I may need to raise my hours goal for 2025…. This is what happens when you listen to nonfiction books while you work.
I may need to raise my hours goal for 2025…. This is what happens when you listen to nonfiction books while you work.
This book is set in a futuristic monster-filled world. The story follows a young girl who is sent to a big city from a small mountain town and follows the challenges that she has to overcome. After a near-death experience, Joyeaux discovers a conspiracy that could not only hurt hurt but her new friends and family as well. This book is amazing and i would recommend it to any one who is looking for a great young adult fantasy.
This is a fantastic post apocalyptic book, and the series is exactly what I want to give all the teens who devour the Hunger Games so they can see that you can be smart and a hero for your people and do good.
When Christians used Nukes to start the Rapture they broke the barrier between our world and the Folk world. Some people got magic and must use it to fight for humanity‘s survival. Joy is forced to Apex to use her powers.
5/5 great book!
This book was a fantastic marriage of dystopian and fantasy. Both of my favorite genres. This is unlike any of her other books I've read, but it's a series I'll be rereading again! So excited to get the rest of the series in the mail.
#dystopian #fantasy #speedreading #abookaday
Read this book a while ago and I still love it! It‘s a post-apocalyptic US where after a lot of chaos monsters from mythologies broke into our world. 200 years later and everyone has recovered but no one is really safe. Hunters aided by Hounds (otherworldly creatures) try to keep everyone safe. The book follows Hunter Joyeaux Charmand in her adventures from a mountain village to the largest city in the US. Great and refreshing book!
Easily one of my favorite books of the year! The beginning is kinda confusing, but worth it. This is a post-apocalyptic world wherein "otherworlders" (ie, far, dragons, ghost-types, all kinds of scary stuff) can come into our world to basically hunt humans. Hunters, humans with magic abilities, bind themselves with packs of hounds (otherworlders that are like dogs, but bigger) to hunt all of the other types to keep people safe. Craziness ensues
This fantasy has a very strong female main character but one who has heart as well. There were some heavy-handed storylines around religion but that shifted to tolerance about half way through. Many magical creatures and conspiracies galore made this an interesting read.
Yesterday was my Friday, today is my Monday. I‘m trying to talk myself into understanding how lucky I am to have too much employment and to love my jobs as much as I do. It‘s also raining heavily and I‘ve only read 30 pages all week. #thebattlerageson
I woke up eaaaaaaaarly this morning to start a new read because one of my new bookmarks was lonely and wanted to be where someone loved him best of all. #bookwormproblems
Originality: 4/5. While dystopian YA is pretty overdone these days, they usually don‘t include MONSTER HUNTING MAGIC HOUNDS. I am a huge sucker for human/magical monster alliances, and this chick ends up with a pack of eleven (roughly thrice the typical pack size) magical creatures who hunt and eat monsters for their sustenance. Call it mary sue if you want, or cliche YA, but I freaking love everything about them.
Welp. That was unintentional. But I feel great now! 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
New walking/Pokemon hunting/knitting read. I'm not sure how I feel about the narrator of the audiobook, but I'm intrigued by the world so far.
⭐️⭐️ I'm surprised I made it through this, but I enjoyed it for what it was: a cotton-candy YA sci fi. I really liked the main character, Joy, and that's what got me through, and the mildly intriguing world-building, but it was pretty shallow all around writing-wise, plot-wise, and even world-building wise. I'll probably borrow the rest of the series from the library, but I wouldn't recommend it.
A nine-hour car trip is perfect for knocking through some audio books. First up, Mercedes Lackey's Hunter. Cotton-candy YA SciFi
It's a slow start, but if I know Lackey, she has some amazing things planned. I love the smart, kickass heroine and her romantic interest. I'm very excited to see where this series goes.
If you don't look after your fellow man, if you think what you want is always more important than what anyone else wants or needs, you're not human, and that's that.
I genuinely don't know how I feel about this book. Part of me loved it, and part of me didn't like it. 🙈
I don't think I have EVER been this confused about my feelings on a book. Will I continue the series? I think so, yes. I am invested in the story after all.
Have you read this? If so, what did you think about it?? 😱
I didn't enjoy this book as much as the first one. I don't really like the way the main character is developing and some of the parts seem awkward. I also wish there was a bit more history about the monsters.
I enjoyed some ideas within this book, like the Hounds that accompany each magical character. Unfortunately, I just wished the heroine were a little more true to her "humble" character, rather than bragging about her abilities. The explanation of some elements also lacked, leaving me a bit confused.