#ReadingBracket2024 These Granite Islands was the winner for February, and as much as I loved Iona Iverson's Rules for Commuting, I had to pick These Granite Islands as the best read so far this year. 📚
#ReadingBracket2024 These Granite Islands was the winner for February, and as much as I loved Iona Iverson's Rules for Commuting, I had to pick These Granite Islands as the best read so far this year. 📚
What a haunting beautiful story of marriage, motherhood, and friendship. In her later years, Isobel recalls the summer of 1936 in Cypress, Michigan: the effect it had on her marriage to Victor, how much her children (Henry, Louisa, and Thomas) grew up, and her friendship with a summer resident named Cathryn.
#FabulousFebruary @Andrew65
It's a dreary rainy day, so I'm snuggling with my cats and reading this - it's so good I absolutely don't want to put it down!!
I was attempting a pretty pic of my #bookstorebooty and the wind blew the book cover up which ended up kinda cool. 😎🤓
Reading in the hammock at Gunflint lake. I love BWCA! Lake life in Minnesota is the best and this book by MN author Sarah Stonicb is awesome.
#recommendsday pick is this little gem, which was an absolutely beautiful tale full of strong women and heartbreak and isolation and love and family. I'm a loaner and have no clue where my copy lives now, and I wish it was on my shelf for a reread.