Last of 2022
It just edges a pick, I‘m not sure which would feel worse for me- having to be looked after or having to look after someone!! Claustrophobic descriptions of the challenges and very well written.
Last of 2022
It just edges a pick, I‘m not sure which would feel worse for me- having to be looked after or having to look after someone!! Claustrophobic descriptions of the challenges and very well written.
#BookReport 42/22
Three excellent reads, all completely different. It is kind relaxing to read what you feel like instead of being dominated by the challenges 🤣
This book consists of 3 parts, each telling a different stage of Robert‘s life. In the 1st he‘s a researcher in Antarctica, in the 2nd he suffers from a serious stroke, in the 3rd he is learning to live with its effects. Seemingly in the background but unmistakably present is his wife Anna, a scientist who suddenly becomes a full time carer.
A typical McGregor again with as little said as possible and a lot to read between the lines.
The 1st part of this fits
#involvesanexploration #booked2022
as 3 men, on a geographical team at the antarctic are caught in a terrible wind storm. The story is a then different tale abt the older man Doc, + his wife who is used to his absence, managing his rehabilitation from a stroke.Macgregor writes brilliantly abt people + circumstances, his is a unique voice. And So my summer challenge ends
@Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft
The book opens on the ice of Antarctica - where the snow, freezing temperatures and quickly shifting weather patterns add to the tension created in the relationships between the three men. Immediately you sense something is off. The second and third section - shifts perspective and the focuses on language, communication and care giving. It‘s astute and claustrophobic. This book had moments of brilliance but characters whom I didn‘t care for !
This starts out as a dramatic Antarctic disaster then very quickly we‘re back home with Doc. He‘s had a stroke and is struggling to communicate. We hear from his wife, Anna, of the unexpected taking over of care responsibilities. The fact Doc came back, but also didn‘t. There is such a sense of frustration and claustrophobia. I think I‘ll read anything Jon McGregor writes; the prose here was just hypnotic
Thank you @jhod - this one has been sitting in my Waterstones basket waiting for a moment of weakness! I really wanted to read it. Thank you for sending to me. 😘
Following a group of scientists working in the Antarctic made an interesting backstory, and this book started strong but then just lost its momentum.
It was a quick read. It was mildly entertaining. But sadly, I doubt I'll be able to recall anything from it in a few weeks.
This story is divided into 3 sections—the first is set in Antarctica during a sudden storm that forever changes the lives of the three men caught in it. This is by far the strongest part of the book. The next two sections tell the story of one of those characters—he survived but suffered a devastating injury—& how he tries to make sense of what happened. This is a story about survival (on multiple levels) & opening the chapters make it a pick.
Started this one this morning & wow…the beginning is an awesome, terrifying reminder of nature‘s power (& wrath) & the risks people take when they challenge it. And having read the opening chapters, I can honestly say that there is nothing more terrifying than being caught up in a sudden snowstorm far from civilization. Utterly terrifying. ❄️🥶❄️
A playlist of all episodes in the Bite-sized Book Chat series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU-61cZp1pQdBH5V0Zb9q-2ujl4PY8nhf
Chat #1: Sharon Goforth from Ohio (sadly, a former BookTuber)
Lean Fall Stand by Jon McGregor
Chat #2: with Bernie from Jersey City
The Dragon Can't Dance by Earl Lovelace
The story begins in Antarctica, with beautiful descriptions of the landscape, the unpredictability of nature, fragility of human life, and continues in the very different direction - with the focus on the difficulties of caregiving, importance of communication, storytelling, language, different kinds of expression … solid 3⭐️
This was a thrilling story, set partly in the Antarctic when an accident occurs and its far- reaching consequences. Robert is badly injured, he suffered a stroke and can't remember the whole event. It occurs in three parts this story. The last part which is Stand, I didn't find so interesting as the others.
These are two books that I am reading. Both are good and interesting.
I wasn‘t sure about this at first but it grew on me as I read through it. Started off feeling a bit of a Boy‘s Own Adventure in Antarctica but it got more interesting after things went wrong. I loved Reservoir 13 and don‘t think this is quite as good but that‘s still pretty good.