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House Plants
House Plants | John Brookes
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Offers advice concerning plant selection, containers, lighting, and plant care, and includes information on cactus, succulents, bulbs, water gardens, and bonsai plants
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House Plants | John Brookes
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I found a new favorite plant book (not the tagged one). Snake plants are Scorpio, in case you were wondering.

janeycanuck Oh, my house plants definitely hate me 😂🤣😂 1y
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House Plants | John Brookes
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#GardenSelfie #SummerFun

This is a view of my laundry room. I couldn't decide what to share so I decided to share some of my houseplants in addition to my previous garden photo. This is a small part of my indoor plant collection, with more propagating on the washer. 😬

That-Bookish-Hiker Your plants! 😱😍😍 they are so beautiful! I have a few indoor plants. I‘ve used up all my window sills for books and plants and have no more room lol. 4y
sprainedbrain Oh I love this! What a great room. ❤️ 4y
Hufflepuffle I have serious plant envy 💚😍💚 4y
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VeganCleopatra @That-Bookish-Hiker Thanks! You'd be surprised how you can continually find more spots for plants...I've thought I had no room so many times. 😏 Don't you worry your books will get bleached on the windowsill? 4y
VeganCleopatra @sprainedbrain Thank you! Makes laundry a bit more tolerable! 4y
VeganCleopatra @Hufflepuffle Ha, thanks. If it helps, they're all a bit needy and sometimes I wonder why I have so many only to then...propagate more. 😆 4y
julesG Just seeing this. This is great! I love propagating plants and finding new spots for the babies. 4y
VeganCleopatra @julesG Thanks! They're finally in soil homes and will hopefully handle the transition. What plants do you like to propagate? 4y
julesG Mainly succulents, the ones with the funny names: gollum, hulk, etc. And spider plant and pilea. I try to get orchids to bloom again, with mixed results though. Found some sanseviera in the organic waste bin the other week. My neighbour had just dumped them, so I took three of the plants in. They seem to be doing fine. Would love to have really full shelves like yours, but my cats are doing research on the law of gravity too often. 😬 4y
VeganCleopatra @julesG Ah cats, hadn't considered that. I may be in for a rude awakening when I hopefully adopt a cat in the next few years (I currently live where cats are not allowed and miss having them terribly). I just won't think of the potential disasters right now. lol Your neighbor threw out perfectly good snake plants? How sad. Kudos for the rescue. I think most pilea hate me? Ha. 4y
VeganCleopatra @julesG And my husband is into succulents but I don't feel like we have enough light. I do love their look but I often struggle with them getting leggy. And spider plants! I have so many...they just never stop reproducing no matter how often I do birth control in time. I complain but they're so easy to take care of so 🤷‍♀️ 4y
julesG Cats take care of birth control with spider plants. At least my cats do. They eat the young plants. Now that I'm typing this, it sounds rather cruel. My neighbour had a whole flower box full of snake plants and threw 2/3 out. I could never throw out perfectly healthy plants that's cruel. She has agreed to let me take in any unwanted plants she might own in the future. 😁 Succulents seem to need lots of light, but I have a few that thrive in... 4y
julesG "darker" corners. I also managed to grow coffee out of three unroasted beans I snagged from the floor of an artisan coffee roasting café. I thought my pilea hated me, but then I gave her a larger pot and a place with direct sunlight in the evening only and it exploded with leaves. I also fertilise only once a year in spring and use organic fertiliser for herbs and vegetable plants. I'll take a few pictures of my plant hospice for you. 4y
VeganCleopatra @julesG Lol I hadn't thought of the fun a cat could have with the spider babies. It sounds like you'll be getting future plants then. I wonder what they'll be? 😏 When I spoke of the succulents I was thinking of the ones my husband always brings home but I do have a section that I always keep under a plant light that like me (string of dolphins, pearls, buttons etc). But some are super finicky. (edited) 4y
VeganCleopatra @julesG How clever to think of doing that from the coffee shop. I don't know if I should mention that to my husband, he loves trying things like that and then I have to find places to keep them. Ha. Changing my pilea pot did help but she's in morning light...she's definitely happier but could be moreso. I wonder if they actually prefer your light. I actually have other pilea species, like baby's tears, that love me...so there's that? Ha. 4y
VeganCleopatra @julesG BTW loved the photos! Thanks for sharing. Oh and regarding your coffee beans...did they all sprout and grow? How long did they take? 4y
julesG The coffee beans took ages. It works best with freshly harvested coffee cherries or green beans. The beans I had were not fresh off the tree. I soaked them in water for a day, then planted the beans in a mix of sand and pumice. Keeping the soil moist is important, but excess water must be able to drain off. 4y
julesG They didn't all sprout and grow. I have 2 plants. They were close to dying about two months ago. The climate is not ideal for coffee. Too cold and dark (inside the house) in winter, too hot and too harsh sunlight in summer. But I enjoyed the experiment. 😊 4y
VeganCleopatra @julesG So sorry for the delay! Interesting! I really wouldn't have thought they would have worked from a coffee shop at all. I totally get the experiment part...that's the part I think my husband likes the most too. We've tried tons of different tree and fruit seeds over the years just to see how it goes. We've been trying to grow aspens for years from seed but they are so stubborn. 4y
julesG No worries. I should say, I was in Hamburg in a shop situated in the still active warehouse district. So they have truly green beans fresh off the cargo ship. I'd probably have a harder time with green beans from the coffee shop around the corner. My next experiment is ginkgo. I know where there are a few trees that will have seeds in autumn. (ginkgo trees in bloom smell awful BTW, the total opposite of coffee trees in bloom). 4y
VeganCleopatra @julesG I haven't smelled a ginkgo tree in bloom I don't think. How would you describe the smell? 4y
julesG Like rotting butter. It's the female trees and it's the fruit that stink, not the flowers. Did not want to badmouth the flowers. The fruit are small round fruit that give off the smell. 4y
VeganCleopatra @julesG hmmm, does rotting butter smell like soured milk? 4y
julesG Worse! 4y
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House Plants | John Brookes
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Not book related but how cute is my new planter?!

As soon as I saw it I knew my string of pearls had to be repotted into it. ❤️❤️❤️

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 💗💗💗 4y
MoonWitch94 What kind of plant? 4y
Aims42 That‘s awesome!! 4y
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SW-T Adorable! I have a String of Pearls plant too, but the container isn‘t nearly as cute as yours. 😂 4y
Hooked_on_books You definitely found the perfect plant for it—really cute! 4y
DGRachel Love the planter, but I love that plant even more! 4y
alisiakae I love that! 4y
Texreader Super cute. 4y
Leftcoastzen So cute! 4y
allureofbeauty That‘s adorable 4y
That-Bookish-Hiker @MoonWitch94 it‘s called string of pearls. 4y
MoonWitch94 @That-Bookish-Hiker Oh!! Gotcha. Very cool plant. And the planter is very neat! 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Do y‘all still have your business on Etsy? 4y
That-Bookish-Hiker @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks yes we do! We temporarily closed it at the beginning of all the Covid stuff started to happen. Since we can‘t get them printed on our paper we are currently counting inventory of bookmarks we have and will update and reopen the shop, hopefully today. 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @That-Bookish-Hiker ok awesome!!! I may place an order soon !! 💗💗 4y
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House Plants | John Brookes
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This is me now ...basically ✌🏻
Waiting for tomorrow‘s school announcement
Had a great opera evening and colored a masterpiece
Hour long yoga today
Still a bit stir crazy 🤦🏽‍♀️
Reading cookbooks today 👩🏽‍🍳

Curiouser_and_curiouser I love this! It is really such a great time to reflect and slow life down. I am personally loving this down time and doing all of the things I love but never have time to do. 4y
Curiouser_and_curiouser I think I am almost ready for yoga too :) Enjoy this, might I say, special time with just you 💚 4y
TheBookHippie @Curiouser_and_curiouser I‘ve done yoga daily for 30 years...for my mental health and anxiety ❤️ 4y
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Lcsmcat 😂 4y
Crazeedi Love this! I got my seeds today, I'll be starting several veggies for garden this week! 4y
tracey38 I have to say, my mom says she always talks to her plants as she waters them, which is why they thrive. 💁‍♀️ ( But she also sings to the turkey she makes on Thanksgiving, and says this is why hers is always so good! 😄 ) 4y
TheBookHippie @tracey38 I do the exact same thing. I call it talking to the girls .. and I talk to my turkey too!!!! 4y
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House Plants | John Brookes
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My girls aka my plants and I had a good talk.
Banana bread is in the oven.
I got a few cleaning jobs done.
I walked and did yoga while listening to Music
Nightly opera is a gift.
I‘m going to take a nap
I‘ve avoided news all day💙
Hang in there everyone ✊🏼

Bookwormjillk This is tough, but also I hung some pictures that have been leaning against the wall since last June! 4y
TheBookHippie @Bookwormjillk 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤️ 4y
GingerAntics I‘ve taken to checking the headlines in the morning and then no news the rest of the day. It really helps. You can drive yourself mad with 2.5 hours of nothing but Coronavirus starting with the bloody 4:00 news. Others in my house do that. I put my headphones in and watch something else. 4y
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Scochrane26 I just watch my governor at 5. He‘s been channeling Mister Rogers, so he calms everyone down. 4y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I need a few days off 🤣 4y
GingerAntics That‘s for sure. It‘s getting more and more confining and reparative every day. 4y
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