she went out the door and left me alone in the room—in a universe made for one.
she went out the door and left me alone in the room—in a universe made for one.
In the end, we all made our own choices and lived with the consequences. We couldn‘t always dictate the hand the universe dealt us, but we had at least some control over how we played our cards.
The need for revenge is an inferno that consumes all, leaving nothing and no one unburned.
It was one of those moments when life too perfectly matches a sitcom for anyone to actually believe it happened
He couldn‘t find his own navel with Google Maps and a guide dog.
there was a flash of that smile of hers, a weapon of male destruction
The truth may set you free, as they say, but being free wasn‘t always what you wanted.
Outside, a dog explained his loneliness to the night in one long, mournful howl.
Male pride could motivate a man to do many things.