Really interesting, short and sweet biographies of women on the American frontier. I appreciated the mix of women included and their contributions to their families and communities.
Really interesting, short and sweet biographies of women on the American frontier. I appreciated the mix of women included and their contributions to their families and communities.
I liked the stories of the women, I could have done without the commentary.
This was interesting. I learned about women I had never heard of. I like that these women are presented with all their complications, even if that means that they don't fit our contemporary ideas of feminist icons. I could have done without the author's commentary on her feelings about each woman at the end of each chapter, but otherwise it was a worthwhile listen.
Audiobook | Profiles of frontier era women, many of whom I didn't know about before. The book is well-written and gives a reminder at the end of each profile to remember that we have it in ourselves to drive forward and not give up.
The author makes it clear that these are not saintly women, they have their faults, some reprehensible, some a product of the times. All, however, persevere in a time where everything is stacked against them.
My first audiobook. I‘ve always had difficulty with audiobook attempts before but a tip I read to go with nonfiction helped. That and I only listened to it in the car (as a passenger) or walking so there‘s not so much to distract me. This was very good and easily held my attention. I loved the diversity of the women profiled. #audiobook
The author profiles twelve women whose contributions to American history have been largely overlooked. A few I was familiar with, but most were new to me. Some of the women succeeded in male-dominated occupations, some fought for social justice, and some focused on creating strong families and communities. All worked to be the change they wanted to see in the world.
When Clara Brown earned her freedom, she went looking for the daughter that was taken away from her and sold. Traveling across the country, she helped any and everyone along the way. She finally found her daughter in her last few years of life. An inspiring woman that shows what true generosity and perseverance look like. #blackhistory #riotgrams
This was a collection of AMAZING real-life women stories. I loved the variety of people. It was hard to hear about their sufferings and inspiring to hear what they did with their lives in spite of it. I loved learning the history surrounding their stories as well. Not a fan of the narrator.
Starting this tonight😀📚
I had a really great month for non-fiction and picked two of them for my favorites instead of one of each for fiction and non-fiction.
#MarchintoReading #monthlystats #BestofMarch
I enjoyed this fairly short audiobook of true stories of pioneer women! It briefly describes the lives of 12 women from diverse backgrounds with very different life experiences. I appreciated that these were not women with whom I was already familiar and that they demonstrated a pioneering spirit in a variety of ways.
#nonfiction #audiobook #RecentNonfictionRead #MarchintoReading #hoopla
I don't know if there is any way that I will actually finish all of these by the end of the month, but this is the hopeful #MarchTBR at the moment. There will be more audio (Frontier Grit is in progress), but I'm not sure what will be available nor what will catch my interest next.
Starting this audiobook on my way to school today!
#nonfiction #audiobook #hoopla
Finished this book about some #historicalheroines of the American Frontier earlier this week. These women definitely personify #neverthelessshepersisted. Have been slow to return to library because I'm mining the bibliography and footnotes for further reading 😃 #feistyfeb
I really enjoyed learning about some unsung female frontier heroes of the not so distant past. I'd heard of a few of these women, but not much past their names and what they were famous for... Here we get a synopsis of their lives and accomplishments and each chapter has additional reading recommendations, which I found helpful.
The women in this book did some remarkable and admirable things. I guess I was hoping for more "day to day" frontier life. #LitsyAtoZ
Didn't have any downtime to read at work last night. So I'm going to read myself to sleep this morning 😴💤💤💤
Addicting read. I have to finish reading all of these stranger than fiction tales of women in the 1800s tonight!
Really great stories about gritty women!!
My most recent bookish acquisition. Don't you just love this cover??! @wordsworthsprite, you know me so well. #latestbookishbuys #photoadaynov16
Currently reading Frontier Grit by Marianne Monson. Fascinating true stories about dating pioneer women.