Yay, and yum!! My lucky day. 🍪🍀 #netgalley
Yay, and yum!! My lucky day. 🍪🍀 #netgalley
There are cookie recipes & then there are COOKIE RECIPES! The kind that have your mouth watering by the time you've read through the recipe. In today's world of an Internet full of free recipes, it takes something special in a cookbook for sale - and The Cookie Bible has that "it" factor! I have never been so excited about a cookbook! #arc #netgalley #cookiebible (review continued in comments)
I was a little intimidated by this cookbook. The recipes are extremely detailed, and the author recommends measuring ingredients by weight instead of with cups. (She does give the cups measurements also) It is very specific about ingredients and tools. I think I'm an good baker, not a pro.. So while I found this intimidating, I also like a challenge. This doesn't come out until Nov.of 2022! But I will be buying a hard copy.
Staples and new-to-me recipes.
What I liked the most was how the recipes were written, very organised and concise. The 'mis en place' info is very helpful, this way you know how long in advance you will have to take ingredients out of the fridge or pre-prepare some steps of the recipe.
#ARC #NetGalley #MountARC