Started listening while on trip up north with hubby and continuing. A collection of novelettes.
Started listening while on trip up north with hubby and continuing. A collection of novelettes.
Starting reading and then realized I had already read it. 😃
This was really a compilation of 3 novellas. The 1st, a story about a lawyer who absconded with clients‘ money and wanted to come home, dragged a bit. Th 2nd, a sad story about a teenager put on death row for participating in a robbery where his brother committed murder, was a bit philosophical. The 3rd, about a family law firm where the love of money was each character‘s demise in different ways, was fast paced.
This collection of three novellas has all the classic Grisham vibes and his storytelling is just as good in the shorter form. I enjoyed each of the stories in this book, but Strawberry Moon landed best for me. Ideal summer reading.
Pick with a caveat and 3.5/5 ⚖️ ⚖️ ⚖️
To be honest, John Grisham could write only Jake Brigance stories for the rest of time and I would read and love each one. I also enjoyed the second story in here about a death row inmate. It was the title story that fell a bit flat for me, just the wrap up seemed a bit… I thought there would be more. But I did really enjoy the story just not the end. An overall pick and I remain a John Grisham fangirl.
Day 6:
Sparring Partners
All the Gallant Men-both great
24 books so far!
What are you reading?
Really enjoyed this set of short stories. After I read them I noticed that they are part of a series but I thought they were good all on their own.
I picked this up during the BIG Audible sale and while I thought the audio narration was fabulous I was underwhelmed with the overall collection. This was 3 separate novellas, which felt more like bits of a larger unfinished story. Grisham writes captivating stories and characters and while I enjoyed all three novellas, I was left wanting MORE. #MoreMehThanYeah
4 ⭐. I always enjoy John Grisham's mystery/law books. I didn't read the synopsis close enough to see these were 3 novellas. They were all three good. The first two maybe the strongest.
I enjoyed these three novella‘s John Grisham came up with during the pandemic. Any time I get to spend time with Jake Briggance I‘m a happy camper. My favorite was the his second story about a 29-yr old in his last hours on death row -it will stay with me. In fact, I should have set this book down and read a romance before starting the third story. It‘s a good story but full of greed so I just wanted back in stories 1 & 2.
“You must‘ve finished dead last in your class to end up with a dipshit job like this.”
Fast reading. Homecoming is about a lawyer who left his family and the country but now wants to come back. Strawberry Moon concerns a young man on death row and if you are anti-execution, it makes a powerful statement. The book title novella concerns 2 lawyer partners who can‘t stand each other. Their father is in prison for killing their mother. There is some humor in it. The problem with novellas is you want them to go on longer
A surprise showed up at my door today! I didn‘t even realize I won. #goodreadsgiveaway
Took a break from the others I‘m working on to tackle these 3 short stories. It was a nice break from the others and Jake Brigance made an appearance. #grisham