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The Museum of Heartbreak
The Museum of Heartbreak | Meg Leder
23 posts | 31 read | 45 to read
In this ode to all the things we gain and lose and gain again, seventeen-year-old Penelope Marx curates her own mini-museum to deal with all the heartbreaks of love, friendship, and growing up. Welcome to the Museum of Heartbreak. Well, actually, to Penelope Marxs personal museum. The one she creates after coming face to face with the devastating, lonely-making butt-kicking phenomenon known as heartbreak. Heartbreak comes in all forms: Theres Keats, the charmingly handsome new guy who couldnt be more perfect for her. Theres possibly the worst person in the world, Cherisse, whose mission in life is to make Penelope miserable. Theres Penelopes increasingly distant best friend Audrey. And then theres Penelopes other best friend, the equal-parts-infuriating-and-yet-somehow-amazing Eph, who has been all kinds of confusing lately. But sometimes the biggest heartbreak of all is learning to let go of that wondrous time before you ever knew things could be broken
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I liked it. Then I didn't. Then I liked it again. And then I got mad at how the end was written, but overall I did like the book. This story is VERY YA, so be prepared for eye-rolling teenage angst. I think it has the right message about realization and how even in high school friendships can change. 3.75 out of 5.


This is book is of a young girl going through the woes of high school. Throughout her junior year, she experiences events that break her heart, hence the title. The book is a bit slow and hard to keep up with. I also thought of it as poorly written and plot convenient. The love story is a bit cute but tiring. Read at your own risk!

RaimeyGallant Good review. And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Chelleo Welcome 🤗 6y
Tkaur_99 @Chelleo @RaimeyGallant thank you for the warm welcome! 6y
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Eggs Welcome to Litsy. 🤗📚 6y
AlwaysForeverReading Welcome to Litsy!!📚📖💜💛💙 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 📖💙 6y
Erofan Welcome! 6y
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Welcome to The Museum of Heartbreak! Such a good read! I related to this very much and I really love how the story went 💚

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Continuing with the #booktubeathon wrap-up, this was the book I started reading to fulfill the "Read a book you bought because of the cover" challenge.
I'm currently working away at it and have shared a couple of its slightly cheesy, romantical quotes ?

Cinfhen That cover is pretty awesome 😍 7y
LectricSheep That HANDLETTERING tho 🙌🏻 7y
Librariana @LectricSheep - You are so sweet and supportive of my little lettering habit. Thank you, Mirabella! 😄😊 7y
Librariana @Cinfhen - isn't it tho, Ms. Cindy?? And each little item in that box has been featured or talked about in the book so I keep looking back at the cover as I read. The MC is definitely on the slightly melodramatic side, but she's grown on me 😉 The dialogue and grammar could've used a little bit of editing, but it's a charming story so far. 7y
LectricSheep You deserve all the praise hands! ❤️ 7y
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"and millions of tiny stars burst into being."
"Every nerve in my body was a solar system, stars and explosions and light and luminous moons."
Stellar language FTW!
Go team warm fuzzies!

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"and the fact that my life was an open book but Audrey's and Eph's lives had chapters I wasn't cool enough to read."
Oh, the beauty and angst of teenage friendships.
The book nerd in me had to smile a little at Penelope's (MC) choice of words and comparison.

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I enjoyed this book very much, very relatable and sweet. I found myself tearing up and cracking up laughing at spots. Very simple, good story. Enjoyed the characters!

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"Walking in and seeing the bright colors of book covers and the light wood floors, my heart slowed into a comfortable rhythm. Home. Books were home."

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It is never safe when I check my email and see that Book Outlet is having a 30% off Black Friday sale...
Two will be gifts to others; four are gonna be adopted... by me! 😄 (And hopefully be read before 2018!)
#bookoutlet #bookhaul #latestbookishbuys #photoadaynov16

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Seven brief lessons in physics was very good (and a short read), and I have two Gail Carringer series on my to read list too, I loved the Soulless series. 8y
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Really enjoyed this coming of age/first love YA novel. Set in NY and and now I want to go there and visit all the cool spots ( flea markets, second hand book stores, coffee shops)

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Trying to read last library book before we leave on holidays Wednesday

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"He was a drummer in a punk band called The Migraines - the name wasn't metaphorical..."

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"I don't want them to go." #firstlines

Coleen Fun cover art! 8y
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3⭐️ It was very sweet but while some YA are awesome adult reads as well this one leaned too young. A quick, cute read but I'd only recommend to the teen set.

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I have an addiction. And nine new deadlines, as the library will want these back eventually 😜

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A great quick, cute read even though I suffered a lot of second hand embarrassment with the stuff Penelope blurted out or did. Such a sweet story about growing up and finding your first love. I completely related to Penelope and her awkwardness around people.

MrBook Nice cover! 8y
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This was a cute, fun read. It made my heart happy.

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The characters in this are so incredibly real that it's both absolutely wonderful and in some cases totally terrible.

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I finished The Girls this morning. Review later.

I'm starting The Museum of Heartbreak now. I'm not sure if it's going to be mature enough for me to enjoy. The one review on Listy isn't positive. Has anyone read it?

Carol I haven't read it but the bookstagram community seemed to love it. However that's another great difference between Instagram & Litsy: I see more honesty & detailed book reviews on Litsy, where the focus tends to be more about book content than book gorgeousness. 8y
Megabooks @Carol That's why I've never gotten into Bookstgraming. I'm all about the content, but if I get style, too, all the better! 8y
Anei There is actually a museum of broken relationships. An acquaintance of mine went there recently. https://brokenships.com/ 8y
Megabooks @Anei I checked out their website. That is so neat! I'd totally visit the one in LA. 8y
Anei It does sound pretty neat. I think she went to the one in Europe. 8y
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I liked the concept a lot, and thought the way the story was told was pretty clever. But I wasn't particularly fond of the characters or relationships!

xerinxlynnx I DNFed this one after 20 pages. 😞 8y
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Been excited about this book for a while—just got a galley AND a tiny homemade diorama!

SarahRotenberry Adorable! 9y
MelodySchreiber So cute! 9y
Cosyreads So cute! 9y
Polly Sounds amazing! 8y
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