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Undecided | Julianna Keyes
Nora Kincaid has one goal for her second year of college: be invisible. Last year's all-party-no-study strategy resulted in three failed classes and two criminal charges, and if she messes up again she'll lose her scholarship. But there's one problem with her plan for invisibility, and his name is Crosbie Lucas: infamous party king, general hellraiser...and her new roommate's best friend. Crosbie's reckless reputation and well-known sexcapades aren't part of Nora's studious new strategy, but as she's quickly learning, her new plan is also really "boring." When Crosbie's unexpected gestures of friendship pull her head out of her books long enough to see past his cocky veneer, she's surprised to find a flawed and funny guy beneath it all. The muscles don't hurt, either. But as Nora starts to fall for Crosbie, the weight of one of last year's bad decisions grows even heavier. Because three failing grades and two misdemeanors are nothing compared to the one big secret she's hiding...
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Undecided | Julianna Keyes
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Do you ever have book indecision? I've picked up and started different four books in the past couple of days and they've all been GREAT but I just can't settle in to anything.

heikemarie All the time!! It makes me feel like 💩! Hope you dig into something soon. 6y
JacqMac It happens. I spent the whole day trying to decide what to read next. Nothing is jumping out at me. 6y
RainyDayReading This happens to me all the time! I currently have 6 different books going, I just can‘t settle on one! It‘s so frustrating. 6y
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Undecided | Julianna Keyes
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I can‘t decide what to read next- even though I have a gazillion books to choose from. The struggle is real.

Any suggestions? 😉

BookishTrish The struggle is real! Post a photo of your stack? 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I almost get anxiety looking at all of my books!! 6y
RaimeyGallant Something halloweeny? 6y
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AmberWB @RaimeyGallant Haloweeny would be fun! 6y
AmberWB @BookishTrish my stack is everywhere. 😁 I will gather some and post a pic! 6y
laur89 Post a photo of your stack for the #MakeMeReadIt challenge! Super fun way to avoid having to make your own reading decisions. 😅😂 6y
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Undecided | Julianna Keyes
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Me😑, everyflippintime I finish a book, I pull random books off the shelf trying to find my next read. I read the first page, nothing grabs me. Do I have a book club read waiting? Yes. Are some of these library copies that need to go back? Yes. Does that help me decide? No. So I'll spend the rest of the morning feeling anxious and unsettled because I'm between books. EVERY FLIPPING TIME! 😒🤦‍♀️

RebelReader Both The Animators and The Sound of Gravel are amazing! 6y
TheKidUpstairs I totally know the feeling! I do that every time. This one was fantastic 6y
Suet624 The Sound of Gravel was quite the read. 6y
Erinreadsthebooks @RebelReader @TheKidUpstairs @Suet624 Now I'm down to three choices 😄. Thank you, LittenFriends!! 6y
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Undecided | Julianna Keyes
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Help, you guys! Barnes and noble is having their 50% off blowout sale and I don't know which to get! Rate them for me or tell me which one you like best, pretty please??

Undecided | Julianna Keyes
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Another heroine grovel from another book I love. In order to move on from her past, she keeps a secret that should have little bearing on their relationship but she knows would hurt him. And it does. Mostly because she kept it a secret. 114 texts later and a great conversation and we get our HEA! #RomBkLove #romantsy

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Undecided | Julianna Keyes
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1. Romance, typically contemporary. I know that‘s a broad category but I have a list of about a dozen or so that I regularly reread depending on my mood. Today it was the tagged book!
2. Any sung by Alvin and the Chipmunks. Why do they still get radio air time?
3. Nope.
4. I upped my GR goal since I was on track to smash it and now I‘m a bit behind, only by a book or two, though. I thrive on attainable reach goals. 1.5 more for #LitsyAtoZ
5. 👍🏼

Alicia Nice! I also upped my goal! Litsy is so awesome to help crush those reading goals! 7y
MarriedtoMrT @Alicia It really is! And I‘ve read so many books I never would‘ve even tried before. ❤️ Litsy. 7y
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Undecided | Julianna Keyes
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Help!! I got all these awesome books from the library at once! I can't decide which to read first. You guys get to pick my first read. Will it be because of the prettiest cover? Best title? #Indecisive #PickABook

Maike Well that's tough 😳 Beastly Bones is a fast read, maybe that helps your decision 7y
ChasingOm Vote 2 for Beastly Bones! 7y
TaylorMay Well I may give it a little more time but it looks like Beastly Bones is the winner. Thanks @Maike & @ChasingOm for the help 😉 7y
MinDea Beastly Bones is on my tbr to read soon! 7y
EchoLogical Let me know when you get around to One Dark Throne. I'm obsessed with this series. Lol 7y
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Undecided | Julianna Keyes
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I just updated my Kindle-not sure how I feel about this new (to me) home screen. I'll ponder while sipping this lovely Sangria and deciding what to have for lunch. #Saturday

Undecided | Julianna Keyes
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This was the perfect lazy day read - fun, great chemistry between the characters. I really really liked the hero in this one - a great mixture of funny, sweet, and sexy.

I read that pretty quickly and now I have to decide if I want to start a new book right now or wait until tomorrow when 2 books I'm very anxious for - Devil in Spring and A Conjuring of Light - are delivered. Peri's no help with this very important decision.

MarriedtoMrT I loved the banter in this one! I just (mostly) re-read it this weekend. Have you read other Julianna Keyes books? They're pretty solid. 8y
Jas16 I liked this one too! 8y
nitalibrarian @MarriedtoMrT The banter was great, I agree. I haven't read anything else by Keyes, but definitely plan to. Glad to hear her others are just as good. 8y
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Undecided | Julianna Keyes
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I have Presidents' Day off and it's gloomy outside. So I'm enjoying this gloomy holiday with a new adult romance.


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Undecided | Julianna Keyes
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I'm running out of days in 2016 to highlight my favorites so I'm doubling up today. My favorite romances this year were Undecided and Love, Chloe. I love Julianna Keyes. I find her romances refreshing and I'm so glad she dipped her toe in NA. This is not a love triangle despite the original cover (which I still prefer). Love, Chloe is unlike any other Alessandra Torre and I desperately want her to do another romantic comedy. #goodbye2016 #romantsy

raelaschoenherr I have Love, Chloe out from the library! Lauren Layne recommended it and I love all her books :) I read a tiny bit of it--it's a different format! 8y
MarriedtoMrT @raelaschoenherr I read that it was actually originally serialized in a magazine, I believe, so written a bit at a time and explains the format. The choppy writing does show through at times. I remember thinking that there was foreshadowing for things that didn't end up happening. I still loved it, mostly because it takes place over such a long period of time you get to see Chloe's growth and there's no insta-love. 8y
raelaschoenherr I'm so intrigued!! 8y
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Undecided | Julianna Keyes
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Is it groundbreakingly unique? No. But it's definitely a satisfying New Adult Romance with likeable characters and some serious chemistry. And it was the perfect quick, rainy day read that was on sale for $2.99 on my Nook 😊. I give it 3.5⭐️/5

Undecided | Julianna Keyes
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Where are the editors?!

Undecided | Julianna Keyes
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UNDECIDED was everything I needed in a New Adult read - I haven't read a story like this in a while; it was the perfect summer read for me. I figured I could just start a few pages & continue on with regular life but this book demanded my attention& I was all too willing to get lost within its pages

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Undecided | Julianna Keyes
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LOVE LOVE LOVE. I devoured this book in less than 12 hours and I regret none of it. This is a New Adult MUST READ. 😍

Bostonmomx2 Oh man, I can tell you are going to do very very bad things to be TBR pile 😂 7y
hopelessbooklover Hehehehe @Bostonmomx2 ☺️☺️ 7y
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