When romance bookclub helps you prioritize a book that‘s been sitting on your physical TBR
When romance bookclub helps you prioritize a book that‘s been sitting on your physical TBR
Historical queer romance with a heist and a highwayman? Sounds amazing. This was dull as dish soap.
It took ages for anything to actually happen. The characters could have been brilliant but none of them were really fleshed out and were quite shallow.
Also, banter does not a relationship make. The main couple had zero chemistry.
The whole thing was very flat and I am very disappointed.
book 1 in a connected series that I accidentally read book 2 first. I love Kit, he‘s so great. Percy is kinda annoying and he recognizes his privilege once Kit points it out and tries to fix it but I liked the second book better. this one feels pretty anticlimactic but I always enjoy queer rep in historical romance.
So clever and funny! A great queer historical with unique characters that you want to root for! #BookspinBingo #Bookspin @TheAromaofBooks
#currentread Did the walk/swim combo again today. Hit my move goal for the day by 10am! Now I can read all day if I want to! #BFC2022 @wanderinglynn
I didn't love this one as much as the second one, but I was glad to spend some more time in this world and with this cast of lovable queer criminals. I am really hoping we get a sapphic book about Betty as the third in the series. An f/f story would round out the queer trilogy, don't you think?? #QueerBooks #LGBTQBooks #LGBTQ #Romantsy
It's taken a while for me to warm up to Percy but I think he's won me over with this line, speaking to a spider living in Kit's house: "You wove a pretty web but are not in the least bit practically minded. One relates."
I enjoyed the ever loving crap out of this book. Happy sighs and sweet bemused smiles all over the place. 15/5 🌟
the seven books i read in november 2021 covered most of the bloomin readathon prompts pretty solidly! 🌻
the biggest winner here was the queer principles of kit webb, which covered six spaces on its own 👨🏻❤️👨🏼
So I reread this on audio and it‘s fantastic! Also, for any Ted Lasso fans - the narrator‘s version of Kit‘s voice is a slightly less gravely version of Roy Kent‘s voice…😚 Also, I remember this being a great book, but it is even more glorious than I remembered! Absolutely delicious! 10 out of 10 would recommend!!!
It took me 15 forevers to finish this book because "Shameless" **exists** and I just discovered it ?♀️. So I've been shamelessly binging and this poor precious book took the backseat.
Well, the Gallagher's did not take away from how lovely this book was. It was slow to start and lost me here and there but midway through we get a strong and beautiful story developing. Great historical romance.
My bingo really took a hit due to Shameless ?.
Taking a minute to enjoy the holiday flavors that have arrived at Starbucks ♥️. Oh and a little reading too 😏.
A good, solid read but this wasn't a favorite. I can't precisely put my finger on what made this a 'fine' read versus an amazing one because it has everything there. But it took a while for sexytimes and then, I don't know, it felt oddly rushed. And both main characters take a while to open up with their secrets so we're waiting a long time for that. And Sebastian is such a stellar writer that the great books are SO GOOD.
While I was fine with the romance (I rarely have a problem suspending disbelief for "Troo Lurv"?) the rest of the story didn't make much sense to me and the half baked ideas about the rights and wrongs of distribution of wealth in the 18th century were somewhat incongruous, if well intentioned. Not one of Cat Sebastion's best. #romantsy
This started out as a slog. In theory, I liked everything on the page. In practice, I found the characterization inconsistent and didn‘t feel much chemistry between the leads. That stole all the sparkle. I almost bailed.
A little past page 100, though, the characters settle in and the story starts to gel. It builds into something pretty lovely, despite that rough start. Not my fave Cat Sebastian, but still well worth reading.
I made it to Oh Doughnuts before the Pickle Dips sold out! The shop‘s founder laboured long and hard to bring this doughnut into the world because it was their dream. I salute them for it.
The book‘s not going as well as the lunch. Tbh, I‘d already have bailed if it weren‘t by Cat Sebastian. The plot‘s got tons of my favourite ingredients, but they don‘t meld together as they should. I‘m pretty sure I‘ll drift away from it in a chapter or two. 😔
This was such a fun read. A historical romance with a heist caper and #lgbtq+ as a bonus. A little slow to start but the romance is very adorable. I would say moderately steamy, bit of a slow burn that totally makes sense to the story. 4.5⭐️ another book done for my August #bookspinbingo
The fluffy summer read I needed after tackling Bram Stoker‘s Dracula. Besides being horribly cliche it was fun and light and just what I was looking for. Also steamy oh my so steamy!
Finished today! Reminded me a lot of Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue but like the adult version
Gotta say, the leads of the next book have A LOT of explaining to do!
Haven't posted much recently, and going back to work in an office has left me with less reading time, so this one has been going slower than I anticipated. I would like to say: I Love Collins
Stayed up late to finish this delicious book. I received an uncorrected proof a couple days before it‘s release date, but with an actual wildfire threatening my neighborhood it‘s been a crazy week. A couple grumpy, prickly, soft boys were a very welcome distraction. These two snark and snipe and moon - as they wrestle with each other (literally), the feelings they elicit in one another, and the roles they want play in the bigger scheme of things.
Yay, a new Cat Sebastian! Not that I've read all her other books yet, but there's nothing so shiny as something new. I'm only a few chapters in, and it took me stupidly long to sort out how everyone was related to each other in Percy's family, but I think I'm awake and on board now.
A “one last heist” book from Cat Sebastian?!?!I couldn‘t have been more excited to read this.The cover is fantastic and the book is even better.I read it in one sitting and it‘s the emotional sweetness I expect between the characters with a dash of drama and danger.
Kit Webb is bored.An injury has cut short his highwayman career and he‘s running a local coffee shop.Everything is shaken up when Percy,a duke‘s son comes to him with a proposition.
I just got in this early copy in the mail yesterday and I started reading it today! This beautiful romance comes out on Tuesday, and I‘m hoping to have it read and reviewed in time for release day. Maybe I‘ll make it, maybe not. Either way, I just had to share how much I love the cover and how much I‘m enjoying reading this book so far! It‘s already a delicious way to celebrate Pride month and I can‘t wait to see how these two make things work!
At the movies waiting for Fast & Furious 6 to start! 🚘