This was a book club pick - and it is EXCELLENT. Made me cry...a lot.
I've got some nonfiction to get through.....
"Daughters of Naiads were a dime a dozen in those days; the place was crawling with them. Nevertheless, it never hurts to be of semi-divine birth. Or it never hurts immediately."
The CHAOS WALKING trilogy absolutely DESTROYED me. I still do not know what to do with myself. It. I'm. I just.
(In The Garden of Beasts is up next...)
Loving loving loving this book...
Book club pick - loved it. Excellent storytelling and detail.
(Cheers! 🍻)
Finished in two sittings. Harrowing and wonderful.
"And what are you planning on doing after that?"
"Something daring and stupid, I'm sure," Corinne said, locking her arm with Ada's.
"Our specialty," Ada said.
"Boys can't manage anything themselves," she said. "Least of all staying alive."
"My grandmother could have planned a faster rescue than this."
"I was going for a slow build to a grand finale. Like an opera."
"He rode with the most terrifying thing in the Territory and called it a girl."
Who are you? (On the inside?)
The answer to this question was something Yael had to fight for. Her self-reflection was no reflection at all. It was a shattered mirror. Something she had to piece together, over and over again. Memory by memory. Loss by loss. Wolf by wolf.
Carrie Fisher was an INCREDIBLE writer, and I can't believe how long it took me to find that out. Some of the sentiments in here cut surprisingly close to home, articulating thoughts I've had that I didn't know how to express. Thank you, Carrie.
This is so much fun. The writing isn't technically the greatest, but I'm really enjoying the worldbuilding!
It's been a rough week. Calling on Danny Hart and the world of Timekeeper to help me through.
"So she traced and she named. She hurt and she raged. She remembered." CANNOT WAIT TO READ BLOOD FOR BLOOD
Currently reading: PRETTY GIRLS for book club & LABYRINTH LOST on the side.
"The night was thistle-sharp, spiderweb-tense. Triss was part of its secrecy and danger now, but she sensed that she was not the most secretive or dangerous thing abroad. The night had no favorites." Frances Hardinge's books KILL ME.
This is a tough little book, much like its leading ladies. It somehow encompasses only one neighborhood in 1930s Sydney, but feels HUGE at the same time. Kelpie and Dymphna are sharp girls full of grit, so different and so similar. I love how the story revolves around them and their strange developing relationship. All of the side characters and history are killer. This book is killer. Oh, and GHOSTS!! 👻
Getting my morning dose of wormhole theory over coffee. 👍
This book has a lot of hype...that I didn't feel it lived up to. The story is...fine, but the writing felt flat and unoriginal. There were many times when the reader was clearly supposed to empathize a certain way with the characters and I just...didn't. It's fine, but overall the book felt pretty mediocre. Also, can we get rid of the "I'm too thin to be beautiful" thing? Bye.
"Please come back soon. The window is always open."
I took this for National Book Lovers Day yesterday, but forgot to post it! This is an all-time favorite book of mine. All. Time. Favorite. ??
Starting this because I love The Fixer books so much! 📖👊💥📖
AWESOME. Want something like Goonies, Super 8, or Stranger Things...but with a GIRL GANG? Look no further. Group of girls delivering papers in the 80s gets involved with time travel mayhem and monsters. GOD the art is perfect. I'm really interested to see where this crazy plot goes!
I honestly don't know how to describe this book. It's all about humanity in its different forms, some of it monstrous. Kate and August are strongly written, and the plot is gripping. I do think it's the weakest of V Schwab's books that I've read, but it's still great!
I've already finished SAGA Vol. 6, and now am starting HEROINE COMPLEX by Sarah Kuhn!!
Just got back from hearing Victoria Schwab speak about THIS SAVAGE SONG and I'm even more excited to dive in!!
Even better than the first!! THE FIXER was fun and intriguing, but this one was so gripping I could hardly make myself put it down. A whole other level of awesome. What can I say? I love Veronica Mars-esque protagonists and political machinations!
Not my cup of tea. It would have been a fun read, but I couldn't get past how oblivious the characters were, and how often there was a very convenient fix for some obstacle. Ah well.
"Scarecrows weren't meant to scare the crows, they were meant to scare the corn. It was enough to give a person nightmares. Otherwise, why would so many horror movies have cornfields in them?"