This wonderful book is only 99c/99p on Kindle just now... I urge you to read #youwontbedisappointed
This wonderful book is only 99c/99p on Kindle just now... I urge you to read #youwontbedisappointed
Absolutely loved this... amazing story! Narrators voice threw me at first but very quickly became addictive! hope they do the whole series!!!
Kindle Kindle Unlimited Audiobook Treebook
There's a great talent here... but I'm struggling - sadly too verbose for me!
Just about to start this... Anyone read it?
Just saw this boxset on Kindle countdown deal... $2.99/£1.99 has anyone read it. I've read some of the author's other stuff and loved it!
Well I went in... Now I envy everyone who is going to discover this book for the first time! It's got everything! Wow! Wow! Wow! #gogetthisbook #whatareyouwaitingfor