I've been meaning to read Beauman for ages. He just sounds like he'd be right up my alley. Maybe I'm completely wrong, but I suspect he's similar to Nick Harkaway.
#RescueMe #Movember
I've been meaning to read Beauman for ages. He just sounds like he'd be right up my alley. Maybe I'm completely wrong, but I suspect he's similar to Nick Harkaway.
#RescueMe #Movember
So much writing, so little meaning. Egon wants sex but twists himself around. There are characters everywhere and I don't care about any of them. The 1930s were decadent. I don't get any more out of it. Oh, and demons but they're entirely peripheral.
Received cash as a belated Xmas gift. Naturally I stopped by Half Price Books where I picked up the above. "Scott, what's that amazing looking box set on the left?" I'm so glad you asked! See next post for answer!
Another #greatbandname would be The Teleportation Accident! #marchintoreading @RealLifeReading
I've had a hangover or two like this in my time! 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🤕😷
I love the synopsis for this book 'the romance novel that turns up to dinner drunk!😁
What Saturday mornings are all about - huge library book sales with @TheNextBook @BookishFeminist @RebeccaSpeas @becausetrains
I making a mess trying to unpack and organize my books, but the new house is feeling more like home.
Question- Have you ever purchased a book despite mediocre reviews simply due to the fact you liked the cover art? This was my latest. I have not read it, but reviews hover around a 3.0
It's Fun Friday Photo time! Today's photo: Take a picture of the book with your favorite ending. And be sure to tag me in your photo! This is mine: I like weird, sad and/or dark endings best, so the ending of THE TELEPORTATION ACCIDENT had me saying, "DOUBLE EWE TEA EFF, WHAT DID I JUST READ?!" ??
TBH this move would probably work on me. I love eggs. Nature's perfect food! 💯
Brb forming a literary punk band and naming it "Ungulate Panopticon." ??