4/5 🌟
A heartbreaking tale of a family dealing with loss, and a brother's struggle to avoid becoming like his abusive and dysfunctional father.
4/5 🌟
A heartbreaking tale of a family dealing with loss, and a brother's struggle to avoid becoming like his abusive and dysfunctional father.
This was fanatic, told from the POV of both brother, set in Ireland. It's sad, I was reading on the plane going to Scotland and had tears running down me. It tugs at your heart!
Bite-sized Book Chats: The 8th Episode
My BookTube channel is linked in my profile
Chat #1: with Maria from Dublin
Boys Don't Cry by Fíona Scarlett
The audiobook is narrated by Ronan Raftery
Chat #2: with Adiba from London
Cursed Bunny by Bora Chung
Anton Hur (Translator)
I loved this one! But sad. On offer today.
Oh this book, 😢💔 I can‘t really say anymore without spoiling it. A small book with a big punch.
Wonderful debut, I‘ll be looking out for this author.
Started Boys Don‘t Cry this morning.
Might try and squeeze another Patchett in before the end of the month.
And the others are looking likely for the week, but who knows.
Top 2 are mine. Middle ones are my daughter‘s and the bottom one is my daughter‘s friend‘s. She came to Waterstones with us and then said she wanted to join in the book buying game but don‘t laugh at what she buys. She hasn‘t brought a book for about 10 years she said. I call this a win 😁