Life keeps intruding, preventing me from accomplishing the things I want to achieve this month. In hindsight, it was silly of me to think I'd be able to keep up with #Quotsy & all the other challenges while staying on track for #Nanowrimo! I just want to be able to spend my time reading, writing & taking pictures of books without interruption, but real life adulting stuff gets in the way. I hope to get caught up this weekend. #BookishProblems
Andrew65 Best of luck. You can do it! 7y
IamIamIam 🤘😄 7y
LibrarianJen I have those same problems! If I could just be independently wealthy then I wouldn‘t have to work and could totally just read and write and sip lattes all day. 7y
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Megabooks Hey, hang in there! 7y
Reggie You can do it!!!!!! 7y
TK-421 @Andrew65 @Booksandcooks @Reggie @IamIamIam Thanks! 7y
TK-421 @LibrarianJen That would be wonderful 🤑📚📝☕️ 7y
JazzFeathers Don't give up! The secret is priotizing. I'm priotising NaNoWriMo my blog and and #LotRChapterADay this month. Everything else that gets in is a welcome plus 😉 7y
TK-421 @Jazzfeathers So true! I have been trying to prioritize, but I've had things come up that I couldn't say no to: a friend being desperate for help, and friends I haven't seen for years coming to town for a visit. Also, I decided to be a #NanoRebel this year, working on revision instead of starting a new project. I find revision a more difficult process than writing a first draft. But I won't give up! Thanks for the pep talk! How's your month going? 7y
JazzFeathers I revised during NaNo for many years and yes, it is more difficult than a first draft. But l'm sure you're manage! As for me, l am writing a first draft after so many years and l had to get back into that mindset. Was more difficult than l expected but now it's going pretty fluently. I fell a bit behind recently but l hope to catch up in the weekend 7y
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