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Would Like to Meet
Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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I love a good rom com and this one was pretty good. The MC recreates typical meet cutes seen in movies to help her employer write a script. I liked the ending and the last third of the book was really good. Prior to that the story seemed to take a long time. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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Evie is supposed to be helping Oscar-winning Ezra Chester write his next screenplay, a rom-com. To help Ezra with his screenplay and to help her with her love life, she agrees to set up a series of potential meet-cutes, just like those in the most well-known rom-coms. Will it work? Will she fall in love with a potential meet cute? Or will hilarity ensue, and she'll unexpectedly fall in love with someone who's been there all along? #LitsyLoveReads

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great review!! 💚 2y
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Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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It's not sweater weather at all here in Florida, but a girl can dream, right?! 😂 Saturday morning #coffeeandabook with my new favorite flavor of Bones coffee ☕️

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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Yesterday we added yet another houseplant to our collection and I finished this mediocre romcom...one of those was clearly more exciting than the other 🤣

I thought the concept for WLTM was fun, with Evie setting up movie-inspired meet-cutes all over London in the name of a good script, but I thought the whole thing was way too contrived. None of the characters felt especially real, which meant the emotional connection just wasn't there for me.

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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⭐️⭐️💫I would have *loved* this as a movie, but as a book, it felt like a waste of my time. It was fun&cute, but the main character was so silly &hapless, it was difficult to care about her. I also found the “twists” of the story very predictable, Which makes sense for the genre, so I think while I have discovered I enjoy contemporary romance novels, that does not extend to romantic comedy. Basically this review is more about me than the book.

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Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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Readable but not impressive: bland and non-compelling, dull or obnoxious characters...

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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This was a fun rom com. I really liked the main character Evie.

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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Like many of the romcoms I have been reading lately, this was one I enjoyed as a one-off but don't see myself reading again and again. The main character was likable and the meet-cute scenarios were pretty fun, but Evie's boss was SUCH a jerk & I was honestly super ticked off when I found out why she was working for him at all that it kind of made me mad at the whole book haha Still if you like romcoms there is a lot to enjoy here.

Wanderer18 Hi, I see you tagged me in a comment but I can‘t seem to find the comment. Sorry I‘m new at this app and trying to figure it out lol 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Wanderer18 - haha no worries!! I know I tagged you to answer some questions about #BookSpin because I am the host of that challenge, but it was on someone else's post, so I don't remember where!! If you are looking at your notifications, if you tap on the picture of the post on the right side of the notification, it should take you to that post, unless the original person deleted it for some reason. ⬇ 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Wanderer18 (part 2) - But if you have any questions about #BookSpin or want to join, just let me know & I can explain it!!! 😁 4y
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Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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A quick, fun read. I really enjoyed all the rom-com references.

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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Exploring some options for #LMPBC picks made me realize (a) I've been reading books aimed at younger readers for what feels like forever and (b) I really, really miss the library. Yeah, I have loads of books here, but I miss the sizzle of something new!! So I did something genuinely out of character for this library girl - I went on a book-buying binge! First titles arrived today, but plenty more to come, especially thanks to some crazy Book ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Outlet deals!!! Also, I went completely off my scheduled reading to pick up a random Nora Roberts romantic thriller and it is just what I needed!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks PS @hes7 - thankfully we're friends on Goodreads, as 2/3 of the books I've considered for our round you've already read! 😂 4y
hes7 I‘ve been on a buying binge recently, too, and will probably choose from those for my options. That feeling of getting a new book and reading it right away is such a thrill. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @hes7 - Don't tell anyone, but I added it up and I may or may not have bought 25 books!!! 😂 Several of them were used, and several were from Book Outlet on the cheap, and several were via a gift card, so it came out to around $4/book and I honestly regret nothing! 4y
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Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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This was so cute! I loved Evie and the craziness ensued as she tried to recreate meet cutes in order to get her agency‘s client to write a rom-com.

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Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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Episode 62 of the Brit Lit Podcast is out, with Rachel Winters. She is the author of WOULD LIKE TO MEET, which is just the happy, escapist book I needed right now. She talked about her favourite rom coms, gave advice for people wanting to get into publishing, and more.

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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I loved this romance novel about evie who tries out meet cutes from movies. Super cute.

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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Really enjoying this so far! It‘s a bit ridiculous but lots of fun and just what I need right now. Also, this was a lovely place to read on a Sunday afternoon. ❤️

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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A rom-com about a woman creating meet-cutes to convince a writer to write...a rom-com. It‘s a cute, quick read. It dragged a little, i think mainly because we all knew what was happening, even though the main character didn‘t. She was fairly naive. But I still recommend for a fun, light read.

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters

For a book all about meet-cutes, you def want it to be cute. And it was! It‘s fun and light, pretty funny at times, breezy, all that good rom-com stuff. But even though it‘s only 355 pages, it felt way longer & started dragging in the last quarter. You can see where the story is going from a mile away, yet Evie, who doesn‘t come across as dim to begin with, takes forever to see it herself. Still enjoyable, just needed to be a bit shorter. 3/5 ⭐️

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters

The actress favored to win her second Oscar for her upcoming film The Con, a period piece set in a convent in which the nuns run an illegal gin distillery.

[Ummmmmmm okay someone make this movie IRL, 10/10 would watch]

BookishClaire Ha!!! Totally!! 4y
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Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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As much as I adored my previous book, it was definitely a heavy one emotionally, so I wanted something light and fun next. This sounds like a cute romcom, so it should be a good fit! #nowreading

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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It took me a little while to get into but then it really started to roll. I love meet-cutes in movies being the romantic I am. I really enjoyed seeing them play out in sometimes disastrous ways.

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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This was adorable. I enjoyed the back and forth “who will she end up with?” But I had totally called it. #bookishbingo #mademelaughoutloud

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters

Again, I find myself disappointed in chick lit of the British vein. The idea about writing a book about meet cutes that in itself pokes fun at the meet cute culture is in a now redundant word, cute. However, the execution was just all over the place. For example, I really didn‘t know who Evie was supposed to end up with for a large portion of this book. Would you call that good or choppy writing? I unfortunately feel it‘s the latter.

BookishClaire If you want good British chick lit, I recommend Sophie Kinsella and Mhairi McFarlane :) 4y
Purrfectpages @BookishClaire I don‘t know what it is with me and British chick lit, but I know those authors are very popular. 4y
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Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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Keeping the good vibes going!

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Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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The positive thing about this Quarantine is lots of time to sit back and read my stack of new books 📚❤️ This read was very cute! Evie is setting up meet cutes based off her favorite rom coms. There‘s a lot of comedy and very little romance during her meet cutes 😅 but don‘t worry, there‘s some love found nonetheless!

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Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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𝘉𝘰𝘰𝘬 26, 𝘞𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘔𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘣𝘺 𝘙𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘭 𝘞𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 ✨❤️! 𝘓𝘦𝘵‘𝘴 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺!

#wouldliketomeet #rachelwinters #fiction #lovestory #26 #2020 #novel

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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First, the summary of this book is kind of misleading. Second, the story itself is very straightforward and fun, if also unbelievable. A whole book full of orchestrated meet cutes, it‘s basically a romcom movie in book form, and it has lots of nods to some great movies. Still, the main character is a bit self-centered and annoying, her friends are cliches, and the whole thing goes on a little long. Not a bad debut, though!


Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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Cute, clean, adult contemporary romance. Great premise for a romantic comedy.

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Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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In order to inspire her arrogant screenwriter client Evie agrees to use meet-cutes from famous rom-coms to meet men, & if by the end of the 3 months she can find love, Ezra will finish his script. What follows is a hot mess of disastrous proportions as she spills drinks on men in coffee shops, trips them in restaurants & even sets out on a road trip with a stranger, in the name of love & career.

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters

It's a novel full of RomCom meet cutes. What's not to love? Oh, how some of these situations seem a bit forced, and unlikely to happen in real life with such coincidence. How it seems to check all the RomCom checklist boxes, making it even more cliche. Couldn't help but picture Colin Firth as Darcy playing Benjamin, and Russell Brand as the screenwriter.

Enjoyed the book, could see it become a movie. Felt more like a so-so than a pick

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters

It took a bit for me to calibrate to this book (and it was still too cringy for me from time to time) but ultimately I ended up liking it.

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters

Cute concept, cute cover.....but it was also too long for me. This could easily have been cut down to less chapters. I liked the film scene setup and the JEMS chat group, I found them fun.

Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters

Surely there's been a romcom with plagiarism in it as a plot point? Surely this main character should recognize that this man is stealing from her? (Stealing is not yet confirmed, but if this jerk is on the up and up I will eat ALL of my hats.)

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Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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5☆ closed-door romance for fans of rom com films!

It's not often that I root for a book to turn into a movie but my desire for that to happen with this book is strong. Everything about it would make for a perfect modern day movie honoring previous romantic comedies. The man-crazy roommate, Evie's group of friends, the utter failures and his sweet 7 year old daughter just make for amazing characters and storyline.

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Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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Gotta love when you come home after a very long day and new books are waiting for you!!! 📚💜📚💜📚💜

InkintheMargins Is that the sequel to Children of Blood and Bone? 🙀 5y
Lovesbooks87 @MadDashReading YES!!!!! It came out today. Finally! 5y
InkintheMargins Add to cart? Yes, please! 😂 5y
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Would Like to Meet | Rachel Winters
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Parts of this British chick-lit novel were quite cute, the text and email dialogue was very well done and it sometimes nearly ventured into Pick territory but honestly, the plot didn‘t appeal to me and the primary characters were just ok. #NetGalley #arc #chicklit