Press here and turn the page.
During the first read, the teacher could ask children what they notice after each action.
The interactive nature of this picture book might be amusing to younger grades! The illustrations are simple, just similarly sized dots, leading the reader to focus first on color, then space, contrast, and size. This would be a great book to use to teach about any of those terms, composition, noticing changes, or in an art class.
I wanted to find a video to show how you‘re supposed to use the book but I decided to just take a picture in motion.
I love how this story creates movement. It also uses such simple colors to really create a fun blending of colors and again, movement.
This book is really short, but it's so much fun! This book is fun for everyone. It has bright colors and a silly little story, but it also teaches kids about colors and has an underlying message about how actions have consequences. I appreciate this book because even for an adult, it's silly, fun, and makes me want to reread it 100 times.
Press Here by Herve Tullet, 2010. Picturebook. this book is a great interactive opportunity for children! The words on the pages prompt children to do a certain task such as touch the dot or shake them to essentially create the next illustration. The use of illustrations in this book are very clever and get children thinking!
Time to catch up with some #BBRC #PictureBooksAtoZ posts.
My brother and his gf are expecting v soon, so I‘m using this challenge to start a shopping list. This is at the Very Top of the list - it‘s wonderful! Fun, simple, clear, interactive and (did I mention?) fun. This is one of those books I‘d been waiting for an excuse to track down - totally need to borrow a toddler to read it with now!
Best gift ever!!! An personalized copy of “I Have an Idea” by Hervé Tullet!! Thanks @mayakh (and Claudia) ???
If you have a child and have not bought “Press Here” yet, seriously go order it on Amazon.
A highly interactive book by children‘s touch on every page, something changes on the next. For example, the author tells us to push really hard, or tap all the dots, and then when you turn the page, something is different about that once very simple yellow dot.
Five stars for this book that was published and to that date had never found anything like it.
I can‘t believe it took me this long to read this book. I had always heard that it was great, but the cover is underwhelming. I finally checked it out, and this is my son‘s current favorite. It is so much fun! Interactive and involving and engaging. We will be adding this one to our permanent collection for sure.
So disclaimer: I don‘t give adults books as gifts regularly, and if I do it‘s very specific to the person. But kids books? My favorite gift at baby showers. And my current favorite is this gem. It‘s fun and interactive, and it teaches all great things! #Day9 #30DayBookChallenge
This book is so much fun and a great one to turn to when you‘re feeling cynical and you #dontbelieveanymore. I love reading it with my kids, they are delighted by the magic in it as the dots change by the power of their touch. #marchintooz
Press here is a really fun New York Times bestseller fiction RAbook by Hervé Tullet! The story is 100% interactive and really helps with folllowing directions and listening skills. I would UDL principle 8.4 because this book is mostly about listening but a big part of it is also the feedback that we can receive from it. I would use ESOL strategy 14 because this book requires alot of directions that may be difficult for the student the first time.
My mom's unfinished Mother's Day present looks like the cover of Press Here. That's all I can think.
#bookriot challenge day....11. #riotgrams favorite children's book. I feel like this book doesn't really need an explanation of why it's fabulous.
Missed yesterday's #picturebooklove for #17booklove. We have read this book a gazillion times. Hard not to love an innovative, interactive book that delights kids.
A belated Christmas gift to our grandson from his aunt and uncle. I think this is one of the most intriguing and clever children's books I've ever seen. When you've got the adults tilting, shaking, and tapping the book, you can assume it's a winner. I want a copy to keep at our house, too.
Great books for 3 to 5 year olds. So fun!!
Walking thru bookstore I see book. Stop. Tilt head. Look quizzically at book. Pick up book. Look side to side. No one is looking. Check again. Glance left. Glance right. Push yellow button. Go thru whole book pushing with childish glee. SIL walks up. "OMG try this!" She commences button pushing with giddy pleasure. Woman browsing sees us. As we walk away I see her pick up book and glance around. Lol! Innocence is childish glee. #day22