This compendium is for the most super of Douglas Adams superfans. Read my full review here: https://debbybrauer.org/#dont-panic-douglas-adams-the-hitchhi...
This compendium is for the most super of Douglas Adams superfans. Read my full review here: https://debbybrauer.org/#dont-panic-douglas-adams-the-hitchhi...
Borrowed this book from #PrimeReading years ago, and am finally getting around to reading it. I need to reread the Trilogy, it's been a while, and I have all six in a nice bound copy. Maybe I'll reread Liff as well. Lol
#Kindle #HGTTG #HaveTowelWillTravel
I‘m not having a panic attack...I‘m not having a panic attack...DAMMIT!!! Am I the only one just scared about everything going on?!? 😦
Excellent. Neil Gaiman, as usual, does a fantastic job telling Adams‘s biography as well as the story of HHGTTG.
#TIL that Adams intended Ford Prefect to be an anti-Doctor Who, who always rushes about saving people & planets, generally doing good works. Ford, on the other hand, given the choice between saving the world from some disaster or going to a party, he‘d go to the party every time. 😂
#nfNov 9pts for the post/128 total
I‘m thoroughly enjoying this book. So many awesome tidbits about HHGTTG and packed full of info about Adams. Gaiman, as usual, is a masterful storyteller.
#TIL that The Restaurant at the End of the Universe was Adams‘s favorite of the HHGTTG trilogy and that he thought Life, the Universe, & Everything had some of the best and some of the worst Hitchhiker‘s writing.
#nfNov 4 pts for the post/119 total
“the Hitch-Hiker's Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopaedia Galactica as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older, more pedestrian work in two important respects. First, it is slightly cheaper; and secondly it has the words #DONTPANIC inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover.”
Douglas Adams #quote
💙 this thought.
Ebook‘s on sale today in the US.
For Hitchhiker‘s and Neil Gaiman fans. 1/25/19
I picked up this book because I love Douglas Adams and I love Gaiman. I did not realize it was a rerelease or even that the older version of this book existed. I liked parts of it a lot. The older versions of scripts were so cool. But a lot of it was name dropping of British comedians from the 1970s which went over my head.
Saw this on the Litsy fb page & thought I'd pass the info along for any Littens who don't use facebook #LitsyDowntime #ScheduledDowntime #LitsyPSA #LitsyMaintenance
Saw this on facebook & thought I'd share... prepare for withdrawal 😱 #LitsyDowntime #LitsyServerMigration #LitsyInterruption #LitsyMaintenance #LitsyBlackout
Neil Gaiman writing about Douglas Adams. Do I need to say more?
Life keeps intruding, preventing me from accomplishing the things I want to achieve this month. In hindsight, it was silly of me to think I'd be able to keep up with #Quotsy & all the other challenges while staying on track for #Nanowrimo! I just want to be able to spend my time reading, writing & taking pictures of books without interruption, but real life adulting stuff gets in the way. I hope to get caught up this weekend. #BookishProblems
I woke up today feeling the need for some fun, escapist reads. I thought there might be others out there on Litsy feeling the same way. Here are my choices for some #postelectionescapism Anyone else have some recommendations?
Some of those are harder to see: top middle is Treasure Island. Under that is The Princess and the Goblin, under that, The Prestige.
#FunFridayPhoto : a biography you love.
A biography of Douglas Adams written by Neil Gaiman? What's not to love?
Let me answer that rhetorical question. Nothing. There is nothing not to love about that.
Do you like Hitchhikers Guide? Do you like Neil Gaiman? Enough said. When I saw a chapter called Monty Python and Hitchhikers, I knew this book was for me.