Book 149
Book 149
A group update on my #goosebumpschallenge reading! I am at 25 books so far. I didn't get to read as many as I would have liked since I don't own any and have to work with what I can borrow. Hopefully I can't get a few more in before the end of the month.
#12 "It might come true."
Samantha Byrd is awkward like most teenagers her age. She's also picked on a lot at school. But when she helps estranged "Crystal Woman" find her way one day she repays Samantha by granting her three wishes. What will Samantha wish for? This ended the same way every scary wish story ends. Very predictable.
My great shame right now is that I don't know in which box I have my huge Goosebumps collection packed away, so we have to settle for one I had sitting around. The Goosebumps books were my #firsthorrorbook for sure. To this day I am obsessed with them and collect them. I get excited over anything Goosebumps related. #giveascarybook @litsy #allhallowsread