I. Was. Ramona. I had the bossy big sister, the hair that never did what I wanted it to do, and an imagination that got me into all kinds of shenanigans. LOVE these books. #sundayfunday
I. Was. Ramona. I had the bossy big sister, the hair that never did what I wanted it to do, and an imagination that got me into all kinds of shenanigans. LOVE these books. #sundayfunday
#WeRemember Day 12: I found most of my #BeverlyCleary novels through book thrift shops in Singapore. See here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-3HE
23 Jun-13 Jul 2021
Final in the series. Beatrix and I have thoroughly enjoyed them and lovely to witness Ramona and Beezus‘ growth through the years. Hopefully Beatrix may choose to read them again herself in the future.
This final entry in the Ramona series has Ramona growing up, turning “zero-teen” (10), and getting new responsibilities. She makes her first girl best friend, gets a crush on a classmate, and even cat sits for a week! Beezus gets a bit of a story, too. She gets her ears pierced (without permission!) and goes to her first high school party. A nice end to a beloved series. Thank you, Beverly! #audiobook Whole series available on #hoopla!
I finished this book late last week, so I‘m a bit late with my review. But I wanted to share how very much I enjoyed this series. And even though it was written quite a while ago, I think kids today would still enjoy Ramona‘s adventures. My thanks to @UwannaPublishme for reminding me about these books. The audiobooks with Stockard Channing as narrator were really well-done! 4/5⭐️
This would be a great book to put in a library in any classroom. Ramona speaks a lot of children's truth and it's important for children to read about other children similar to them.
This book was more for my time (early 200s), but the story still is relevant for children today. Ramona is a really relatable girl. She is excited about the world, she wants people to know her business and she speaks in the first person of her issues. Ramona gets annoyed with Howie because he doesn't get super excited about the world. This is a great book.
page 116, “Ramona was sure of the spelling of library because she went to the branch library once a week and saw the word above the door every time she entered.”
I remember reading Beverly Cleary books when I was younger. I really enjoyed it then, and was happy to read it again as a college student. I remember relating to her being in elementary school and bragging about her new sibling—that was me with my little brother. her books are humorous and relatable, especially for elementary students reading it around the same age. it discusses school, friendships, and family life.
I would read this book to my classroom of third or fourth graders. Since the main character is in fourth grade, I would read to that age group in hopes of them being able to relate to the character and what is happening in the book. It is a silly book, but realistic in ways that young children can relate to. Examples include learning to spell bigger words and adapting to making new friends.
This a contemporary realistic fiction book. It is about a young girl who enters the fourth grade and struggles with spelling and fitting in and making friends. Romona has an older sister in high school and a newborn baby sister. This book is about Ramona adapting to fourth grade and how she makes friends with the new girl, Daisy. This book portrays honestly about what life is like at her age and problems young children face in elementary school.
Finished the last Ramona book with my daughter. I‘m so glad Ramona‘s attitude is improving because my daughter has started to tell me she wants to be like Ramona 🤦🏼♀️ Book 23 of 2019
These were wonderful to read together with my son. We just finished the series. Love the way Cleary handles the day-to-day issues that come up in families,with friends, and at school. She gets what matters to kids and the way they think. Also - love that the friendly competition among the 9 year old girls was about who had the toughest calluses. Ramona forever! The Henry books are up next! #raisingreaders #readaloud
Last entry in the series which has been so worth revisiting.