First, I had no idea there were Nancy Drew cons!!
This is an affectionate and thoughtful article about Nancy's timelessness. #NancyDrewBR
First, I had no idea there were Nancy Drew cons!!
This is an affectionate and thoughtful article about Nancy's timelessness. #NancyDrewBR
Today I‘m listening to a new-to-me record from the Fever Dolls, an indie-rock group from Vermont. I was quite taken with the album cover - thought the #NancyDrewBR gang might enjoy it as well!
I fell down an amusing/ ridiculous rabbit hole this afternoon 😁
@Andrew65 @TheSpineView
So far I've been excellent at reading ONE book in a series and then moving on to something else. I think I may have book-related ADHD. 😂 Hopefully, I can change that. I committed to the #nancydrewbr, and I'm going to go for the Inspector Gamache series by Louise Penny as well. We'll see how that goes!
Thanks for hosting, Andrew and Lisa! 🤩😍🤗
The book con I‘m attending the week after next has some activities based on the first season off the CW series, so of course I gotta watch 🤷🏻♀️
For all the fans out there- a new line of collectibles! https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/childrens/childrens-industry-news/a...
Kaysen Emory is #NancyDrew for her 6 year photos. I can‘t believe our little detective is growing up this quickly but we are so very proud of who she is and how big her heart is! ❤️
Another eBay bargain - 6 hardback Nancy Drew mysteries for Qd.50!!
Went to Costco...decided books were better than groceries... I am powerless against boxed sets! #brainfood #bookaddict #butnowimhungry
For #FunFridayPhoto I have to take a picture of my Nancy Drew set. I started out reading Babysitter's Club books and when I was forced to move up a level for reading, I saw Nancy Drew and remembered one of the Babysitters (I believe Claudia) loving those books. Gave them a try and now I am going to pass on this set to our Daughter one day. I still love a good mystery!!!