No. Again.Again. Again. Again.
No. Again.Again. Again. Again.
🎧 Whoa! Was this written by a hippy in the 60‘s … trippy.
Loved the Bronson Pinchot narration, made it pretty.
I‘ll need to think about this one. Charlie lives outside of iDeath in Watermelon Sugar. There‘s a factory in iDeath where bullies are festering as opposed to Watermelon Sugar where life‘s slow & peaceful.
I can see why the ratings are mostly 5 or 1 star cuz while it was interesting it left me with WTF did I just read syndrome.
This was a dreamy, bizarre, immensely beautiful short book. I think it was a wonderfully surreal statement of the 60s counterculture‘s values, placed in a world where everything is made of sugar, the sky is a different colour every day, and tigers sometimes arrive to eat the innocent people who live there. An absolute standout of 2021 for me.
#wintergames2021 #mistletoemaniacs @Clwojick +16
First book of 2019 is this short #audiobook available from #Hoopla and on the #1001books list. It‘s a strange little story, but I enjoyed listening.
I think I may need to get a physical copy or e-book. I‘m trying to listen and having a very hard time following along. Update: Found an ebook so I‘m going to transfer to that. I really have a hard time listening to books. Makes me antsy.
A short, but beautiful novel. Or is it poetry?
The overall feeling is sadness and loss, the book makes you ache for things and people you don‘t know. It‘s obvious why it is on the 1001 books list.
I‘m pretty sure I‘ll reread this one more than once.
This book is not for too rational people who dislike symbolism, fantasy or fairytales.
To all the others I say ‘you won‘t regret visiting ‘watermelon sugar‘
I‘m listening to this book for a few reasons:
It‘s super short
It counts towards #1001books & #192019challenge
It‘s narrated by Bronson Pinchot!
A teensy stack of my #well-lovedreads I don't reread things often, but these seem to crop up in my TBR fairly regularly. #riotgrams
I read this dystopian novel in the late 60s or early 70s and carried it with me everywhere. The characters live on a commune called iDEATH. That now strikes me as funny. #aprilbookshowers #publishedinthe1960s
Every place I go on vacation, I bring at least one book back (obviously!). But this will always be my favorite because it ripped open my brain and poured a rainbow inside it. #boughtonvacation
Definitely a must read book. I finished the book 3 days ago and I still have to think about it and I don't know how to feel about it.
It's really a book you HAVE to read at least once in your life.
I don't really know how do I feel about this book. I would say it's not that good book but the more I think about it and the story the more I need to dive in it's words.
#richardbrautigan #brautigan #inwatermelonsugar #czech
When I was 14, we went on a family vacation to SAN Francisco. The first thing we always did on vacation was hit a local bookstore to keep me from being a petulant teen. So, this was one of my picks. This book rocked my world so hard. It showed me the joy of reading for voice as well as story. Changed my life. I love this tiny book to pieces. #thankful #FunFridayPhoto
Here is a book that's so awesome that Neko Case wrote a song about it!
This book is a part of my DNA; it always flows through me like a river of words.
"In watermelon sugar the deeds were done and done again as my life is done in watermelon sugar. I'll tell you about it because I am here and you are distant."
Still mourning the moldy end of this pretty Brautigan.