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Homeland (Forgotten Realms: The Dark Elf Trilogy #1; Legend of Drizzt #1)
Homeland (Forgotten Realms: The Dark Elf Trilogy #1; Legend of Drizzt #1) | R.A. Salvatore
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In a nutshell: fantasy suitable for people who like the fantasy genre but struggle to read it.

RA Salvatore's writing is engaging, and he doesn't bog it down with unnecessarily lengthy descriptions - great for someone with ADHD (like me). The descriptions are easy to visualize, and the fight scenes are easy to follow. While Drizzt can be frustratingly naive, it's difficult not to like him, and the environment around him keeps you on your toes.



What eyes are these that see
The pain I know in my innermost soul?
What eyes are these that see
The twisted strides of my kindred,
Led on in the wake of toys unbridled:
Arrow, bolt, and sword tip?
Yours… aye, yours,
Straight run and muscled spring,
Soft on padded paws, sheathed claws,
Weapons rested for their need,
Stained not by frivolous blood
Or murderous deceit.
Face to face, my mirror,
Reflection in a still pool by light.

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This book was SO much better than I was expecting! One of my D&D games takes place in the Underdark so I read this to gain some knowledge. It's so well written. Great action scenes. The suspense of what was going to happen between two of the major characters I was rooting kept me on the edge of my seat. The evil matriarchal society was no joke. There are 38 books in the series. I might read a few more. SO GOOD! (TW for violence, mentions of rape.)

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Finally getting back into these books! #reread #librarybook #drizzt

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The drow are a race of shadow elves who worship the Spider Queen and the life of treachery, power, and hunger that come with it. This is the way all drow are brought up but what happens when a child is born during a time that perfectly represents the drow society and they don‘t act the same way as all the others? What happens when insurmountable skills of fighting come naturally to this child? This is the legend of Drizzt.

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Day 4 #Top20Series #20Series20Days @Andrew65
Another fantasy series, the Drizzt Do'Urden series. There are several trilogies within this series. Sadly I'm very behind, I need to get back to them.

Andrew65 Will need to look into these. 4y
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(This is what happens when you don‘t just collect books, you collect entire book series! 😳)

@Meaw_catlady @Eggs Thank you for the tags! 😊

Share the first 7 books on the left of any of your bookshelves and then nominate some wonderful Littens to do the same! 📚

@sudi @britt_brooke Would you like to play “To the left to the left”? 😀

JenniferEgnor My husband has them all! (edited) 4y
Meaw_catlady Nice!!! 4y
DaveGreen7777 @JenniferEgnor That is so awesome! 😀 4y
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DaveGreen7777 @Meaw_catlady Thank you! 😺😺😺 4y
Branwen YASSSSSSSSS! 😍📚💕 Perfect choice! 4y
Eggs That‘s a long series! 4y
sudi Thank you for the tag ❤❤❤. I've never read the series but they look good, i'm intrigued now 😄 4y
DaveGreen7777 @Branwen I knew you‘d approve! 😁😁😁 4y
DaveGreen7777 @eggs Right?! I‘ve only read the first six books too, so I‘ve still got a ways to go! 😱 4y
DaveGreen7777 @sudi You are most welcome! 😊 4y
BehindthePages Loved what I read of this series! I need to get back to it. 4y
DaveGreen7777 @Letora Me, too! I read 6 books, so I still have quite a few to go! 4y
sharread I love his writing style. 👍 4y
DaveGreen7777 @sharread Me, too! He‘s so great at writing action sequences! 😀 4y
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Brought my dark elf friend, Drizzt, to the bar with me tonight, because why not?! 😁👍📚🍺💕📚

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A wonderful start to this series that keeps you invested in the Dark Elf's story. Drizzt is a drow elf in the underground city of Menzoberranzan. The drows are known for their cruelty and the evil deity they worship. But Drizzt is different. He has compassion as well as an amazing fighting prowess. If you like the Lord of the Rings, you'll love this.

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Killing time downtown between split shifts. It's a beautiful, sunny, spring day, so naturally I'm listening to a book about dark elves that live in the underdark. 😁

CouronneDhiver I kinda miss split shifts... got a weeks worth of work over in just a couple days 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @CouronneDhiver I work a lot of splits (restaurant biz) and love it as it gives me great reading time where I could otherwise be distracted if I were at home. 👌 5y
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I first stumbled across The Dark Elf Trilogy/Legend of Drizzt many, many years ago. Considering my difference in age now, when deciding to read it again, I was worried I‘d find that I‘ve well outgrown this series. Well, I‘m pleased to say I loved book one all the same... maybe even a little more this time around. My goodness, I even cried!💔 Thankfully, I have the next two books on hand, but I‘ll have to start ordering more soon.

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“Nothing burns in your heart like the emptiness of losing something, someone, before you truly have learned of its value.”

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Guenhwyvar!!! My favorite companion. The nostalgia is hitting me hard rereading this series ❤️

heikemarie Oh god, the BEST sidekick. 5y
SquiBella @heikemarie Seriously! 😻 where can I get my own? 😫 5y
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”Never does a star grace this land with a poet‘s light of twinkling mysteries, nor does the sun send to here its rays of warmth and life. This is the Underdark, the secret world beneath the bustling surface of the Forgotten Realms, whose sky is a ceiling of heartless stone and whose walls show the gray blandness of death in the torchlight of the foolish surface-dwellers that stumble here...”

Derf I always get stuck at around book 15 🤦🏻‍♂️🙁 tried three times to push past!! The first 5 I thought where brilliant though!!! 5y
SquiBella @DannyHattan I‘ve only read the Dark Elf Trilogy years ago and loved it. I just recently found out there‘s 31 in the whole series. 😱Where the hell I have been?! So I‘ve decided I‘m rereading from the beginning (I know I‘m supposed to read Icewind Dale first, but oh well, I didn‘t know that 🤷‍♀️)... let‘s see how far I get 😂. One friend told me things started going downhill around book 8 or 9, another has read all 31! We‘ll have to see... 5y
Derf For me it went downhill too, I won‘t state the reason but I‘ll be interested to see what you think when you get into it 🙌🏻 5y
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Next up on my TBR, after Outlander and A Torch Against the Night, is The Dark Elf Trilogy! I can‘t wait to read these books again after so many years... and eventually catch up on the next *28 books* in the whole Legend of Drizzt series😱. Will I ever make it to the end?

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To mentally prepare for Salvatore's newest addition Timeless, I'm returning to the beginning. The Legend of Drizzt series is one that I have always loved. The journey through betrayal, heartbreak, and racism speaks to all. Can one overcome the circumstances of their birth to rise above? Absolutely.

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Such a good read and it went by so quickly! I loved getting to know the Drow society and Drizzt. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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My boyfriend wanted to buddy read this one with me, so we are tackling the first three chapters while we work.

I am so ready for our second game night of the week. D&D 👐♥

Aurys Yes, D&D!! My group is playing tonight too. The best :D 6y
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I like this book, it was really entertaining and gets your imagination going. But I gotta say, I wouldn‘t mess with those drow people, my grandma is more sane than they are... and she cray cray 🤪

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Reading this as SFF that Ive #procrastinated getting to


Nature vs. nurture, D&D style! There are some timely themes around propaganda's affect on a culture and the individuals in it. For the drow, ends justify the means, and targeted misinformation just fuels the bloodlust and piety. Revisiting Drizzt is a joy, and I can't wait to see if the rest of the trilogy lives up to my memories.


Oh, Drizzt... One of my very first fantasy bookish crushes. It's nice to see that this hasn't changed much at all, even after 10 years. 😘 Man, I really fucking missed the fantasy of the Drow culture, not to mention the outright chaotic-as-hell political intrigue that's always dripping with malevolence. 💜💜

#amreading #fantasy #homeland #rasalvatore #forgottenrealms #darkelves #drow #swordandsorcery

tjwill True story: I have had a student named Drizzt. 7y
BiblioNyan @tjwill That's kinda awesome actually! ☺️ I think it's one of my favourite bookish names. 7y
blithebuoyant I adored the prequels! ❤️Also, I play Neverwinter and today was surprised to see an illusionist impersonating Lolth just casually strolling around the town square. That's gotta be grounds for some kind of afterlife punishment XD 7y
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BiblioNyan @l.kadie Hahaha, yes!! Although that would be fantastic to see! I haven‘t played Neverwinter in too long. May have to pick it up over the weekend. 😃 7y
blithebuoyant I took a screenshot because I was just shocked XD There was somebody impersonating Valindra Shadowmantle too 7y
BiblioNyan That‘s glorious haha. 7y
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Getting a head start on this series, which is on my bookish goals list for the year. I've read this book before and I forgot how much I love it. The Drow are just... 💜🖤💜🖤

#amreading #homeland #rasalvatore #forgottenrealms #fantasy

blithebuoyant How far have you gotten into the series since this was posted? ❤️ 7y
BiblioNyan @l.kadie To be honest, I only read this one (not sure if I finished it) I got distracted with a horrid reading slump. But I‘m planning on picking it back up within the next couple of weeks. 7y
blithebuoyant I actually started with The Crystal Shard and then went back about a third of the way into the series and read the prequels. If you aren't digging The Dark Elf Trilogy maybe start with The Icewind Dale Trilogy instead. Both ways make chronological sense! I never felt like I was missing any knowledge about MZBZ by reading the prequels later because Salvatore explains things so well in the main body of the series. 7y
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BiblioNyan @l.kadie Oh nice, thanks for sharing that. I think I may try that out and see how it works for me. I definitely want to read the series in its entirety, and years ago I began with the prequels. So maybe trying it this way will make it easier for me get into the series again. Thank you so much! 7y
blithebuoyant Anytime! Also, TBH I love the Companions way better than the cast of characters in the prequels. Not that I don't love the prequel characters but the companions are the best part of the series! Let me know how you like it! 7y
BiblioNyan @l.kadie Definitely, will do!! 😃😃 7y
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Lol. Yep. Just a mirror.

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A warm autumn night calls for Menzoberranzan #rasalvatore #darkelf #dritzz #forgottenrealms #homeland

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You want a #sidekick? I'm doing an old school double time. Drizzt originally started as Wulfgar's sidekick. And Drizzt has... Guenhwyvar!

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#booktober challege day 6, #fullofadventure.
Here are my favorite 3: R.A.Salvatore's Legend of Drizzt Do'Urden-Homeland. Jaqueline Carey's Kushiel's Legacy-Kushiel's Dart. And Robert Jordan's epic Wheel of Time series conclusion finished posthumously by Brandon Sanderson, A Memory of Light.
All have beloved, complicated characters, sweeping plot lines, and complex, well-developed worlds. #adventurelover #darkfantasy #alternatereality 😊📚🐛🐦😍💙

[DELETED] 2852984487 The Wheel of Time series and The Lord of the Ring trilogy are my favorite adventure stories. 8y
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My TBR pile for October! Well...as of right now. I'm sure I'll make a series of bad decisions that will lead to me having more books than I know what to do with.
#TBR #octobertbr

Bookworm83 Hahaha!!!! This made me laugh so hard...it's too true 😂😂 8y
[DELETED] 2852984487 I have often wanted to read RA Salvatore, but am incredibly intimidated. I have no idea where to jump in. Any suggestions? 8y
InLibrisVeritas @RStorey Homeland is a good starting point. It's the beginning of his Dizzt series, which seems to be his most popular. He's an excellent writer 8y
[DELETED] 2852984487 @InLibrisVeritas Alright! You sold me! Thanks! 8y
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I've been reading a chapter of this each day for the past 3 days because I'm in desperate need of an epic fantasy and more D&D goodness. It'll probably take me a little while to get through it at this pace, but I'm loving it so far. This will fill my "decade you were born in" spot on my #readharderchallenge #readharder


If you enjoy fantasy, then, open this book and start a journey with Drizzt Do'Urden a young maledark elf growing up in a Menzoberrenzan, a harsh matriarchy. The first book sets the foundation for Drizzt growing up in a cruel underground society, learning to spar and beginning to understand the world.


A great start to a series I have full intention to continue. The society of the drow elves is interesting and pulls me in from the word go. The lead character of Drizzt really doesn't arrive until midway through the novel. Before then the story hinges on world building that Salvatore does well.

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And the distraction continues!!!

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The best reading companions but also the most distracting.

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I have never played D&D and I am actually really enjoying this book! Kinda makes me want to read more. Anyone have suggestions from here?

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