#AugustABC #HolyHell
Heaven and hell are at war and earth is the battleground. 😇😈
Tad Williams writing an urban fantasy, dirty, noir feeling, crime series, with angels and demons? Yes please.
#AugustABC #HolyHell
Heaven and hell are at war and earth is the battleground. 😇😈
Tad Williams writing an urban fantasy, dirty, noir feeling, crime series, with angels and demons? Yes please.
I was really looking forward to this book. Normally I enjoy urban fantasy and I have read some of Tad Williams's fantasy novels that I quite enjoyed, but somehow this one doesn't do it for me. I can't even say why exactly. I'll finish it, but I won't pick up the next volumes
In Endeffekt gefiel mir das Buch trotz anfänglicher Schwierigkeiten dann doch. Das zweite landete gestern auf meinem SuB 😁
Das Buch hab ich letztens auf der Internetseite der Hobbit Presse entdeckt. Klappentext gelesen und Kaufentscheidung gefällt. Jetzt bin ich tierisch gespannt 😊