Well, I haven't posted for a while, have I? But I'm jumping back into Litsy because this book is too fascinating not to share! #naptimereading
Well, I haven't posted for a while, have I? But I'm jumping back into Litsy because this book is too fascinating not to share! #naptimereading
I can already tell that if this one stays decently clean and doesn't make me cry too much, I'm gonna like it. I'll keep you posted.
My library was having a book sale - these are just a few of my finds! I'm most excited about "Miracles" - I've been wanting to read it, and I got a brand-new hardback for $3!
I'm going with bail, because I just skimmed the second half of the book. Interesting story, but unnecessary bad language, and then an unnecessary pro-choice line soured this book for me. I skimmed to find out what happened, but it was just meh. Ending also can't really be satisfying in this format.
Tip of the day: when your library has a long list of holds for a book you want, see if the large print version is available! Who cares about the print size? It's the same book! Some language I don't appreciate in this, and it's coming from a secular viewpoint on sex, but enjoying the story so far.
My least favorite of the series. Eadlyn never made it past "snobby" for me, and the plot was muddy. Parents should be aware of a same-sex relationship in this story. The ending was good, but the book as a whole was "meh". And the flamingo -I have no explanation, it just made the pic prettier! ;-)
This is from a few months ago, but thought I'd re-share with The Bachelorette premiere tonight! ;-) I shot right through this one. Neat behind-the-scenes look for fans of the show, but her whole story is interesting.
I'm listening to the Finding Audrey audiobook right now. Not 100% sure what I think of it yet, but I think this is one I would actually recommend on audio over print. The language is so conversational I think it would be better that way.
I received this book to review, and really enjoyed this whole series. Slow-paced read, great for vacations. And the food descriptions make me hungry! More coming on my blog...
I've been wanting to read this book for a while and I picked up the audiobook! I loved the narration and really enjoyed it. The ending made me cry. I can only give it three stars though because the cussing just got outrageous. It was too much and kind of ruined it for me.
My view this morning. Today is a reading day, and "finish my book" is the only thing on my to-do list. #babiesandbooks