Is it possible to feel nostalgic about something you have not experienced? That good.
Is it possible to feel nostalgic about something you have not experienced? That good.
I want to read more of bohemian lives during the postwar period in New York. I prefer novellas to long, factual essays for the moment. Any suggestions? 🙏🏻
I began to get a feeling familiar to me from my bartending days of being the only sane man in a nuthouse. It doesn't make you feel superior but depressed and scared, because there is nobody you can contact.
Sorry my #spinepoetry is gruesome. We have Kerouac and Burroughs to thank. #MarchIntoReading
Honestly, I didn't know what to expect from this book. I'm a Kerouac fan but have never read anything by Burroughs. Turned out to be a pretty clever book. I loved the peek into the bohemian lifestyle of the 1940's. The different POV's were annoying at first but by the end it broke up any monotony (which there was little of). Definitely a book I recommend to Kerouac/Burroughs fans! #JackKerouac #WilliamSBurroughs
Definitely not for everyone but I absolutely loved it, especially the ending!
Lent this to a friend, but was overprotective of the dustcover. I read this on a plane to China, really engaging story, Jack and Bill taking alternate chapters. Early work too, written in 1945, and I love Junky and Queer and this fit in really well, although not released for decades, I think mostly to protect people who feature. Followed drink fueled adventures and the death of David Kammerer who was obsessed with Lucien Carr. Enjoyed!
Written by two of my favorite writers. Love the scene creation and the dialogue.
"Al is one of the best guys I know, and you couldn't find better company. And Phillip is all right too. But when they get together something happens, and they form a combination which gets on everybody's nerves." - William S. Burroughs