Looking for your purpose in life? Want to live intentionally? This book may be for you, a great reminder to continue to pursue your talents and dreams.
Looking for your purpose in life? Want to live intentionally? This book may be for you, a great reminder to continue to pursue your talents and dreams.
If you have a stirring in your soul suggesting that you were meant for more, this is a really good read. A book and study that steers hearts towards their destiny in Christ using the gifts and talents that bring them joy. Such an encouraging and empowering book for women seeking to serve the Lord with their lives.
This is a problem, I can't seem to find anything to tickle my fancy- not even a reread. 📚🐲
"But even the seemingly fun, meaningful jobs end up feeling mundane when your elbows are sticky with leftover breakfast milk."
"...you better believe I waded through a lot of it… But if someone did not change my children's diapers they would not be able to change the world."
"You can see in others only what you have tasted yourself." -Jennie Allen