Happy #5JoysFriday! ? @DebinHawaii
1. Jolene asked me to do her hair when I visited and she was so delighted with her "Anna braids" ?❄️
2. My newest comfort rewatch show, Parks and Rec
3. Virtual book chat with some online friends ?
4. Flowers blooming along the driveway ?
5. Trees in bloom everywhere! (Even though the pollen is killing my allergies ?)
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
Happy Friday, everyone! If you‘re reading this, consider yourself tagged. 😃
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
1. I was complaining about lack of shelf space one night & the next morning my husband cleared off one of his random shelves for me. That's love, y'all
2. A couple friend of ours gifted me this gorgeous cat blanket just because! My husband also received one with a D&D style dungeon map on it. They know us both so well
3. Game night with said couple friend
4. The kitties, always
5.The anticipation of waiting for book mail
Here are just a few of the many joys we experienced on our Caribbean cruise this week! 🏝️
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
I'm terrible at posting my #5JoysFriday ...on Friday 😅
1. Costco trips with the nibling. Her love of berries is adorable 🍓
2. I don't talk about Sally enough. She's the best dog ever and I love her enthusiasm whenever we return home 🐕
3. Harry the local heron sighting at the pond!
4. Reading while covered in cats 😹
5. Been reading two amazing ebooks this week that I haven't wanted to put down! 📚
Bonus joy ⬇️
💛 Sourdough cheeseburger focaccia
💛 Enjoying a HS conference band concert
💛 My team had 2 mostly successful nights of matches to start their Scholar Bowl/Quiz Bowl season!
💛 The pets, featuring LaGata this week
💛 A Friday night out for supper with friends
#5JoysFriday #DaiseysJoys
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
1. I bought a new (to me) car!! It's hard to tell in the picture but it's a beautiful blue color, my favorite 🩵
2. First jonquil blooms and signs of spring 🌱
3. Cat cuddles 😻
4. Catching up with an old friend who is planning her wedding! So happy for her 💒
5. Lewis, always ❤️
My photos are a bit food centric this week, but there were lots of joyful things.
💛 I went to town for a few groceries and tried a new to me local place for supper, and it was delicious.
💛 I made sourdough oatmeal chocolate chunk cookies to have in the freezer.
💛 Luthien ran for hours and came home happy but muddy.
💛 I made a strawberry cake for a carry-in meal at school.
💛 We had a full week of school!
##5JoysFriday #DaiseysJoys
💛 A long weekend full of pets and books
💛 Baking on cold, snowy days
💛 Getting caught up on grading
💛 Simple snack lunches of sausage, cheese, and crackers
💛 Reliable heat during cold weeks
#5JoysFriday #DaiseysJoys
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
1. Book mail 📚
2. We ate at our fav little Mexican place on Valentine's Day & they gave everyone carnations 🌸
3. Car shopping this past weekend was a bust but I got some good reading time in the car 🚗
4. Ben experiencing bubbles after my bath 🫧
5. It snowed a little this week (rare here in NC) & there was a moment at work where we all went to watch the snow fall out the front windows that felt magical & child-like ❄️
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
1. We bought a new mattress and it is glorious! 😴
2. Oakley tried a paste treat for the first time, it was hilarious to watch 😹
3. Arthur's new favorite nap spot is in a basket of clean laundry - adorable if frustrating lol 🧺
4. Mental health day + Jane Austen 🎬
5. After rewatching the Good Place for the nth time I was sad it was over until I remembered the Good Place Podcast & have been relistening to it during work
Just realized I never posted last week‘s #5JoysFriday ! But it‘s never too late for joy, right? 😘
💛 I spent a day with my family cutting up pork and making sausage.
💛 I canned pork, pork broth, and peach BBQ sauce.
💛 One of the jars of pork didn‘t seal, so I got to try it in a carnitas taco.
💛 My math classroom door is decorated for February.
💛 The pets, of course
#5JoysFriday #DaiseysJoys
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
1. The kitties being cute as always 😻
2. Shopping dates with old friends 👯♀️
3. Finding a cute new shirt/overall outfit I'm obsessed with 💃🏼
4. Doctors that listen to you ❤️🩹
5. Getting back to a milestone in aerial class 💪🏼
1. I found the Daily Beans podcast.
The rest of #5joysfriday is related to the same event and may take more than 451 characters to relate.
The TV in the study crapped out the night of the plane crash above the Potomac. Of all nights! This led to aggravation but then to some joys.
2. We got a new TV and set it up with only minimal arguments. We just needed to phone a friend to help sort the Roku remote.
3. Then we went out for pizza! ⬇️
#5JoysFriday (on Sunday!) @DebinHawaii
Considering my joys at the end of the week always adds a little extra joy to my Friday. This week they included:
💛 A new and delicious chicken soup recipe
💛 The pets
💛 Flowers in the middle of winter
💛 A fun and successful math activity with one of my classes
💛 A fresh loaf of homemade bread
#5JoysFriday #DaiseysJoys
Most of my joy this week has come from looking through our wedding photos from October. We FINALLY got them back from our photographer and it's been fun revisiting that joyful day.
Other things that helped this week:
- bookclub with friends 📚
- therapy ❤️🩹
- snuggling my cats 😻
- Lewis 😘
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
It's Friday and the last day of January #5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii. I hope you get your power back soon!
1. Saw a beautiful pair of foxes on Sunday on my way to do ice fishing at a different lake. No camera, of course.
2. Got some Microgreen growing kits with seeds.
3. Got all my Valentines Card Swap done
4. Oakley playing in fresh snow
5. My new canvas sign for my summer markets.
My #5JoysFriday this week is all about the “this never happens here” snow & ice storm.
I didn‘t take many photos this week, but there were several joys!
💛 Watching my niece play in a volleyball tournament
💛 My niece and sister spent the evening at my house
💛 A full week back at school
💛 Starting practice for quiz bowl
💛 The pets
#5JoysFriday #DaiseysJoys
Thanks for the tag, @DebinHawaii
If you‘re reading this, consider yourself tagged. Let‘s celebrate joys big and small! 🙂
Pretty much all of my joys this week revolve around a snowy week.
💛 The beauty of snow! ❄️
💛 A cozy house during this cold weather
💛 Several long walks with Luthien when I had snow days from school
💛 Quiet days at home with lots of reading and project time
💛 Cat snuggles
#5JoysFriday #DaiseysJoys
Happy #5JoysFriday ☺️ @DebinHawaii
1. Sneaking in a last bit of Christmas joy with my niece at the Speedway Christmas Lights show
2. Back on my aerial journey after a long break, feels great to be back at it! (although also sore 😅)
3. Found a new Christmas tree in a great after-the-holidays sale
4. Pets for the cat that lives at the groomer, his name is Squint & he's adorable 😻
5. Cam snuggling my shoes while waiting in my office to go home 😹
💛 Litsy! As I compiled book stats this week, I considered again how Litsy has impacted my reading life. Thank you all for your part in this community.
💛 Seeing progress made on long term reading goals and reviewing great reads from the past year
💛 Time for Luthien to run and good weather for me to walk while visiting family
💛 The cats and all their snuggles
💛 Extra time this week for some canning baking projects
#5JoysFriday #DaiseysJoys
💛 Being home with my family for the holiday & spending time on the farm
💛 Wonderful Christmas Eve church services
💛 Beautiful Christmas trees & lights
💛 Delicious food, some games, gifts, & working on a puzzle with family Christmas Day
💛 On these days I spend at my sister‘s house, Luthien gets to spend hours running miles in the woods, and I know where she is and can call her in thanks to her tracking collar.
#5JoysFriday #DaiseysJoys
Friday‘s long gone, but I still want to share some joys from the week.
💛 Baking Christmas goodies
💛 Holiday festivities at school
💛 School‘s out for Christmas break
💛 All the gifts are wrapped
💛 Extra snuggles with the pets
#5JoysFriday #DaiseysJoys
Happy Friday! #5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
My joys from the week:
1. Fun times at my work holiday party with my hubby
2. Cookie decorating with my niece
3. We did presents with her as well since they are traveling for Christmas and I loved watching her play with her new tiles with Lewis. She's really starting to open up with him more
4. Silly cats
5. Great bookclub discussions with my friends
Usually I‘m considering what to share at the end of the day, but this morning I‘m ready to share my simple joys from the week. Wishing everyone a joyful Friday!
💛 The pets of course
💛 My little changeable desk decoration is ready for Christmas
💛 New stickers for my classroom collection
💛 A simple but funny decorated door for my classroom
💛 Plans to finish Christmas shopping with friends tomorrow
#5JoysFriday #DaiseysJoys
💛 The first snow of the season while I was visiting my family for Thanksgiving
💛 Letting Luthien run on the farm and also play with other dogs
💛 Sledding with my niece
💛 Attending my hometown Christmas tree lighting and caroling (I only make it on years Thanksgiving is late and aligns with the first Sunday of December)
💛 The snow had completely melted off the roads for my late night drive back to my house
#5JoysFriday #DaiseysJoys
We have been blessed to have a truly wonderful week, cruising with our son and daughter-in-law.
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
#5JoysFriday @DebinHawaii
1. Spending time with my niece and sister
2. Baking cookies and listening to Christmas music
3. We hosted Friendsgiving this year! I never care about the food aspect of the holiday but can't beat the company!
4. I joined some online friends in an ARTvent calendar challenge to try to learn digital art. We have a small prompt for each day in December. Pictured are my apple and mushroom 🍄
5. The start of Wintergames! ❄️
💛 Just two days of school this week and Thanksgiving break
💛 Family time for the holiday weekend!
💛 Thanksgiving meals and leftovers
💛 Time for a little foraging while exploring with Luthien
💛 Helping my sister and her family with some farm chores
#5JoysFriday #DaiseysJoys