows how to make a story interesting and unique.
Epic and necessary for any music fan.
I have been finding the last few books by Irving a bit on the yawning side. His stories seem to be sounding like a decent imitation of his far more superior early work.
Love how Anna North told a story of a filmmaker from different character perspectives. She makes it seem easy yet her main character, Sophie Stark is a tremendous portrayal of the clinging to express oneself in the arts.
I just started this book and I'm finding humor in the main character/narrator for his so far, one to two star hotel ratings! 😂
This book is 900 plus pages but it's epically good.
The last few sentences here sums up more than the subject matter of this book. It's sums up society as a whole.
This book is a future classic that is worth the hype.
Looking forward to starting this book tonight. Had to buy this one. Love the artwork.
DeLillo never disappoints. He's in a class of his own.
Cannot wait until I can buy this in paperback to re-read!
Norman Rush is a superb writer. I'm certain I will breeze through all 700 plus pages of this book.
This book is blowing my mind. Schizophrenia is in my family and the characters in this book hit too close to home to the point that it's scary.
This book is just fun and quirky, without being overly corny or preachy. Love the squirrels...
Amazing book that shows a human side to the moneymakers...
Dana Spiotta is to books what Kubrick is to movies.
This book is amazing so far. Just the way Spiotta is able to convey art is amazing.
I liked this book. My main complaint is I kept thinking that Vietnam war novels, or any war novels in general, always leaves me sad and angry. This book, similar to the Things We Carried by Tim O'Brien just shows the darkness of war...
I hate negative reviewing any form of art. One, I'm not a reviewer but a book lover. And two, even books I don't like gains my respect for the writers. Watkins is obviously a fine writer, I just always have a hard time enjoying dystopian novels especially when the characters in this book are bland.