Ugh this series is just so good! I‘m actually annoyed my library hold came in bc I‘ll have to pause this series 😂 also I‘m totally Team Sailor!
Ugh this series is just so good! I‘m actually annoyed my library hold came in bc I‘ll have to pause this series 😂 also I‘m totally Team Sailor!
So. Much. Dog. Poop. Good thing I have an audio book!
The third book in the series and I‘m still really enjoying it. Great characters and fun plots!
Yes! Gotta love witchy books for the feminist aspect! 💪
I‘m continuing on with this fun series! 🖤💜🖤
I just love these supernatural mysteries! In this one, we find out more about the backgrounds of Aidan — male witch — and of Oscar, Lily‘s familiar given to her by Aidan. Still don‘t care for Max and his Darrin Stevens behavior. I wish Lily would dump him.
"His voice was smoky, his eyes heavy-lidded and seductive. A bit of mysterious sadness showed through his gruff exterior. Though I had seen him act this way to others, he had never turned his dubious charms on me." -p95
#WitchcraftMystery #mystery #paranormal
"His voice was smoky, his eyes heavy-lidded and seductive. A bit of mysterious sadness showed through his gruff exterior. Though I had seen him act this way to others, he had wer turned his dubious charms on me." -p95
Fun cozy series with a supernatural touch. Good commuting entertainment.
Started this last night. Fun cozy mystery series with a bit of witchcraft. Xe Sands does a great job of narrating.
I was reading the kindle version but found this copy at the library! Yay for "real" books!