Has anyone read this? The movie is one of my favorites, but curious as to how the book compares!
I take responsibility for helping my parents when my dad was dying and moving home after he did. I do not take responsibility for the fact that I am paying the bills in an apartment I share with my mother, a dog, and three households worth of stuff. I‘m practically relegated to my bedroom and my coffee table has been under a blanket in the corner of the living room for almost 5 years. My brother has stuff here; he hasn‘t lived here in forever.👇🏻
Had a lecture on the opioid addiction epidemic this AM and had flashbacks to this book/movie. I was also grinning back to Evicted and reading about the tenant who struggled with heroin addiction... Does anyone know of any other books that discuss the difficulties of addiction, particularly opiates? I would love to gain some more insight into this particular patient population.
I got fired today and I don't even care. I've never felt more free in my life. Maybe tomorrow I will be a puddle on the floor. But right now I'm soaring💫 addiction is a terrible disease! You can try and try to help someone, but in the end, you have to protect yourself💗it's a sad way to end the last 11 yrs, but I'm looking forward to more! Ps. I plan on finishing my book tomorrow too ✌️theennnn I need a job😂😳
“He didnt know what was defeating him, but he sensed it was something he could not cope with, something that was far beyond his power to control or even at this point in time comprehend. ”
― Hubert Selby Jr., Requiem for a Dream 💗 I wish I could understand the mind of an addict 💗 saying an extra prayer tonight 💫
... This novel will ruin my summer vacation... I know it.
I want the noose, I want the scorch burn!
I'm ready for the ride. Let's go! ☠☠
Truth. Always write what is truthful... Therein lies beauty and grace. Art always finds a way to validate our lives, no matter how fleeting, small or graceless it may seem to us. Art is a mother's bosom with room enough for all and eye enough to see and bring out those hidden angles of beauty.