This wonderful book is only 99c/99p on Kindle just now... I urge you to read #youwontbedisappointed
This wonderful book is only 99c/99p on Kindle just now... I urge you to read #youwontbedisappointed
Am absolutely loving the amazing reviews coming in for this one...it's my baby!
Well I went in... Now I envy everyone who is going to discover this book for the first time! It's got everything! Wow! Wow! Wow! #gogetthisbook #whatareyouwaitingfor
It is, at its heart, a love story, tragic and moving, but also covers the abuse of women in Pakistan that appears to be the accepted norm, and a tale of retribution and revenge. The author, Owen Mullen‘s excellent writing will make you angry at the injustices but then cry at the sheer heart rending emotion. I know this is a cliche, but I really could not put this down and read it in one (quite long) sitting. 99p for kindle