My friend found this on clearance for me. Audio building this morning here I come. 🥰💛 #LitsySciFiBookClub friends you might like this. 🤩
My friend found this on clearance for me. Audio building this morning here I come. 🥰💛 #LitsySciFiBookClub friends you might like this. 🤩
Hi guy's well i have saw star trek before but...to let you know i don't watch you might be saying “WHAT!“ yeah what anyway i didn't even know there was a book and you guys in Litsy you are funny so funny. guys too let you know i know nothing about star trek so........
More fun in shelving. One of two Star Trek shelves.
Final panel of the conference: Star Trek!!!!
ft me breaking my arms holding All The Books
Ooo, I haven't done one of these in a while.
-Artist / Library worker bee
-Lots of hobbies, trying to learn to crochet now.
-hedgehogs, bats
-popcorn? chocolate?
-all the plants
-Star Trek, Firefly, 80s fantasy & horror (I feel like this counts 😂), Twin Peaks, Sherlock, Universal Monsters, etc, etc, etc, etc.
#gettingtoknowyou #questions #startrek @hermyknee
Was there really any other choice? 😉
#QuotsyNov17 #Bold 🖖
Just before I left, Breakfast got into the habit of crawling into my hoodies/shirts for good, long kangaroo-cuddles. Pretty sure he's not Starfleet approved, but I'm okay with it. #BunniesofLitsy
(Yes. I have Starfleet uniform jammies/lounge wear. All praise ThinkGeek and my dad's Christmas present ideas.)
Great fun for any fan of the Star Trek series (all of them). Makes me wanna watch it all the way through. I think Netflix has them...hmmmm 🤔
What do you do when powerlines and trees are down all over your neighborhood and you're without power for the foreseeable future? Snuggle on your porch with a blanket, some natural light and a book. Stay safe out there fellow littens. ❤️👍☔️⛈
Exactly one month until Star Trek Discovery!!!! Check out the great new read that my best friend sent me from her office at Penguin! #livelongandprosper
A Christmas present from my mom was this book. It delves into the Star Trek 'verse, starting from TOS, it includes the most recent movies. Perfect catch up before the new series starts!
Anyone else a huge Trekkie?
🖖🏻🖖🏻🖖🏻🖖🏻Just bought very cool Star Trek post stamps🖖🏻🖖🏻🖖🏻 unfortunately they are not global😿
I've been plugging away at this sly guy every night for the last week. Probably was meant more as a "coffee table, glance at a few pages" book. But it's a comprehensive, canonically correct, complete history of Star Trek. I can't just not take it seriously. Must be absolutely thorough. (it would be nice if I had taken any of my homework this seriously when I was in college #butnope ?)
With all these graphic novels I've been reading lately, I might have to bump up my reading goal for a THIRD time 😱 #sothisiswhatsuccessislike #changingreadinggoalthreetimes #gladtoknowicansucceedinsomething
With all these graphic novels I've been reading lately, I might have to bump up my reading goal for a THIRD time 😱 #sothisiswhatsuccessislike #changingreadinggoalthreetimes #gladtoknowicansucceedinsomething
Star Trek has been right about so many things, especially about technology, that it scares me a little bit when the big Star Trek book discusses causes and effects of WW3 in the 21st century 😳 like please god it would be a little cool if it was right about that too but mostly don't be right cos it is terrifying and nobody needs that shit #imaWW3conspiracytheorist #AKAatotalcrackpot #thisismakingmewigout
Spending my night out of this reality and into the Star Trek universe with an unnecessarily large cup of tea in hand. How are you spending your evening? ✨🌙
Great coffee table book full of interesting trivia and photos of Star Trek series through the ages. Great lazy Saturday afternoon reading.