A fun and romantic adventure!
He looks like someone who wants to memorize me, to reach out and pull my long braid loose around my face. Page 30
I've never met a changeling so pretty before, he says
Page 30
We'll have to continue this some other time, I'm afraid, changeling," he murmurs, with that same grin that I've officially decided, after several turns of changing my mind, is definitely irritating and not charming.
Page 31
Notes chapter 2:
☆She meets a servant who is someone up to mischief in disguise
☆Possible changeling
☆Fasinated by her
Review/Sum ch2: The boy Raze Iselia meets seems weird and there is something sketchy about him and how they meet.
Once, far enough back for even a faeries memories to grow fuzzy, the Mortal Realm was united under one monarch. But that kingdom was destroyed, and now all that's left is the cities, their territories, and the leaders who rule them.... Auremore,... that's the women of the wild line - the last of the shapeshifters, mortal enchanters who can transform themselves into any (nonmagical) creature. An ability passed down from mother to child
Page 26
Ch1: Isolde and Iselia are pickpocketers who left theirs parents due to Iselia' magic to protect them. During the festival they plan to rob people. Iselia says Fae magic is dangerous and dark. Even with glamour it will not cover up the darkness that comes along with the magic. Which I found very interesting. 2/2
Ch1 Review so far: This book pulled me in from the start. I love the cover and the plot. The book begins during the celebration of Revelnox where faerie folks walk among them. There's a lot of mischief that happens and it seems fun. 1/2 (going to write review as I go and just edit at end for final review)
Books intresting so far just have to take a break to pump and eat breakfast/lunch
But tonight is different. I can feel it in the air, smell it in the spaces between smoke and sugar and expensive perfume. Tonight, anyone could be a faerie in disguise, and everyone receives equal respect.
Page 22
Notes page 18:
See's a faerie do magic on someone that makes them "crash" kiss their friend.
"Faerie magic is dagerous"
"Her eyes flash red like a cat's in the night"
"The gleam in the darkness is the one thing faeries can't change about their glamours."
Magic is technically a part of me, fizzing in my faerie blood, and this is the one night when it isn't considered dangerous and wrong
Page 16
The Manor is empty, and everyone will be too drunk to even notice us. We'll be long gone by the time they even realize we were there. Trust me, Seelie
Page 17
Even though faeries are an expected part of tonight's festivities, they slip through the mortals almost unnoticed.
Page 18
-Main charters sisters birthday
-Isoldes parents adopted her
I've never felt that pull, though. My magic and I have what you could generously call a troubled history, and if Revelnox is the closest I ever get to to the faerie Realms, it'll be more that close enough 2/2
Page 15
It's all fun and games for the faeries, whose visits to the Mortal Realm are usually limited to one human at a time, in remote forest glens or moonlit crossroads. For changelings, the non-quite-human-but-definitely-not-faerie in-betweens, walking among mortals is less of a novelty. We grow up with humans, hated for being almost like them but not enough. Most of us find our way back to the Faerie Realms by adulthood. 1/2
"here in the center of the market square, everything is golden and cheerful, surrounded by dancers and the sweet smell of candies for sale. Here, they welcome the Seelie, the faerie realm of good intentions, of order and politeness."
"Revelnox celebrations here: everyone is masked, and no one dates to utter their own name. For just this one night, faeries walk among us - and the less power they can claim over you, the safer you are" Page 14
"On the night the faerie world collides with ours, anything can happen and wishes come true -- and right now, I'm wishing I had stayed home."
Page 13
*Main Charter has a twin*
"Auremore, the shining jewl between the fields of the Harrow River"
Page 14
Gonna try reading again see if it helps take my mind off it for alittle bit gonna post notes/quotes as I do so don't read them if you don't want spoilers for book above
"here in the center of the market square, everything is golden and cheerful, surrounded by dancers and the sweet smell of candies for sale. Here, they welcome the Seelie, the faerie realm of good intentions, of order and politeness." Page 14
"Revelnox celebrations here: everyone is masked, and no one dates to utter their own name." Page 14
(Note: Main character has a twin)
"Auremore, the shining Jewel between the forks if the Harrow River." Page 14
Reading to see if it helps with what happened my moms been harassing me for some of Aquamarinas ashes she doesn't seem to understand that there won't be much with her being 5 monthes and only 10 pounds plus we want to plant a tree and sprinkle her below the roots as a way for her to live on only me and my husband are keeping some rest going into a tree 😭
"On the night the faerie world collides with ours, anything can happen and wishes come true -- and right now, I'm wishing I had stayed home."
Page 13
“Stories tell of children stolen away by faeries, replaced by look-a likes.
These look-a likes they say, could be identified by their strange speech or silence. They cried without reason or never showed any emotion at all, … Folklorists theorize that these stories were early descriptions of autistic children—proof that autistic people have always been here.
But once, they called us changelings.”
I didn't realize this was part of a duology until I got to the end of the book. Now I am going to have to wait for the second part.
I loved the book. It was different from what I expect from YA Fantasy. There was a lot of focus on the relationship between the sisters. I really like seeing that. The moments with Raze and Seelie were so cute.
I was drawn into the story from the very first moment. It had a sort of magical feel to it.
I liked the strength possessed by many of the characters, the magical elements that are woven throughout the narrative, as well as many of the instances of duality in Unseelie. Seelie is an intriguing character; she has a determination rooted in love, making her a very sympathetic character. I also appreciated the fact that this protagonist has a few obstacles to overcome, obstacles that most don‘t face, and she does so with strength and grace.
My favorite aspect of this novel is that Seelie is autistic, which is shown through her being a changeling. Many of Seelie‘s mannerisms were relatable. On top of that, the way the other characters loved Seelie, not despite her autism, but because of it, gave me chills. Additionally, the adventure in this novel was fantastic! There‘s everything from faeries to shapeshifters to changelings to dragons, & the plot is robust, yet not too overwhelming.