This is his eighth read of the volume and he asked for 6 and 7 for Christmas. 8th due out in French in September.
This is his eighth read of the volume and he asked for 6 and 7 for Christmas. 8th due out in French in September.
My son's bookish gifts were a hit. He got the first four volumes of Super Dog, others too, and Narwhal and Jelly stuffies. They have not left his side.
1️⃣ My son's hotel room gymnastics while waiting for my husband to wake up.
2️⃣ Once we are back home, yes.
3️⃣ Black. Although I'm not dressed yet.
4️⃣ At home? Bed, night stands, chests of drawers, papasan, lamps.
5️⃣ Chinese fondue with the close family.
#mindea #humpdaypost