One from my Kindle TBR that I really must read soon!
One from my Kindle TBR that I really must read soon!
If I had to pick one genre to read for the rest of my life it would definitely be supernatural / horror. I love a good ghost story and whilst this book isn‘t scary, it is haunting. Each tale is based on legend or folklore and whilst they are generally quite predictable, they are enjoyable and easy to digest. “The Mistletoe Bride” would be my pick. As well as being ghostly, it‘s sorrowful too. A great winters evening read.
"There are moments - in the middle of a busy day or at the dusty tail-end of an autumn afternoon - when, just for an instant, everything stops. Time loses its step and falters. Then the past rushes in. Just in that moment, you see it all clearly, painted in vivid colours, the angles sharp."
Ghost stories before bed! 👻
In the bleak midwinter... #decktheshelves #setinwinter
Sitting on my porch, during the rain. The power has gone out, but I'm chillin with a few "Haunting Tales."
#austintx #hurricaneharvey #ghoststories #rainydays #noelectricity
I stopped getting it on the second short story in ☹️ I'm going bail on this one but I'll definitely try another of her books...
#bookhaul from this morning's Boston excursion!
Onto the next, I was disappointed by my last read. Luckily, Kate Mosse is one of my favorites.
Half way through now. The stories are enjoyable but tame. A lot of environment descriptions, a bit lacking on things happening. Seriously though: more periods, less commas. Having sentences run on for four or five lines of text doesn't make it more prosaic or whatever. It just makes it annoying.
So most people plan a trip to Ireland by making lists and booking things.... I prefer to read about their hauntings 😁👻☠🤓 (but I also make lists...ha!) This is such a fun read and I will not sleep the entire trip. Worth it!
A birthday present from my sister ❤️