I enjoyed this P&P deep dive into Lydia‘s character much much more than May enjoys being dressed up as a Dino.
I enjoyed this P&P deep dive into Lydia‘s character much much more than May enjoys being dressed up as a Dino.
Lydia's point of view of the events of Pride and Prejudice is explored through a series of diary entries and letters in this novel. It was a very enjoyable read and I think it has helped me to get my head around the many characters in Jane Austen's novel. I would recommend reading it if you loved Pride and Prejudice!
"If we had been boys, we should all have been sent to school, but I don't see what being a boy has got to do with anything"
"Books may not judge you, but people do"
Book Haul!
4. Lydia by Natasha Farrant
This book tells the story of Lydia, the "wild girl" of Pride and Prejudice. I have seen this in the library several times before however I avoided it in the past as I hadn't read Pride and Prejudice. I am very interested to see how the author has written this as Lydia's story isn't explored that much in Jane Austen's novel
"Do not be afraid of books, Miss Bennet. Simply treat them with the respect they deserve, and you will be richly rewarded. You do not have to be clever or rich or have attended celebrated schools or universities in order to appreciate them. It is enough simply to have an open and receptive mind - and sometimes, it is true, a little perseverance. But you must not be afraid, Miss Bennet, for books do not judge you. Do you understand?"
I love love loooooved this book! Lydia is my favorite Bennet sister and this retelling from her pov is excellent! I highly recommend it!
"For today I finally learned what it means to be great friends. It means trusting someone so much you are prepared to do something terrifying with your eyes shut, knowing they won't ever let anything bad happen to you, and it is the best feeling in the world"
Oh man this is so good and makes Lydia way more complex
😂 I love Lydia, she's so self absorbed and terrible. Fav Bennet sister
Cute romp through how Lydia and Wickham ended up together, and true to character and kept with the events of Pride and Prejudice. I chuckled more than a few times!
Lydia, in an attempt to impress a French-born Count, is going to read some classics (or what we'd consider classics anyway). Everyone around her finds it quite hilarious, but this advice from the librarian is 💯
Because once the school year is going, I have to read when and where I can (grading/work session planned for after this, courtesy of my mom).
Who knew Lydia idolized Lizzy? (To be fair though who doesn't?) Loving this interesting view inside the Bennet sisters' lives and Lydia's infatuation with Wickham.
The narrative voice definitely sounds like Lydia! Now that I've finished with one MA session (and wait for another one) I can get more of this read.
Recently bought this as I've always thought Lydia's story in Pride and Prejudice is would be interesting to see explored. Really looking forward to starting this!
Cheeky nip into Waterstones earlier 😊
I love Pride and Prejudice and this is great! Not trying to imitate the style but really adding something to the original story - great development of one of the characters that didn't always take centre stage in Austen's book.
I totally loved this! A fresh new take on a beloved story, but still keeping Austen, her characters and her world at its heart.
Great book for Jane Austen fans with a twist. Loved it.
Great book for Jane Austen fans with a twist. Loved it.
In today's post: my friend Natasha's new book about Jane Austen's wild child, the impulsive Lydia Bennet. Tragically I have NO imminent reading time as half-term and a visit from my parents are looming. It is unfair, do admit.